Dr. Vineet Bhatia Medical Registration Verified
30 years of experience
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About Dr.Vineet
Dr. Vineet Bhatia is a highly experienced and accomplished cardiologist with over 20 years of experience in the field. He is known for his expertise in a wide range of cardiology practices, including balloon valvuloplasty, implantations, and coronary angioplasty. He is currently working as a senior consultant in the Department of Cardiology at Fortis Escort Heart Institute Delhi
Dr.Vineet Specializations
- Cardiologist
- Cardiac Surgeon
Dr.Vineet Education
- MBBS - Cardiology Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Dr.Vineet Experience
Senior consultantFortis Hospital2021 - 2023
Senior Consultant, CardiologyFortis Hospital, Noida2005 - 2021
Lecturer, Department of CardiologyGrants Medical College and Sir JJ. Group of Hospitals2003 - 2005
Senior Resident CardiologyNational Heart Institute, New Delhi1999 - 2000
Senior Resident CardiologyBatra Hospital & Medical Research Centre, New Delhi1998 - 1999
Dr.Vineet Registration
- 73818 Delhi Medical Council 2015
- Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy