Dr. Vishal Kumar Chitikeshi Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
12 years of experience
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About Dr.Vishal
I'm a specialist in respiratory medicine /pulmonology. I deal with respiratory diseases of all kinds including asthma, TB [tuberculosis], lung cancer, pleural diseases, interstitial lung diseases, and pneumonia. We also deal with obstructive sleep apnea. I'm passionate to establish a facility that involves a holistic approach and management for all kinds of respiratory diseases. Common procedures we do are spirometry [PFT], bronchoscopy [flexible and rigid], Ebus tbna, and medical thoracoscopy. I did my specialty training at the prestigious institute of JIPMER at Pondicherry and later worked as a Fellow at Max hospital, Saket, Delhi. Presently I also work as a Consultant at AIG hospitals, gachibowli , Hyd which is a multi-specialty hospital established by world renowned Dr. Nageshwar reddy , Chairman of AIG group of hospitals.
Dr.Vishal Specializations
- Pulmonologist
Dr.Vishal Education
- MD - Pulmonary Medicine - JIPMER, Pondicherry
- MBBS - Kakatiya Medical College, Wrangal
Dr.Vishal Experience
Dr.Vishal Registration
- 71202 Andhra Pradesh Medical Council 2011
- Indian Chest Society
- American College of Chest Physicians
- European Respiratory Society (ERS)
- Bronchial Asthma Treatment
- Bronchoscopy
- Cough Treatment
- Interstitial Lung Disease Treatment
- Lung Cancer Treatment
- Pleural Effusion Treatment
- Pneumonia Treatment