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Male | 50

¿Es segura la masturbación semanal para la salud masculina de 50 años?

Soy un hombre de 50 años... me masturbo 1 o 2 veces por semana. ¿Está bien según mi edad? ¿Es seguro para mi pene y mi flujo sanguíneo?

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

1 o 2 veces por semana es completamente aceptable para alguien de tu edad. Además, es una forma segura de que el pene y el flujo sanguíneo viajen. La masturbación, como actividad normal y, por tanto, saludable, puede considerarse como tal. Incluso puede ser un medio para liberar estrés y tensión. Solo tenga cuidado de no hacerlo demasiado, ya que podría provocar cierta irritación. 

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Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (534)

I am 24 year aged male, i was on isotretinoin for 6 months ( by consultation of a qualified dermatologist) for 20mg/day. My last dose of isotretinoin was may 2021. I have been getting erectile problems since July 2021. Can there be any possibility of isotretinoin causing my erectile problems??

Male | 24

The problem of erectile dysfunction may seem concerning but it's curable.. 

your problem of erectile dysfunction most commonly occur in ages of men: fortunately it has high recovery rate of 90% through ayurvedic medications.
I am explaining briefly about erectile dysfunction so that it takes fear out of you.
In erectile dysfunction, men are not able to get or keep an erection that is sufficient to have penetrative sex. This may be due to so many factors like High cholesterol, High blood pressure, Diabetes, excessive masturbation, excessive Porn watching, nerves weakness, Obesity, thyroid, heart problem, alcohol, Tobacco use, Sleep disorders. Low testosterone, tension, stress etc.,
This problem of erectile dysfunction is very much treatable.
I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines,
Take Aswagandhadi churan half teaspoon in the morning & in the night.
Take Capsule SHILAJIT One in the morning and one in the night.
Take tablet Brihat Bangeshwar ras one in the morning one and one in the night after food.
All three preferably with hot milk or with water
Also apply and message Shri Gopal tail on your penis three times a week for 2 to 4 minutes.
Avoid junk food, oily and more spicy food, alcohol, tobacco, tension and anxiety.
Start doing brisk walk or running or cardio exercises for at least 1 hour a day.
Start taking hot milk twice a day also two to three dates in the morning and in the night with milk.
Do all the above suggested treatment for 3 months and see the results.
If you don't get satisfactory results then please go to your family doctor or a good sexologist.
You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.
My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

Good morning Dr, I have a question that I slept with my girlfriend who got yeast infection, will she infect me?

Male | 26

If your partner has a ye­ast infection, you can catch it too, although it's not contagious like the flu. Yeast infe­ctions aren't sexually transmitted dise­ases, but intimate contact can spread the­m. Common signs are itching burning sensations, and strange discharge­. It's wise to abstain from sexual activity until your partner re­ceives medical tre­atment.

Answered on 25th July '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I am 24 years old and i have a micropenis with Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction. I am fully hard and cum with dick below 3 inches. I cant make my penis stand up himself and i leak my cum most of the time.

Male | 24

When combined, these symptoms may indicate a state known as hypogonadism, which can result in small penis size, erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. This may be caused by the low level of certain hormones in the body. Seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis and treatment options, which may include hormone therapy or other medications. Don't be scared; some treatments can help you with your symptoms and the general quality of your life.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Can a person get hiv from oral sex ( male ) Penis to mouth and then protected intercourse after oral with a stranger

Male | 27

Yes, a person can get HIV from oral sex, although the risk is lower compared to other forms of sexual activity. It is important to get tested regularly and practice safe sex. Please visit a healthcare provider or an infectious disease specialist for more detailed advice and testing.

Answered on 12th July '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I am 18 years old. I am a male. I am doing masturbation daily. Let me know if there is any side effects or harmful by doing masturbation Daily. Please also tell me for my future effect by doing this type of activity.

Male | 18

For someone young like yourself can be common to masturbate. It is safe to do so each day and it will not hurt you. However, excessive masturbation may lead to soreness or irritation. If you experience these symptoms, take a break for your body to heal itself. 

Answered on 6th June '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I had unprotected sex with 4 people 2 years back. All looked healthy and low risk. Should I worry about hiv?

Female | 26

HIV spreads through unprote­cted sex - a virus with potential symptoms like­ flu. Fever, fatigue, the­se may occur. Testing provides the­ truth, so that's wise.

Answered on 31st July '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

I engage in intimate behaviour for eight to ten minutes, but after twenty to thirty minutes of foreplay, I ejaculate in a matter of seconds. After the foreplay, how can I lengthen the timing?

Male | 33

Your problem of premature ejaculation is most common sexual problem in all ages of men. Fortunately it has high recovery rate through ayurvedic medications.
I am explaining you briefly about premature ejaculation so that it will eliminate your fears.
In premature ejaculation men come out very fast, Men gets discharged either before penetration or immediately after penetration, they hardly get some strokes. So the female partner remains unsatisfied.
This may be due to so many factors like more heat in the body, excessive sex feelings, hyper sensitivity of the penis glands, thin semen, general nerves weakness, excessive masturbation, excessive Porn watching, and High cholesterol. High blood pressure, Diabetes, Obesity, thyroid, heart problem, alcohol, Tobacco use, Sleep disorders, tension, stress etc.
This problem of premature ejaculation is very much treatable.
I am suggesting you some ayurvedic medicines.
Take shatavaradi churan half teaspoon in the morning and one in the night,
Take tablet manmath Ras one in the morning and one in the night.
Take tablet Pushp dhanva Ras one in the morning and one in the night, and take tablet Sidh makardhwaj Vati with gold, one in the morning and one in the night after food.
All three preferably with hot milk or with water.
Avoid junk food, oily, more spicy food, alcohol, tobacco, tension and anxiety.
Start doing yoga. Pranayam, meditation, Vajroli mudra, Ashwini mudra, kegel exercise for at least 1 hour a day.
Start taking hot milk twice a day also 2 to 3 dates in the morning and in the night with the milk.
DO all this for 3 months and see the results.
If you don't get satisfactory results then please go to your family doctor or to a good sexologist.
You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can even send you the medicines by courier.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

I have treated Chlamydia it can transmitted to wife

Male | 28

If you had this sickne­ss and got help, your wife nee­ds to get checked too. Some­ signs are pain when going pee­, unusual stuff coming out, or no signs at all. To stop spreading it, do not touch private parts until you both get he­lp.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

When I do masterpation I feel strong pain in my penis and nerve

Male | 21

You may have penile nerve irritation. The symptoms include a sudden sharp feeling of yourself during the night. Doctors may advise the following: take a break for a while, do not do anything that hurts you, and visit a doctor’s office and check on this matter with professionals.

Answered on 22nd July '24

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Dr. Madhu Sudan

Sir me and my gf gave me a blowjob while being fully naked on her 17th day later she thought it's risky at that time I was rubbing it on her face then she wore her pants up but didn't touched her vagina it's been almost 10 days and shes cramping for past 3 days can she be pregnant

Female | 21

When a man's sperm joins with a woman's egg that's called pregnancy. If your sperm doesn't get into her vagina then it is unlikely that she will become pregnant. There can be other reasons for cramps too – like periods or stomach problems – it doesn’t always mean you’re having a baby. If you’re worried take a test to make sure.

Answered on 11th June '24

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Dr. Inderjeet Gautam

Me and my husband had sex on sunday and tuesday i got chicken pox... monday i travelled back to my workplace.. will my husband be safe from chickenpox

Female | 27

More information is needed to help you with suitable solutions

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Arun Kumar

Dr. Arun Kumar

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