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Male | 29

Pourquoi est-ce que je fais pipi du sang après un rapport sexuel ?

j'ai 29 ans J'ai remarqué que je faisais pipi du sang après un rapport sexuel depuis un mois maintenant. je suis confus

1 Answer

Answered on 10th Sept '24

La présence de sang dans vos urines après un rapport sexuel peut être attribuée à une irritation de la vessie ou des voies urinaires ou à une infection de ces deux organes. Cela peut se produire pour diverses raisons, comme une infection des voies urinaires ou des calculs rénaux. Consultez unurologuequi vous examinera et vous donnera le traitement approprié. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Urology" (991)

Maine 4 months phle vericocele surgery krayi thi pr abhi veins phle ki trh hi h

Male | 25

Your veins have still not changed from the way they were before the varicocele surgery 4 months ago. Varicocele is a scrotum condition caused by size-wise swollen veins. This can be manifested either in the form of painful swelling or it can lead to infertility. The surgery didn' t probably fix the issue entirely. Go back to your doctor and find out the reason this is happening and what further actions can be taken.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I have a little blood come out when I Ejaculat but no pain or discomfort

Male | 17

The presence of blood in semen, known as hematospermia, can have various causes. While it's often benign, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper evaluation. Potential causes include infections, inflammation, or structural issues in the reproductive system. A medical examination and, if necessary, further tests can help determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment. Don't delay seeking professional medical advice for this issue.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

Hi, I haver diagnosed with approx. 10 mm uretic stone, would like to know the best doctor with best possible way to remove the stone without any side effect.

Male | 31

follow these herbal combination for complete cure without any side effects - basant kusumakar ras 125 mg twice a day, gokshuradi avleh 3 GM's twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water, relief in 7-8 days and for complete cure take it for 50 days only, get revised report after 40 days, send your reports initially

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. N S S Gauri

Dr. N S S Gauri

Premature ejaculation ho jata hai

Male | 18

Consider consulting with a urologist or a sexual medicine specialist. They can evaluate your specific situation and discuss the factors contributing to the issue, and provide appropriate guidance and treatment options.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I am having an urge to urinate more often. Also I have a slight pain on the left side of my abdomen. Can u help me with might be the possible reason for this

Female | 25

Talk to a urologist for frequent urination and abdominal pain. It could be a UTI, kidney stones, or other conditions. Need physical checkup to give proper diagnosis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I am 31 year old Phimosis problem

Male | 31

There are several ways to treat phimosis in adults, which not only include the application of topical creams but also surgical methods if required. You should seek advice from a urologist who can assess your unique circumstances and suggest the best treatment option. Their skills will guarantee you get quality treatment for your illness.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

I am also suffering from frequent & incomplete urination in the night, and have been diagnosed with BPH, wherein the urine comes out in a trickle, and I am unable to empty the bladder. This causes sleep deprivation. I am suffering this since long. In this case also I have tried many medicines, and now I am taking 1 tablet after breakfast and 1 in night. I have tested positive for prostate enlargement , and PSA tests are. negative. The last sonography test in February 2021, has shown prostate @40 gms Tablet Dynapres 0.4 1-0-0 Tablet Max Void 8 0-0-1

Male | 66

More detailed history and tests like Uroflowmetry and Ultrasound with Post void residual measurement will give accurate diagnosis. If it’s BPH only and not improving with medicines then might need a surgical treatment. There could be other reasons like urethral stricture or high bladder neck which is also dealt surgically.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Neeta Verma

Dr. Neeta Verma

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  3. I'm 29 years old I noticed have been peeing blood after se...