Dr. Wakil Ahmed Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
32 years of experience
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About Dr.Wakil
Dr. Wakil Ahmed is a reputed doctor in Dhaka with over 32 years of experience.
Dr.Wakil Specializations
- Orthopedist
Dr.Wakil Education
- FACS - American College of Surgeon
- MMEd - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
- MS ( Orthopedic Surgery ) - NITOR, University of Dhaka
- MCPS ( Surgery ) - Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons ( BCPS ), Dhaka
- MBBS - M.A.G Osmani Medical College, Sylhet ,University of Chittagong
Dr.Wakil Experience
- Indian Arthroscopic Society.
- Society of Surgeons, Bangladesh
- Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Editorial Board (2010-2012), Journal of Bangladesh Orthopedic Society
- Dhaka University Alumni Association, Bangladesh
- AO group, Bangladesh
- Hip And Knee Joint Replacement Surgery
- Knee Ankle Shoulder Elbow Arthroscopy Surgeries
- Trauma Surgery
- Acl Reconstruction
- Pcl Reconstruction And Repair
- Frozen Shoulder
- Meniscus Tear
- Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment