Dr. Nishikant Borse
Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
35 years of experience
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About Dr.Nishikant Borse
Dr. Nishikant Borse is one of the most esteemed doctor in Mumbai.
Dr.Nishikant Borse Specializations
- Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
Dr.Nishikant Borse Awards
- C S Reshmi Award by All India Ophthamological Society 2018
- Rhett Buckler Award by American Society of Retina Specialista 2018
- J.M.Pahwa Award by the Vitreoretinal Society of India 2009
- Dr.V.K.Chitnis Oration Award by the Maharashtra Ophthalmological Society 2006
Dr.Nishikant Borse Experience
Consultant Vitreo Retinal SurgeonKrishna Eye Centre2007 - 2023
Consultant Retinal SurgeonDr L H Hiranandani Hopsital2008 - 2014
Consultant Retinal SurgeonInsight Eye Clinic2007 - 2014
Dr.Nishikant Borse Registration
- 63892 Maharashtra Medical Council 1990
- All India Ophthalmological Society
- American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
- Bombay Ophthalmologists' Association (BOA)
- Vitreoretinal society of india
- American Society of Retinal Specialists
- Cataract Surgery
- Retinal Detachment Surgery
- Eye Surgery
- Uveitis
- Phacoemulsification Surgery