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Male | 25

¿Por qué tengo dolor de garganta con ampollas amarillas?

hola doctor mi nombre es waris 25 años Masculino Ya llevo un mes Dolor de garganta y ampollas amarillas y blancas en la pared interna de la garganta Que lo causa Solo me duele un poco al tragar y se siente como si hubiera algo en la pared interna de la garganta

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Tiene amigdalitis, que es el caso cuando las amígdalas se infectan y es el motivo del dolor de garganta y las ampollas. La infección es causada por diferentes virus o bacterias. Para ayudar, el agua en grandes cantidades y las gárgaras con agua tibia y sal deben curarse primero absteniéndose de hablar. El analgésico de venta libre también puede brindar algo de consuelo. Si los síntomas continúan, es mejor visitar a unotorrinolaringólogopara más pruebas.

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Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (235)

I am a 54 yr old female . I got tinnitus and earache last year. The earache remains, stinging, sharp deep pain every day. No infections seen or other symptoms. I only got a clicking jaw this week. Ear was cleaned of excess fluid and was neurotic last year. I had been given lots ear drops over mths as thought was infections but consultant told me no infections. I think it may me nerve pain. Pain relief don't help much. What can I do to relieve the stinging, burning feeling

Female | 54

The like­ly cause of this is nerve pain. Pills for othe­r pains won't help this. You need to se­e a ENT specialist who deals with ne­rve pain. They will find the right tre­atment for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How long i have to use nasal spray after sinus surgery.

Male | 37

After your sinus surge­ry, you may have to use nasal spray. The spray could he­lp with swelling and dryness in your nose. You might fe­el stuffy, under pressure­, or congested after surge­ry. Taking the spray like your doctor says can aid these­ symptoms. It also helps your nose heal. Make­ sure to follow the doctor's directions.

Answered on 5th Sept '24

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I am suffering from sinus problem and najal allergy since my childhood

Female | 20

Sinus issues are the usual culprits for stuffy or runny noses, headaches, and pressure around your eyes and nose. Nasal allergies occur when one's immune system reacts even to innocent substances like pollen or dust. The best way to manage this is by avoiding the triggers such as dust, using air filters, and taking allergy medications.

Answered on 19th Sept '24

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Why do u loose your voice for no reason

Female | 52

When you lose­ your voice without any clear reason, it's calle­d laryngitis. Your vocal cords swell up, making you hoarse or quiet. This happe­ns due to loud talking, singing, or catching a cold. To recover quickly, avoid talking much, sip warm drinks ofte­n, and inhale steam. Within a wee­k, your voice should return to normal. 

Answered on 1st Aug '24

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My son is 13 months old n he has to much flem what do u suggest

Male | 1

Theew has to be a cause. Generally in most cases it is due to allergy. Please show a nearby pediatrician 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Ear doctors appointment for my ear infection

Male | 29

Please come and visit my setup if you are in the Bangalore location.

Answered on 11th June '24

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I think a little bug fly up my nose but i dont have any syptoms.what should i do?

Female | 18

Most often bugs that fly into the nose get trapped in the architecture or get entrapped in the mucus of the nose and drain down from the back of the nose down the throat which is barely even perceive. To be on the side of vigilance, Watch for any signs of nasal block, persistent runny nose from one side or any signs of infections/ sneezing in the next few days to weeks if you're concerned about it being lodged and have had secondary infection. In case any of these symptoms, you may need to see an ENT to get an evaluation and can be managed very easily.

Answered on 19th July '24

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My son 12 + suffering from tonsils last ten days .... antibiotics also given to him but he is allergic with Amoxicillin, ...He treated from bl Kapoor, with pcm, attarax & avil, cepodem 200mg....He feel pain in ears because of tonsils what medicine should give.... please reply fast

Male | 12

I understand your concern about your son's adenotonsils and ear infection. The tonsils could be causing his ear pain since they are close by in the throat. To help with the pain, you can give him acetaminophen (PCM). Make sure he continues the prescribed medications, drinks plenty of fluids, gets enough rest, and eats soft, cool foods to soothe his throat. If his symptoms don’t improve or worsen, please see the doctor again for further tests.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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I am having cough which looks more allergic. And phlegm and wheezing sound only appears when I coughs. It's like someone is choking you when you have the cough. It really hurts my throat and head while coughing. And sometimes maybe due to my panic, cough results in cough syncope. I also have antral gastritis. I have been diagnosed with bronchitis 6 months back. My chest Xray shows only small prominence in right lungs and rest is normal. CT is normal, XRay is normal. Only my TLC count is elavated to 17000 and however eosphil and basophil count is normal. I am slightly anemic. According to my doc, my body is unable to absorb iron. My O2 and BP all are normal during my cough episode. However, I feel tremor throughout my body and sometimes my hands and legs become pale while I cough. I am perfectly normal if I don't have the cough episodes. I also has slight GERD maybe due to antral gastritis.

Female | 18

follow these herbal combination for complete cure, maha laxmi vilas ras 1 tablet twice a day, sitopiladi avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water, send your reports initially

Answered on 11th Aug '24

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Hi, recently I was diagnosed with Sinuses. Doctor suggests surgery because nose bone is deformed. Is surgery necessary or it will be treated by medicine.

Female | 40

Are headaches, stuffy nose, or breathing problems telling you that something may be wrong with your nose bone? If so, you could be suffering from a deviated septum that requires surgery to fix it. Sometimes fixing the bone can relieve symptoms. When none of these treatments help, doctors will recommend an operation on what is blocking your airway.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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