Dr. V. Mohan Medical Registration Verified
47 years of experience
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About Dr.V.
Dr.V. Specializations
- Diabetologist
- Consultant Physician
Dr.V. Awards
- Madras Science Academy Award 1974
- Nageswara Pantulu Gold Medal for Original Research during Postgraduate Medical Education (University of Madras) 1976
- Boehringer-Knoll Lectureship in Diabetes (Association of Physicians of India) 1983
- Rameshwardasji Birla Smarath Kosh Fellowship, Bombay 1984
- Dr .R.V .Sathe Award for research in Diabetes.(Diabetes Association of India) 1984
- Welcome Research Fellowship,U.K. 1985
- Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship, West Germany. 1986
- Shakuntala Amir Chand Prize for Young Scientists by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi 1988
- IMPAI Research Award by Independent Medical Practitioners Association of India 1988
- Dr. Periasastry Memorial Gold Medal Oration IMA Andhra (Amalapuram) 1988
- Late Dr .J .N.Karande Oration Award ( Diabetic Association of India) 1989
- Sivanthi Adityan Gold Medal for best paper presented at Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India,Calcutta, January 1989
- Dr. J.N. Berry Memorial Award for the best paper presented at the Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India,Agra , January 1991
- E .Merck Award for the best paper presented at the annual conference of Association of Physicians of India, Guwahati,January 1994
- Hoechst Senior Lectureship in Diabetes Oration Award by Association of Physicians of India 1995
Dr.V. Education
- MBBS - Madras University, Chenai, India
- MD - General Medicine - Madras Medical College, Chennai
Dr.V. Experience
Research AssistantDiabetes Research Centre & M.V. Hospital for Diabetes1976 - 1981
Welcome Research FellowRoyal Postgraduate Medical Schools & Hammersmith Hospital, London,U.K.1984 - 1985
Alexander Von Humboldt FellowUniversity of Ulm, West Germany1985 - 1986
DirectorM.V.Hospital for Diabetes1986 - 1991
Deputy DirectorDiabetes Research Centre1986 - 1991
Chairman & Chief DiabetologistDr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre1991 -
Director & Chief of Diabetes ResearchMadras Diabetes Research Foundation1997 -
Adjunct Visiting ProfessorHubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health,Emory University, Atlanta, USA2006 -
Visiting ProfessorDepartment of Medical Research, SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre2010 -
Ph.D SupervisorSastra University2013 -
Honorary ProfessorDivision of Metabolic & Vascular Health, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, UK2014 -
Adjunct FacultyDepartment of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Madras2015 -
Dr.V. Registration
- 30073 Tamil Nadu Medical Council 1978
- Indian Medical Association (IMA)