Dr. Vishal Sawant
26 years of experience
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Patient reviews for Dr. Vishal Sawant
Verified User
Dementia Treatment
I stopped seeing him, since 2017-18, however psyching didn't stop, I dont know how, everywhere I went I was welcomed with psyching words, my mobile phones didnt function well often, inspite of changing to new ones, laptop also crashed many times...I cant be able to rate him. I now seek his written apology on or before 3rd Jan, 2024
About Dr.Vishal
Dr. Vishal Sawant is a renowned doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Vishal Specializations
- Psychiatrist
- Addiction Psychiatrist
- Psychotherapist
Dr.Vishal Awards
- An Appreciation Award from The IPS - Maharashtra State Branch 2005
Dr.Vishal Education
- MBBS - University of Mumbai, Mumbai
- M.D. (Psychiatry) - University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Dr.Vishal Experience
ConsultantGuru Nanak Hospital & Research Centre2000 - 2018
ConsultantAsian Heart Institute2003 - 2018
Dr.Vishal Registration
- 084099 Maharashtra Medical Council 1997
- Indian Psychiatric Society
- Indian Association of Private Psychiatry
- Association of Medical Consultants
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Dementia Treatment
- Depression Treatment
- Schizophrenia Treatment
- Anxiety Disorders Treatment
- Insomnia Treatment
- Bipolar Disorder Treatment
- Anxiety Disorder Counselling
- Psychotherapy Adult
- Psychotherapy For Couples