Dr. Durgatosh Pandey
Surgical Oncologist
25 years of experience
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About Dr.Durgatosh
Dr.Durgatosh Specializations
- Surgical Oncologist
- Oncologist
Dr.Durgatosh Awards
- Founder member of the Lung Cancer Consortium Asia
- Founder member of Esophageal cancer consortium
- Trustee member ofCON (Indian Co-operative Oncology Network)
- External examiner for M.Ch (Surgical Oncology) examination at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai since June 2013
- Member of the ICMR Task Force on
- Pandey D, Sharma J, Garg PK, Manjunath NML. Extrahepatic bile duct resection: an insight in the management of gallbladder cancer. Poster presentation (15t prize) at NATCON-IASO 2014, Chennai, 18-20 September 2014.
- Ramanathan P, Shukla NK, Deo SVS, Kumar S, Pandey D, Vatsal S, Jakhetiya A. Locally advanced lung cancer with low nodal involvement and concomitant tuberculosis in a tertiary care cancer center of India. — Poster presentation at IASLC : 15th World Confere
- Pandey D, Shukla NK, Palaniappan RM. Eighteen cases of hepatic resection in a single tertiary care cancer center in India. — Poster presentation in Indian Cancer Congress 2013, 20-24 November 2013, New Delhi.
- Garg PK, Shakya R, Pandey D. Xanthogranutomatous cholecystitis with obstructive jaundice masquerades gallbladder cancer: a formidable diagnostic challenge continues. — Poster presentation in Indian Cancer Congress 2013, 20-24 November 2013, New Delhi.
- Garg PK, Pandey D. Muscle-sparing thoracotomy. — Video presentation (Third prize) in Indian Cancer Congress 2013, 20-24 November 2013, New Delhi.
- USegment 3 bypass for advanced gallbladder cancer with obstructive jaundice
- Master video on "SMV resection in pancreaticoduodenectomy" in the 12th International Conference of the Asian Clinical Oncology Society (ACOS-2016), New Delhi, 10 April 2016
- Have written a book on science and philosophy, "A Peep Into Void" that has just been published by Partridge publications. It is a chronicle of my quest and my own ideas about the origin of the universe and the nature of reality.
Dr.Durgatosh Education
- MBBS - G B Pant Hospital / Moulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
- MS - General Surgery - G B Pant Hospital / Moulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi
- MCh - Surgical Oncology - Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai
- DNB - General Surgery - National Board of Examination, India
Dr.Durgatosh Experience
Surgical Oncology, Director & HeadArtemis Hosptial2017 -
Senior ConsultantMax Cancer Centre, Saket2015 -
Visiting Fellow (Thoracic Surgery — VATS & Robotic)Johns Hopkins Hospital, Maryland, USA2015 - 2015
A/Professor (Surgical Oncology) — in-Charge for Thoracic & Gl ServicesInstitute Rotary Cancer Hospital, Alf India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi2012 - 2015
Assistant Professor (Surgical Oncology)Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University2007 - 2012
Surgical Fellow (Hepatobiliary Surgery & Liver Transplantation)Asian Centre for Liver Diseases and Transplantation, Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore2006 - 2007
Dr.Durgatosh Registration
- 14669 Medical Council of India (MCI) 1996
- Founder Member of the Lung Cancer Consortium Asia.
- Fonder Member of Esophageal cancer Consortium.
- Trustee Member of ICON (India Cooperative Oncology Network).
- External Examiner for M.Ch (Surgical Oncology) examination at Tata Memorial Hospital Mumbai since June 2013.
- Member of the ICMR Task Force on “Review of Guidelines for Management of Lung Cancer”.
- Indian Society of Oncology (ISO)
- Indian Society for the diseases of Esophagus and Stomach
- Indian Association of Surgical Oncology
- Chemotherapy
- Cytology Guided By Ultrasound
- Giant Cell Tumour Treatment
- Breast Cancer Treatment
- Parotid Surgery
- Lung Cancer Treatment
- Cancer Surgery
- Bone Marrow Transplant
- Mohs Surgery
- External Beam Radiation For Prostate Cancer
- Stem Cell Transplantation
- Gynecological Cancer Treatment