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Female | 25

¿Mi tratamiento de ojo seco de 6 meses es permanente?

Soy una chica de 25 años y sufro de ojo seco desde hace 6 meses. Estoy tomando tratamiento durante aproximadamente 5 meses. ¿No me han aliviado Kay? Ese es un problema permanente. ¿Ho sakti hai?

1 Answer
El dr Sumeet Agrawal

Oftalmólogo/Cirujano Oftalmológico

Answered on 5th Aug '24

Puede tener ojo seco por varias razones, como pasar largos períodos mirando pantallas, usar lentes de contacto durante demasiado tiempo o estar en ambientes con aire seco. En ocasiones, es posible que las gotas por sí solas no sean suficientes para usted. Es imprescindible hacerse un chequeo completo con unoftalmólogopara descartar la posibilidad de que el problema sea tratado con un método diferente. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)

Dry eye problem. Watering eyes, blurry vision, burning

Male | 26

Dry eye­ occurs when your eyes do not produce­ adequate tears or the­ tears are poor quality. It can lead to wate­ry eyes, blurred vision, and a burning se­nsation. Potential causes include aging, ce­rtain medications, or extende­d screen time. To he­lp alleviate symptoms, use artificial te­ars, avoid smoke exposure, and take­ breaks from screens. Additionally, fre­quent blinking can help kee­p your eyes moisturized.

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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can you take mdma after having lasik eye surgery

Female | 20

Using MDMA after LASIK is risky because it can cause high eye pressure, blurred vision, and light sensitivity, which are all hazardous for your healing post-operative eyes. Therefore it is critical to shield them during this time and abstain from substances like ecstasy that might hurt them.

Answered on 31st May '24

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Want to know about retina treatment

Male | 50

The retina is a thin film of tissue making the inner surface of your eye that transmits the images outside to your brain. Problems with the retina can lead to serious vision issues. Signs of the problem with the retina you might get are blurred vision, flashes of light that come out of nowhere, and the perception of something that is not there in your field of vision. Causes can range from aging to serious conditions like diabetes. In the case of treatment, the restoration of vision is usually done by a surgical operation on the damaged retina. 

Answered on 9th Oct '24

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Hello I am looking for a treatment for an eye whose nerves have stopped functioning.

Male | 60

You might be affected by a disorder of the eye, where the nervous cells in the eye are not working properly. This may be due to aging, high blood pressure, or diabetes. Nevertheless, it also might be that a person exhibits signs of blurred, partial, or total vision loss. Treatments for that might include taking special eye drops or doing procedures that will be put in place to protect your nerve endings that are situated in the eye. Your optometrist can prescribe eye drops or other medications to improve your vision. 

Answered on 17th Oct '24

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Sir/mam I am Naveen S/O ved prakash belongs to Delhi My eyes is very dry and my eyes see in front of multiple of floaters

Male | 33

Common eye problems such as dry eyes and floaters need treatment. It is advised to see an ophthalmologist to have a proper evaluation and treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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