Dr. Worawong Slisatkorn Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Cardiac Surgeon
32 years of experience
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About Dr.Worawong
Dr. Worawong Slisatkorn is one of the most esteemed doctor in Bangkok.
Dr.Worawong Specializations
- Cardiac Surgeon
Dr.Worawong Education
- Certificate Cardiothoracic Surgery - Cleveland Clinic, USA
- Fellow Vascular Surgery - University Medical Centre, Utrecht, the Netherlands
- Fellow Cardiothoracic Surgery - Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
- Certificate Applied Medical Sciences - Chiang Mai University, Thailand
- MD - Siriraj Hospital
Dr.Worawong Experience
Resident (Cardiothoracic Surgery)Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand
Resident (Surgery)Chiang Mai University, Thailand
- The Medical Association of Thailand
- The Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand
- The Society of Thoracic Surgeons of Thailand
- The Heart Association of Thailand
- Treatment Of Arrhythmia
- Coronary Artery Disease
- Electrocardiography Ecg
- Pet Scan
- Atrial Fibrillation
- Atrial Septal Defect
- Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment
- Asd Vsd Device Closure
- Aortic Stenting
- Cardiac Catheterisation
- Cardiac Ablation