Dr. Yogesh Khanse Medical Registration Verified
Medical Registration Verified
Spine And Pain Specialist
16 years of experience
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About Dr.Yogesh
Dr. Yogesh Khanse is one of the most esteemed doctor in Pune.
Dr.Yogesh Specializations
- Spine And Pain Specialist
- Ayurveda
Dr.Yogesh Education
- BAMS - Maharashtra Universtity of Health Sciences, Nashik
Dr.Yogesh Experience
DoctorBhagirathi Ayurved, Sangvi2008 - 2016
DoctorChaitanya Hospital2013 - 2016
DoctorArogyam Ayurevd2015 - 2016
DoctorBhagirathi Ayurved, Wakad2010 - 2016
Dr.Yogesh Registration
- I-59422-A Maharashtra Medical Council 2008
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Takradhara
- Nasyam
- Abhyangam
- Panchakarma
- Lepanam
- Shirodhara
- Udwarthanam