Dr. Mona Gajre
Pediatric Neurologist
29 years of experience
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About Dr.Mona
Dr. Mona Gajre is a renowned doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Mona Specializations
- Pediatric Neurologist
- Pediatrician
Dr.Mona Awards
- Dr Gajre has won numerous awards and credits for her presentations at various state and nation level conferences,CME's, across the country.
- Prevalence of familial ADHD in a child diagnosed with ADHD in an Indian setting 1st prize for poster presentation at Mumbai,SRS 2019
- Study of applicability of International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) 2010 classification at tertiary centre’ 2nd prize for poster paper presentation at Nagpur, Neuropedicon 2015
- PFT: a tool for monitoring respiratory status in chronic persistent asthma” 1st prize for the best oral paper presentation at the Annual Mumbai and Navi Mumbai pediatric conference, EMBICON 2000.
- Adverse drug reactions (ADR) in children – 1stprize for the best poster paper presentation at Annual Mumbai and Navi Mumbai pediatric conference, EMBICON, October 1998.
Dr.Mona Education
- MBBS - University of Mumbai, Mumbai
- MD - Pediatrics - University of Mumbai, Mumbai
- Diploma in Child Health (DCH) - The College of Physicians of Bombay
Dr.Mona Experience
Dr.Mona Registration
- 80759 Maharashtra Medical Council 1996
- Life Member- Indian Academy of Pediatrics(IAP), Association of Medical Consultants(AMC)
- Society of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics(SDBP) ,USA
- ICOR2 program member an international forum for training in developmental and behavioral pediatrics, initiative by the SDBP since 2008
- Advisory Board member of Project Mumbai(NGO)