Male | 15
¿Por qué me duele el ojo derecho al moverme o parpadear?
Tengo dolor en mi ojo derecho en la esquina derecha y parece ser doloroso y cuando lo muevo y parpadeo me duele también si lo presiono es un poco doloroso. Lo tengo desde hace 1 o 2 días.

Oftalmólogo/Cirujano Oftalmológico
Answered on 26th Aug '24
Según su descripción, es posible que experimente fatiga visual. Los ojos cansados son la razón principal de esto y pueden causar molestias. Los síntomas más comunes son la sensación de dolor en el ojo derecho, especialmente al movernos o parpadear. Esto puede suceder si miras fijamente las pantallas o lees demasiado. Para solucionar esto, tómate descansos de las pantallas, usa compresas tibias y descansa la vista. Si no mejora, vaya a unoftalmólogo.
2 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "Eye" (154)
I am suffering from eye itching and burning sensation in and around eye. It usually happen with me every summer when dry air flows. The symptom resonates with allergic conjuctivitis. The skin below and aside eye become very itchy. When water from eye drop on this skin it create very harsh irritation. Please suggest medication. Right now I am using Lotepred LS drop.
Female | 50
It appears as if you might be having allergy-related conjunctivitis, a problem that occurs often in dry seasons. First, I suggest seeing an ophthalmologist who is an expert in all eye conditions. This will give him a chance to properly diagnose your condition and prescribe the right medication for you.
Answered on 23rd Aug '24
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Name Parvati Mishra Age. 60 She eyes opresion was done on January but not his eyes getting red So pls check
Female | 60
Eyes turn red from time to time for various reasons. After an operation, it may happen because of inflammation or irritation. This is likely when they are healing. Lack of tears made after the operation could also cause redness in the eyes. Make sure you follow the eye specialist's advice and use the prescribed eye drops.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Hello, I want to know about Stemcell treatment for eyes, which is the best place and also success rate of this treatment?
As per my understanding you are suffering from some eye ailment for which you need stem cell treatment. It is advisable to follow the currently available treatment under an ophthalmologist. Stem cell therapy promises great results but are still under trial and FDA approval is still awaited . Discuss with your doctor for best options. Consult an ophthalmologist - Best Ophthalmologists in India. Hope our answer helps you.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I have so called Amplyopia in my left eye, and I am 54 years old , is possible to treat that
Male | 54
Amplyopia, known as lazy eye, can happen because childhood vision didn't develop right. Or it can be caused by other eye issues. Signs may be blurry sight, or eyes not working together well. At 54, treating lazy eye is harder, but vision therapy or glasses might help improve eyesight some. Getting eyes checked regularly is very important.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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For the last three days my eyes are itching a lot and have become a little red too.
Female | 19
You might have eye allergies. Itchy, red, watery eyes often mean allergens like dust, pollen, or pet dander irritating them. Over-the-counter eye drops can help soothe the discomfort. Don't rub your eyes. Wash hands often and keep living spaces clean to reduce allergens. If symptoms persist, consult an eye care professional.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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One eye problem ? but docter response you can't be right eya demage stone
Male | 18
Seeing strange shapes in your vision could be a sign of a serious eye problem. If you notice shapes like stones, it may mean your retina is detaching. This can cause floaters, flashes of light, and vision loss. If you have these symptoms, see an eye doctor right away. Detached retinas need quick surgery, or you could face long-term vision issues.
Answered on 15th Oct '24
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Want to know about retina treatment
Male | 50
The retina is a thin film of tissue making the inner surface of your eye that transmits the images outside to your brain. Problems with the retina can lead to serious vision issues. Signs of the problem with the retina you might get are blurred vision, flashes of light that come out of nowhere, and the perception of something that is not there in your field of vision. Causes can range from aging to serious conditions like diabetes. In the case of treatment, the restoration of vision is usually done by a surgical operation on the damaged retina.
Answered on 9th Oct '24
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मैं पूजा मीना में आंखो में काफी टाइम से आसू आते हैं लेकिन एवी 4दिन से मेरी आंखो में खुजली या आसु आ रहे हैं या बहुत ज्यादा दर्द भी है सर मेरी मदद करो प्लीज
महिला | 25
Your situation with your eyes sounds very serious as you have tears, itching, and pain. The causes can be many like allergies, infections, or dry eyes. To help with your symptoms, you may try a cool compress and avoid rubbing them. Besides, you need to make sure you blink frequently so that your eyes will remain moist. If the symptoms continue or get worse, medical advice from an eye specialist should be sought immediately.
Answered on 10th Oct '24
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Hi I have ear and eye pain
Male | 35
Your ear and eyes hurt. This unpleasantness is likely an infection, like an ear infection or conjunctivitis. You might see redness, swelling, and fluid leaking. Warm cloth on the ear, cold cloth on the eye could help. But, if pain persists, visit an eye specialist.
Answered on 24th Aug '24
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I am 43years old woman. My physical apperance and looks like not to more than 28Yrs. I do lots of computer works too. From Last year onwards my vision starts getting low. e.g. if i read news paper i should give more strain to my eyes. I went to an optical shop and checked with them. They said i have to wear glass with points. Don't remember the points. still i use the same. But, when i remove glass the same has to day give over strain. Can you help me is this a major problem? or need more treatment?
Female | 43
This could be a case of eye strain caused by the computer and prolonged use of it. This can lead to symptoms such as blurred vision, headaches, and the inability to focus. The causal factor is usually the long screen time. To help, try taking breaks, adjusting your screen settings, and making sure to wear your glasses as prescribed. If the situation continues, it is better to consult an eye doctor for more examinations.
Answered on 5th Oct '24
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8 years old kid is having cataracts 60%+ . Kindly suggest best lens for kids, And the best Doctor for kids eye surgery . Is surgery only option to cure this or any medication can cure this disease ?
Male | 9
Surgery is the best choice for children facing the problem of cataracts. For the best vision in kids with cataracts intraocular lens (IOL) is recommended, as it offers the most customizable solution based on a particular case. Consulting an eye specialist is the key to exact diagnosis and effective treatment. Medication can't be a remedy for cataracts; surgery is mainly needed to have the eye lens with cloudy removed and vision restored.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I had a plants poked my left eye yesterday, currently my eye can blink and can see. It did not injured my cornea but above my eyeball. Today it still feels uncomfortable, not as pain as yesterday and still bearable. Do I need to use antibiotics drops or is there any other medication I can buy over the counter?
Female | 26
The issue seems to be a trivial one, like a plant that has poked your eye. This feeling may include redness, discomfort, and a gritty feeling. As you have no injury to the cornea, antibiotics are not needed. If your eye is puffy, you may get relief from using artificial tears to drop your eye. In case the discomfort continues or worsens, you should visit an eye doctor.
Answered on 14th Oct '24
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Eye problem cracked damage
Male | 24
Cracked eye damage can be caused by many things such as injury, dry air, and infection. A complete listing of possible phenomena suffering from pain, redness, light sensitiveness, and blurred vision causes. Kindly help by not rubbing your eyes, using artificial tears, and seeing an eye doctor for proper evaluation and treatment. The doctor will give you the best advice depending on how bad your case is.
Answered on 7th Oct '24
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I wanna take murine 300 or Vitacover since it has omega 3 and lycopene which are good for heart and eyes. So can I take those capsules ? If yes then how many capsules per week ?
Male | 21
Omega-3 and lycopene are indeed good for them. Apart from that, you can get these benefits by taking Murine 300 or Vitacover. The proper dosage is to take 1 capsule of one of them per day. These capsules have a role in maintaining your heart's health & your eyes' good shape.
Answered on 17th Oct '24
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My eye I woke up and and try looking at my light bulbs and I saw something like rainbow color’s around it and also my eye ball is red since morning
Male | 16
You are experiencing an ailment called eye strain. Nowadays, it is common for people to experience problems with their eyesight. When your eyes are overworked they might be showing kaleidoscope colors or red. This is possible when the eyes are staring at light bulbs for too long. To help, rest your eyes by looking away from screens and lights. Eye drops or glasses may also be useful.
Answered on 7th Sept '24
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I take ashwagandha daily, can I donate my blood? And I had a Lasik eye surgery 3 years ago.
Male | 21
Yes, you can give blood if you take ashwagandha every day and had Lasik surgery 3 years ago. The ashwagandha herb is safe and will not impact your blood donation. The Lasik eye operation you had some time ago also does not stop you from giving blood. Just make sure you feel good on the day you plan to donate blood.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
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hi. I have a question if there is any treatment for eye stroke. This happened on 11/12/2023. Now they have regained their vision, but not completely, but especially in the middle of the eye, and I have a report and pictures of the eye. Thank you very much.
Male | 48
Eye strokes occur when blood vessels supplying the eye get blocked. Vision loss is the result. Regaining some sight is positive progress, good news indeed. To potentially improve vision further, an eye specialist appointment seems wise. They can suggest treatments, like eye exercises or medicine, that might help restore more eyesight. Diligent follow-up care with the eye doctor becomes crucial moving forward.
Answered on 30th July '24
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I am speaking from Bangladesh. I got glass in my eye in a car accident. After medical treatment, an operation was performed and the eye was stitched. And was using some drops. Such as drepaid drop, mycin drop etc. After doing these the eyes were improving. Suddenly one day after sleeping at night I woke up in the morning. I see blurry eyes. Very blurry. And there are some white spots inside the eyes. What is the problem and treatment?
Male | 26
You may be having a problem called corneal ulcer. This may be the case if there is an infection or an injury of the cornea, which is the outermost layer of the eye and is transparent. Blurry vision and white spots are the typical symptoms. It's important to see your eye doctor for proper treatment, which may include antibiotics or other medications.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
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I am a 13-year-old girl, and one of my eyelids is drooping. This happened a few months ago and I thought it would change but it isn't. One eyelid is slightly droopier than the other. I'm not sure if it's Ptosis, but if so, what can I do to get it fixed whenever I look up one eye bends, and the other has a monolid. This also makes me unsymmetrical. My eyelid used to be the same, what can I do to fix this?
Female | 13
It is possible that you have ptosis, which is a drooping of the eyelid. It is important to see an ophthalmologist to accurately diagnose the condition and determine the most appropriate treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Good day my eyes seem be twitching constantly
Male | 25
Eye twitching can be annoying. It’s usually caused by being overtired, anxious, or not getting enough rest. Too much coffee or excessive screen time can make it worse. To help, let your eyes relax, get enough sleep, and take breaks from screens. If the twitching persists, it’s best to see an eye doctor.
Answered on 27th Sept '24
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