Male | 25
¿Por qué me duelen los ojos en ambos lados?
Dolor en los ojos pero no está rojo o no se ve algo en los ojos, dolor en ambos lados, ¿qué problema?

Oftalmólogo/Cirujano Oftalmológico
Answered on 11th Sept '24
La fatiga visual puede explicar por qué tiene molestias en ambos ojos sin la presencia de manchas rojas u otras cosas en ellos. Este suele ser el caso cuando dedicas demasiado tiempo a la pantalla mientras la miras o lees. Alivia tus ojos tomando descansos, parpadeando con frecuencia y usando lágrimas artificiales. Cuando el dolor persiste por más tiempo de lo habitual, no debería ser un problema programar una visita a unoftalmólogo.
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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)
i am 23 year old and my eye turned red yesterday and it is itching too
Male | 23
Pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis, may be causing your eye issue. Redness and itchiness are symptoms of this condition. A viral or bacterial infection likely triggers it. Applying cool compresses to your eye can provide relief. Avoid touching or rubbing the affected area. Over-the-counter eye drops may also help alleviate discomfort. Frequent handwashing is crucial to prevent spreading the infection to others.
Answered on 28th Aug '24
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Dry eye problem. Watering eyes, blurry vision, burning
Male | 26
Dry eye occurs when your eyes do not produce adequate tears or the tears are poor quality. It can lead to watery eyes, blurred vision, and a burning sensation. Potential causes include aging, certain medications, or extended screen time. To help alleviate symptoms, use artificial tears, avoid smoke exposure, and take breaks from screens. Additionally, frequent blinking can help keep your eyes moisturized.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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Want to know about retina treatment
Male | 50
The retina is a thin film of tissue making the inner surface of your eye that transmits the images outside to your brain. Problems with the retina can lead to serious vision issues. Signs of the problem with the retina you might get are blurred vision, flashes of light that come out of nowhere, and the perception of something that is not there in your field of vision. Causes can range from aging to serious conditions like diabetes. In the case of treatment, the restoration of vision is usually done by a surgical operation on the damaged retina.
Answered on 9th Oct '24
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Hello I am looking for a treatment for an eye whose nerves have stopped functioning.
Male | 60
You might be affected by a disorder of the eye, where the nervous cells in the eye are not working properly. This may be due to aging, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Nevertheless, it also might be that a person exhibits signs of blurred, partial, or total vision loss. Treatments for that might include taking special eye drops or doing procedures that will be put in place to protect your nerve endings that are situated in the eye. Your optometrist can prescribe eye drops or other medications to improve your vision.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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For the last three days my eyes are itching a lot and have become a little red too.
Female | 19
You might have eye allergies. Itchy, red, watery eyes often mean allergens like dust, pollen, or pet dander irritating them. Over-the-counter eye drops can help soothe the discomfort. Don't rub your eyes. Wash hands often and keep living spaces clean to reduce allergens. If symptoms persist, consult an eye care professional.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 15 years old and a few days my eyes color change in to red colour from 14 days and also some pain
Male | 15
There can be various reasons why eyes get red. One of them is allergies but also due to an infection or because they’re dry. In addition, if we stare at screens for too long our eyes may become sore and pinkish. Use some artificial tears and take frequent breaks from your electronic devices. If these symptoms persist then visit an eye specialist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Salam alikoum je présente une cécité de mon œil gauche suite à une chirurgie de la cataracte ancienne de cinq ans depuis son apparition après un traitement adéquat mais sans résultat mon œil est presque abîmé suite à un décollement de rétine et de la choroïde est ce qu'il y a un Espoir pour mon œil chez-vous et Merci d' avance
Femelle | 57
My suggestion is that you get an appointment with an ophthalmologist to have a look at the condition of your left eye. Complications do occur in a cataract surgery, though this procedure is very popular. The retina and choroid can detach from each other, and then cause permanent vision loss.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have Eye red 3 days... I want eye drop or tab for treatment
Male | 24
Allergies, infections, or dryness may cause this. Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops can be used to treat it. These drops will help relieve your eyes and reduce the redness. Stick to the label directions and don't rub your eyes. If the redness does not go away or becomes worse, please see an eye specialist as soon as possible.
Answered on 28th May '24
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Kya cataract ki surgery karane se meri eyes sahi ho jaye gi ?? Bina operation ke eye thik nahi hosakti h kya??
Female | 21
The results of eye surgery can be helpful for your vision. Generally, when your eyes suffer from cataracts, you may tend to see things more or less, have problems with color, and even have trouble with night vision. Cataracts are the result of the lens of the eye becoming cloudy. The surgery involves removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with a clear artificial one. This stuff can make you see better.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
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I have -7.5 eye sight In right eye and -3.75 eye sight in my left eye .am I eligible for pwd low vision category
Male | 24
Significant nearsightedness in both eyes is what you have in effect. This, though, can be a challenge, not the case for people who have disabilities, and may not necessarily be a reason for low vision. You may have symptoms such as blurry vision and struggle to see things at a distance. Genetic factors or eye shape can be some of the causes. Glasses or contact lenses can be used to correct the vision. Be sure to see an eye doctor for a thorough assessment and advice.
Answered on 21st Aug '24
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I fell more weekness around eye kya reason ho sakti ha
Female | 22
You are experiencing some extra fatigue around the eye area which is no good. This can be caused by several reasons. Not getting enough sleep, staring at a screen for a long time, or not drinking enough water can weaken the eyes. Try taking breaks from the screens, sleeping enough, and drinking lots of water. If this sensation doesn't go away, see an eye doctor for a check-up.
Answered on 25th Aug '24
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I am traveling outside of the United States, and I have the following symptoms: low grade fever, sore throat, congestion, and partial blind spots & floaters in both eyes. I wanted to check in to see if I need to seek immediate medical attention. I should note that I have a history of migraines, and have been experiencing them on and off while traveling.
Female | 42
It might be a good idea to seek medical attention since you're experiencing low fever, sore throat, etc.. Given your history of migraines, these symptoms could have various causes. If your symptoms are severe, worsening, or causing significant distress, it's advisable to seek medical help promptly.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Sir/mam I am Naveen S/O ved prakash belongs to Delhi My eyes is very dry and my eyes see in front of multiple of floaters
Male | 33
Common eye problems such as dry eyes and floaters need treatment. It is advised to see an ophthalmologist to have a proper evaluation and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Why does my eye hurts There is a sharp pain
Female | 12
Eye pain, especially sharp pain, can have various causes, and it's necessary to get it evaluated by an eye doctor. It could be due to migraines, conjunctivitis, eye strain, dry eyes or other reasons which a doctor can determine after the evaluation.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I wanna take murine 300 or Vitacover since it has omega 3 and lycopene which are good for heart and eyes. So can I take those capsules ? If yes then how many capsules per week ?
Male | 21
Omega-3 and lycopene are indeed good for them. Apart from that, you can get these benefits by taking Murine 300 or Vitacover. The proper dosage is to take 1 capsule of one of them per day. These capsules have a role in maintaining your heart's health & your eyes' good shape.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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I am 17 years old I am male.I have a eye problem.Diagnos is retinit pigmentosa
Male | 17
The cells in your eye that are needed to see get damaged, and then, as a result, vision problems occur. You might experience dim light vision, side vision loss, and difficulty seeing at night. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition yet, but special tools such as glasses and devices can help you cope with the vision changes. Do not forget to go to an eye doctor every time to check your eye condition.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
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I have low vision and thin optic nerve Eye pain and headache
Male | Shivam Sharma
Low vision and a narrow optic nerve are hard to deal with. These problems could be causing the eye pain and headaches you’re having. Glaucoma or damage to the optic nerve can sometimes lead to such symptoms. Therefore you need to visit an ophthalmologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Answered on 9th July '24
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hellooooooo its 4am here and i just took my contact lenses out and felt itching in my right eye looked in the mirror and it is pink and yellowish color and have swelling below the circle eye thing on the sclera and the swollen sclera skin weirdly moves along the eyelid when i move my eyelid with my hand. The other eye is looking reddish too. What can it be? Do i need to go to hospital asap to not leave any risk of permanent damage? Or can i wait till morning? Please
Male | 20
You might have conjunctivitis (AKA pink eye) if you’re seeing yellow. This condition can make your eyes swell up, get itchy, and turn red. The best thing you can do is to see an eye specialist immediately so that they can give you proper treatment before it gets worse. If not attended to on time, it could lead to more serious complications.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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i am 33 years old my eye side weak is weak because white spot in eye and vison not clear by me plese you are best advise and tretment expectation for you
Male | 33
You might have a white spot issue with your eye that impacts vision. An infection, inflammation, or cornea problem may cause it. An eye doctor should check this soon. Treatment may involve eye drops, medicine, or sometimes surgery for better vision.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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can you take mdma after having lasik eye surgery
Female | 20
Using MDMA after LASIK is risky because it can cause high eye pressure, blurred vision, and light sensitivity, which are all hazardous for your healing post-operative eyes. Therefore it is critical to shield them during this time and abstain from substances like ecstasy that might hurt them.
Answered on 31st May '24
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