Dr. Vineet Dubey
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Vineet
Dr. Vineet Dubey is a highly skilled doctor in Hyderabad.
Dr.Vineet Specializations
- Dentist
- Implantologist
Dr.Vineet Awards
- Best Passing out Intern Award from Army College Of Dental Sciences 2010
- Gold Medalist From Army College Of Dental Sciences 2011
- First Prize At 29th AP State Dental Sciences 2008
Dr.Vineet Education
- BDS - Army College of Dental Sciences
Dr.Vineet Experience
Dental SurgeonPerfect Smile Multispeciality Dental Care2010 -
Dental SurgeonArmy College Of Dental Sciences2017 - 2017
Dr.Vineet Registration
- A-10284 Andhra Pradesh State Dental Council 2010
- Surgical Tooth Extraction
- Artificial Teeth
- Dental Braces Fixing
- Teeth Reshaping
- Teeth Whitening
- Straightening Teeth Invisalign
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Teeth Jewellery