Dr. Vishal Bansal Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
15 years of experience
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About Dr.Vishal
Dr. Vishal Bansal is a highly skilled doctor in Faridabad.
Dr.Vishal Specializations
- Orthodontist
Dr.Vishal Awards
Dr.Vishal Education
- BDS - Institute Of Dental Studies And Technologies, Modinagar
- MDS - Orthodontics - D.J. College of Dental Sciences Research, Modi Nagar
Dr.Vishal Experience
Senior ResidentDJ College of Dental Sciences and Research2012 - 2015
Dr.Vishal Registration
- 4103 Haryana State Dental Council 2010
- Indian Orthodontic Society
- Indian Dental Association
- Restoration Aesthetics
- Retention Implant Dentures
- Braces Adjustment
- Smile Design
- Bps Dentures Fixing
- Dental Examinations
- Preparation For Dentures
- Dental Restoration
- Dental Prophylaxis