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Best Flap Surgery doctors in Kandivali East

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Dr. Sonali Vanmali Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Sonali Vanmali


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Dr. Tanvee Singh Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Tanvee Singh


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Dr. Sujata Surana Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Sujata Surana

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Dr. Krutik Kapadia Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Dr. Mihir Khakhar Flap Surgery
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Consult Dr. Mihir Khakhar


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Dr. Shruti Agarwal Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Dr. Mayank Doshi Flap Surgery
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Consult Dr. Mayank Doshi


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Dr. Gazal Gupta Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Gazal Gupta


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Dr. Suresh Isawe Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Suresh Isawe


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Dr. Dhaval Thakare Flap Surgery

Dr. Dhaval Thakare

Cosmetic/aesthetic Dentist

30 years of experience

Available Today


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Dr. Arvind Lakhwan Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Arvind Lakhwan


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Dr. Deepika Kothari Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Deepika Kothari


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Dr. Viren Chaudhari Flap Surgery
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Consult Dr. Viren Chaudhari


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Dr. Divya Sharma Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Divya Sharma


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Dr. Vivek Jogani Flap Surgery

Available Today

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Consult Dr. Vivek Jogani

Top 10 Flap Surgery doctors Near Kandivali East

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Sonali Vanmali


25₹ 200
Dr. Tanvee Singh


22₹ 100
Dr. Sujata Surana


20₹ 300
Dr. Krutik Kapadia


19₹ 50
Dr. Mihir Khakhar


18₹ 300
Dr. Shruti Agarwal


18₹ 500
Dr. Mayank Doshi


16₹ 100
Dr. Gazal Gupta


14₹ 200
Dr. Suresh Isawe


43₹ 750
Dr. Dhaval Thakare


30₹ 100

Questions & Answers on "Flap Surgery" (242)

When can you kiss after rhinoplasty?

Male | 41

it depends how much work has been done on your nose. if bony work has been done then u should avoid hitting your nose for atleast 4-6 weeks. however if only cartilage work has been done then after 2 weeks also u can resume your normal routine.  

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Lalit Agrawal

Dr. Lalit Agrawal

I had limb lengthening surgery .. during lengthening phase my one foot become numb .. my doc conducted nerve conduction test and result was demyelination.. so my question it this condition repairable

Male | 30

The repairability depends on the extent, cause, and individual's health. It can be treated with medications, physical therapy, nerve growth factors, or surgery. Recovery can be slow and varies from person to person.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Harikiran Chekuri

Dr. Harikiran Chekuri

I want to reduce my whole body n also want to breast size little bit bigger than my now position,,, In Kolkata,,,how to find the best doctors for loss weight and also breast size bigger,,,,,how many times it takes n costs?

Female | 38

it can be done in one sitting. liposuction with breast augmentation. i have no idea about kolkota. u need to see a qualified plastic surgeon. if u wish to come to Delhi. u r most welcome. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Lalit Agrawal

Dr. Lalit Agrawal

Hi Dr I have completed my bpt and wanted to do cosmetology am I eligible and can you plz tell me the scope

Female | 23

Hi ..cosmetology has a broad you are from BPt background can still do basic cosmetology courses and even trichology courses as well..
there are many institutes which offer basic cosmetology and trichology as a certificate course..diploma and MSc as well..
all the best.

Answered on 30th Aug '24

Dr. Restora Aesthetics

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