Dr. Nagaraj H K
39 years of experience
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Dr.Nagaraj Specializations
- Urologist
Dr.Nagaraj Awards
- Gold Medallist in ENT Competition Exam.
- Best Scientific Paper Award at Annual Conference of U.S.I. Delhi 1983
- Best Scientific Paper Award at Annual Conference of Kerala Urological Association, Manipal 1985
- Best Scientific Paper Award at Bangalore Surgical Society Meeting 1988
- Organizing Secretary– 29th Annual Conference Urological Society of India 1996, Bangalore 1996
- Best Paper Award by International College of Surgeons 1990
- Gold Medal for the Outstanding Research in Urology– by the Bangalore Rotary International 1997
- Gold Medal for the Outstanding Scientific Paper in Urology– by the Bangalore Rotary International 1998
- Arya Bhata Award 2003
- Kannada Rajyothsava Award 2007
- Doctors Day Award 2008
Dr.Nagaraj Education
- MBBS - Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore
- MS - General Surgery - Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore
- MCh - Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery - Kasturba Medical College
Dr.Nagaraj Experience
Dr.Nagaraj Registration
- 16448 Karnataka Medical Council 1976
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Life Member, Urology Society of India.
- Life Member, Urological City Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India.
- Member, Association of Surgeons of India
- Member, International College of Surgeons Indian Section.
- Member, Kerala Urological association.
- Member, Karnataka Urological Association.
- Member, Association of Sothern Urologists.
- Member, Urological Society of India.
- Member, Endo Urology Society.
- Member, Society of International Urology.
- Organizing Secretary – 29th Annual Conference Urological society of India 1996, Bangalore.
- Kidney Stone Treatment