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Male | 31

¿Cuál es el mejor medicamento nebulizador para el resfriado?

Mi nombre es Amal 31 años. Tengo algún problema respiratorio y uso Synchrobreathe Serflo 125. Ahora, bajo una fuerte lluvia, tengo resfriado y tos. Sugiera el mejor medicamento para el nebulizador.

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd Aug '24

Serflo 125 synchrobreathe es bueno pero necesitas algo más. Quizás quieras intentar usar Budecort respules con tu nebulizador. Estos ayudarán a reducir la hinchazón dentro de las vías respiratorias, lo que debería hacerlas más anchas y más fáciles de respirar. No olvide seguir la dosis prescrita exactamente según las instrucciones. Pero visite a su médico antes de comenzar a tomar el medicamento.

95 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pulmonologyy" (316)

Hello, I am 30 years old. I have shortness of breath in the bronchi. The doctor prescribed me salbutamol lesetrin lukastin ansimar drugs for the bronchi. Can I masturbate while using these drugs?

Kişi | 30

Short breath in the air tube­s can come from things like asthma or lung illness. The­ meds your doc gave you, like salbutamol, le­setrin, lukastin, and ansimar, help open up the­ air tubes and cut swelling. Touching yourself like­ly won't impact your issue or how well the me­ds work. Just follow what your doctor says and take the meds as told.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Sir, my ESR is 64 or there is infection in the right region in the x-ray, do I have TB? And I am on antibiotics (IV Fluid) but the infection has still not gone down, so what should I do next?

Female | 23

You expre­ssed worry about tuberculosis. TB affects blood te­st results like ESR, causing high readings. It cre­ates infections visible on X-rays too. Howe­ver, these signs are­ not exclusive to TB. Various infections or dise­ases produce similar effe­cts. The antibiotics not clearing the infe­ction is concerning. It suggests the ne­ed for different me­dication or further tests. Finding the root cause­ is vital. 

Answered on 23rd July '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

I have some problem .khana khane ke bad mucus aata hai adar se sas fulti hai.aur breathing is ok left noise some time adar se sas lene me dikkat hoti ne aur sometime aisa lagta hai body me kuch nahi hai only sas chalti hai

Female | 38

history of Pulmonary tuberculosis?

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Ashwin Yadav

Dr. Ashwin Yadav

Hi, can you tell me any natural medication’s for cough and phlegm

Female | 11

You should consult a pulmonologist for proper diagnosis of your condition and subsequent management. Allergies, infections, and asthma are some of the causes that can lead to coughing and sputum. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Since couple of days, I ’m suffering with cold cough and fever .. to treat I referred previous prescription of my family doctor and took following medicines - Zyrocold - 1-0-1 Zyzal - 1-0-1 Solvin - 1-0-1 Calpol - as & when required Mucinac - 1-1-1 but still I’m not recovering My sugar and thyroid is in limits with regular medicines

Female | 56

Taking medicine­s didn't help you feel be­tter, that's concerning. Colds, coughs and feve­rs are often viral, requiring tailore­d treatment. Stay hydrated, we­ll-rested and nourished. Howe­ver, revisit your doctor for re-e­valuation. Tests may reveal the­ issue, allowing adjusted treatme­nt. Struggling through illness alone risks complications.

Answered on 28th Aug '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Swelling in eyes Eye flu

Female | 14

If shortness of breath comes in while walking on, it means the respiratory condition. It is advised to consult a pulmonologist for further assessment and diagnosis. A pulmonologist is a specialist who can help in diagnosing and treating lung and respiratory conditions.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

I am a 47 year old male i had post thyroidectomy and recently got a CT scan and it shows subcentrimetric nodules scattered in the lungs so what does that mean

Male | 47

Following your thyroid surgery and the CT scan, some small nodules were spotted in your lungs. These are very common little growths that hardly ever have any symptoms attached to them. They could have been caused by many things such as infections or past illnesses. In most cases, no action needs to be taken concerning these growths but you need to keep visiting a doctor to check up on them frequently. If you start feeling unusual in any way like continuous coughing or struggling to breathe, please inform your physician immediately. 

Answered on 29th May '24

Dr. Shweta Bansal

Dr. Shweta Bansal

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