Female | 19
Why Are My Eyes Itching and Red?
For the last three days my eyes are itching a lot and have become a little red too.

Ophthalmologist/ Eye Surgeon
Answered on 23rd May '24
You might have eye allergies. Itchy, red, watery eyes often mean allergens like dust, pollen, or pet dander irritating them. Over-the-counter eye drops can help soothe the discomfort. Don't rub your eyes. Wash hands often and keep living spaces clean to reduce allergens. If symptoms persist, consult an eye care professional.
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Questions & Answers on "Eye" (195)
Eey cactract surgery is free of cost?
Female | 85
Cataract surgery typically involves costs, depending on your healthcare provider and insurance coverage. Cataracts cause blurred vision and difficulty seeing at night, often linked to aging or certain health conditions. If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to consult with an eye care specialist who can assess your situation and discuss potential options, including financial assistance programs that may be available.
Answered on 18th Mar '25
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13 years ago I had an operation on my eye then you were fine but now you are suffering from squint the squint is increasing slowly I contacted the nearest doctor but he told me that you have had an operation so you Even if we fix it on the squint but it will not be correct because your vision is very low and the other eye can see fine so can you suggest me that this problem can be solved
Male | 18
A squint may occur if the eye muscles do not collaborate well. Although your vision is weaker in the affected eye, the correction of squinting will not be complete. One additional option is to use prism glasses or practice some visual exercises to develop dynamic eye movements as well. The best thing would be to follow up all the instructions and updates of your eye doctor who will tell you what is specifically appropriate for your case.
Answered on 7th Nov '24
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My left eye suddenly got swollen. Yesterday it was swollen but in a negligible way but today it is completely swollen. I can't see properly. My right eye is completely fine.
Male | 14
The swelling of the left eye like yours might be a sign of 'periorbital cellulitis'. It is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist right away. Don’t go for self-diagnosis and self-medication as it can worse the condition
Answered on 23rd May '24
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आदरणीय डॉ साहब नमस्कार मुझे आपके बारे में अभिमन्यु अंकल से बाद में मालूम हुआ मुझे पिछले तीस सालों से काला मोतिया है brimocom drop डाल रहा हूं पिछले चार महीने से right आंख में धुंधलापन बढ़ गया था मैने दिखाया तो डॉ ने बताया सफेद मोतिया भी हो गया है लेंस डलेगा उन्होंने 1 oct ko oprete करके लेंस डाल दिया अब परेशानी यह है कि 1* आंख के सामने सफेद कोहरा सा आता है 2* जब पढ़ता हूं तो काले धब्बे पहले के मुकाबले बढ़ गए हैं 3* सड़क पर चलता हूं तो ऊपर नीचे दिखाई देता है 4* रात को लाइट में पहले की तरह चारों तरफ फैली हुई दिखाई देती है। उनको बताया तो कहने चश्मा लगने के बाद ठीक हो जाएगा नंबर दे दिया चश्मा भी लगा लिया परंतु ठीक नहीं हैं वो कहते है लेंस बिल्कुल सही है धीरे धीरे ठीक होगा। सर आपसे ये पूछना है इन परेशानियों का कुछ हल है या ऐसे ही रहेगी । सर मुझे राइट साइड का paralysis है मुश्किल से चल पाता हूं अगर मेरी समस्या का कोई समाधान है तो मुझे बतलाइए। विपिन अग्रवाल अग्रवाल मंडी बागपत 9927851504
Male | 63 years
Hello Mr. Vipin Agarwal. I am really sorry to hear about your problem. It is a common practice to say, "You're getting better, slowly however, a key investigation may be required." Based on your symptoms, it is evident that there might have been some error. Problems like white clouds, black spots, up-down visibility, etc. are not normal. Probable reasons for this include surgical error or corneal deformity. Initially, conduct a blood test and an eye check to get the full picture. Then, suitable treatment can be carried out. See an eye specialist for consultations. Stay healthy.
Answered on 13th Dec '24
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Hi I have ear and eye pain
Male | 35
Your ear and eyes hurt. This unpleasantness is likely an infection, like an ear infection or conjunctivitis. You might see redness, swelling, and fluid leaking. Warm cloth on the ear, cold cloth on the eye could help. But, if pain persists, visit an eye specialist.
Answered on 24th Aug '24
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I am staying in hostel. My warden have conjunctivitis now.I have red eyes after sleeping only is it conjunctivitis
Female | 18
The symptoms which you are experiencing could be conjunctivitis which in layman’s terms is referred to as pink eye. Conjunctivitis indicates the inflammation of the conjunctiva, the thin, transparent layer surrounding the white area of the eye. In my opinion, you have to consult an ophthalmologist.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I 28 years old. I have under gone Lasik eye surgery in Narayana Netralaya in 2019. But one of the eye didn't improve any eye sight...I went to them but they said the Par has removed and the number of both the eyes is zero.. but one eye I can't read and get blurred vision... Is there any way or is it necessary to undergo another surgery....please help me out in this issue
Male | 28
This is alarming because even in one of your eyes you still face an issue with clarity of vision after Lasik surgery. It is recommended that one consult an eye consultant doctor who conducts a full eye inspection. They take note of unique factors that cause blurred vision; these may be refractive errors or an underlying condition. This depends on what is found in the latter part of these surgical procedures so it may entail additional surgery if the findings are unfavorable, but proper professional assessment by an eye specialist would be better.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I’m a 28 years old female..I’m having right side temple pain and eye pain for about a month..not much severe..a dull ache..I get it everyday but not every time…I’m a shortsighted person also..could it be due to my sight problem??or any other serious condition??
Female | 28
If you are experiencing pain in the eyes and temples it might be related to your vision. On another note, nearsightedness can make your eyes work extra hard which causes discomforts such as these. However we should also consider more serious possibilities. Additionally, staring at screens or books too long without enough breaks; not sleeping well due to various reasons including stress could lead onto them pains too therefore among other things try adequate rest combined with good lighting for relief. Consult an eye specialist if they persist or get worse.
Answered on 14th June '24
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Hello i am 14 years old and i constantly see lightning in the corner of my eye?? im super stressed and i overreact easily
Male | 14
Seeing flashes of light or "lightning" in your peripheral vision can sometimes be a symptom of an eye related issue. However, stress and anxiety can also cause visual disturbances, including perceived flashes of light. Meantime it may be helpful to practice stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness or meditation. If this also doesn't help then visit an eye specialist to get it checked.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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One eye problem ? but docter response you can't be right eya demage stone
Male | 18
Seeing strange shapes in your vision could be a sign of a serious eye problem. If you notice shapes like stones, it may mean your retina is detaching. This can cause floaters, flashes of light, and vision loss. If you have these symptoms, see an eye doctor right away. Detached retinas need quick surgery, or you could face long-term vision issues.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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Iam 27 year i have cataract problem of 2 year
Male | 27
Cataracts are eye conditions that cause cloudy vision, making it hard to see clearly. People with cataracts may notice that objects appear blurry, colors are less vibrant, and vision at night is more challenging. Cataracts typically develop when the lens in your eye becomes cloudy, often due to aging or other health issues. The most effective treatment is surgery, where the cloudy lens is replaced with a clear artificial one.
Answered on 14th Aug '24
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I am 17 years old I am male.I have a eye problem.Diagnos is retinit pigmentosa
Male | 17
The cells in your eye that are needed to see get damaged, and then, as a result, vision problems occur. You might experience dim light vision, side vision loss, and difficulty seeing at night. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition yet, but special tools such as glasses and devices can help you cope with the vision changes. Do not forget to go to an eye doctor every time to check your eye condition.
Answered on 5th Aug '24
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I have myopia, I wanna go glassfree
Female | 24
Based on the symptoms you are telling, your diagnosis is myopia which means you cannot see things at a distance. Myopia develops due to a phenomenon where the eyeball becomes longer or the cornea is more curved. This is due to the light focusing in front of the retina instead of directly on it. One alternative to lenses that you may want to try is contact lenses or corrective surgery. These methods enable you to see better without wearing spectacles. However, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist for a suitable treatment.
Answered on 23rd Oct '24
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What will the treatment be for bacterial conjunctivitis?I have it for 4 days now ,the medication is not working
Female | 32
Bacterial conjunctivitis makes your eye red, swollen, and gooey. It usually happens because of germs. The usual treatment is antibiotic eye drops. But if it's been four days and it's not getting better, visit an eye specialist. They may need to change the medicine.
Answered on 26th July '24
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I fell more weekness around eye kya reason ho sakti ha
Female | 22
You are experiencing some extra fatigue around the eye area which is no good. This can be caused by several reasons. Not getting enough sleep, staring at a screen for a long time, or not drinking enough water can weaken the eyes. Try taking breaks from the screens, sleeping enough, and drinking lots of water. If this sensation doesn't go away, see an eye doctor for a check-up.
Answered on 25th Aug '24
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Retina detachment in Left eye doctor says hole occurs in retina screen , opretion must compalsary,but after operation results possibility 50% Is results possibility 100% after operation
Male | 70
The detachment of the retina could lead to symptoms such as the perception of flashes of light or having blurred vision. Surgical hole repair in the retina is the procedure that should be carried out. Post-operation, there is a 50% probability that the results will be better. Occasionally, the success rate can be 100%, but it is not a sure thing. However, it is very crucial to stick to your doctor's directions and take proper care of your eye after the surgery.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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I am a 17 years old female who has had a lazy left eye for the past year and 9 months which I believe is called strambius
Female | 17
You might have a lazy left eye, which is also called strabismus. This is caused by the fact that the eye muscles do not function as they should. Sometimes, they can also lead to symptoms such as double vision or your eyes not looking in the same direction. Don't worry, there are treatments available, like special glasses, eye exercises, or even surgery, to help improve your condition.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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Patient: Mrs. Kavita Dilip Dubal Date: 10 Aug 2024 Age: 42 Complaints: Diminished vision in the left eye for 15 days. Findings: Right Eye: Vision: 6/12P Diagnosis: Myopia, macular degeneration, tesselated fundus Treatment: Eyedrops for constant use Left Eye: Vision: CF1Mtr. Diagnosis: Degenerative myopia with choroidal neovascularization Recommended: Anti-VEGF injection Question: Should you proceed with the injection or explore other options? and what is condation of right eye??
Female | 43
In your left eye, there is degenerative myopia with choroidal neovascularization, which has caused your vision to decline. In this condition, new blood vessels are growing in the wrong place. The best treatment option right now is an anti-VEGF injection, which can prevent these vessels from causing further damage to your eye. Meanwhile, your right eye has myopia, macular degeneration, and a tessellated fundus. Although your eyesight is not clear, regular use of eye drops can help control the situation to some extent.
Answered on 3rd Sept '24
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my left eyelid twitches. Both of my eyes are so crusty that all eyelids are covered with a white, dry film like fine table salt (I have been suffering from dry eyes since 2011). I have been suffering from twitching eyes, namely the left eyelid, for almost 3 weeks. Do you recommend a specific ointment? I was about to order this (Terramycin Eye Ointment 3.5 g)
Male | 31
That crusty film on your eyelids could result from dry eye syndrome, leading to the twitch. Terramycin Eye Ointment might help with dryness and irritation, but double-check with your eye doctor before using new meds. Try a warm washcloth compress on your eyes and some OTC artificial tears for relief.
Answered on 13th Dec '24
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I'm Mithun Kumar Basak .I am extremely feel helpless for the disease of "Retinitis Pigmentosa".How can I get relief from this vital disease?will be possible to control or turn back on the stable stage?? Please provide me your valuable advice.
Male | 82
The condition affects the eyes thereby causing visual problems which include difficulties in seeing at night, tunnel vision, and loss of peripheral vision. Instead, there are several treatments that can assist in the management of the symptoms and the slowdown of the disease's progression, such as vision aids, genetic counseling, and lifestyle changes. Eye specialists should be involved for treatment tailored for individual patients.
Answered on 24th Sept '24
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