Dr. Vishnu Ramanujan
18 years of experience
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About Dr.Vishnu
Dr. Vishnu Ramanujan is a renowned doctor in Chennai.
Dr.Vishnu Specializations
- Orthopedist
Dr.Vishnu Education
- MBBS - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
- Diploma in Orthopaedics - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
- DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery - National Board Of Examination
Dr.Vishnu Experience
ConsultantApollo Hospital2018 - 2019
Dr.Vishnu Registration
- 113354 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 2015
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Foot Assessment
- Foot Drop
- Foot Injury Treatment
- Heat Therapy Treatment
- Lower Extremity Wound Care
- Neuropathy Assessment