Dr. Vindhya Raparla
10 years of experience
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About Dr.Vindhya
Dr. Vindhya Raparla is one of the most esteemed doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Vindhya Specializations
- Dermatologist
Dr.Vindhya Awards
- F.A.M 2018
Dr.Vindhya Education
- MBBS - KLE University, Belgaum
- MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy - Saveetha University, Chennai
Dr.Vindhya Experience
DermatologiDr.Sheth's2019 - 2019
Dr.Vindhya Registration
- 112208 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 2015
- Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
- Cosmetic Dermatology Society of India (CDSI)
- Anti Aging Treatment
- Dermabrasion
- Laser Hair Removal
- Microdermabrasion
- Skin Allergies
- Skin Tag Treatment
- Trichology
- Wrinkle Treatment
- Beauty Enhancement
- Skin Biopsy
- Skin Rejuvenation
- Hyper Pigmentation Treatment