Female | 70
L’encéphalopathie hépatique pourrait-elle provoquer des changements permanents de personnalité après la guérison ?
ma grand-mère est tombée dans le coma à cause d'une encéphalopathie hépatique. elle allait tout à fait bien jusqu'à ce que ses mains commencent à trembler et qu'elle se mette à vomir un matin. il n'y avait aucun symptôme avant cela. elle a une cirrhose du foie. elle a été emmenée à l’hôpital environ 12 heures après que cela se soit produit et placée dans une unité de soins intensifs avec un ventilateur. elle a repris conscience au bout de 24 heures environ, après que l'ammoniac ait été éliminée du cerveau et de la poitrine. elle était dans un état critique, mais elle se rétablit bien. maintenant hors du ventilateur, elle a des changements de personnalité notables mais une bonne mémoire. cela me fait extrêmement peur. elle semble également moins consciente de l'environnement et met plus de temps à répondre. ces effets pourraient-ils être temporaires ou permanents ?

Answered on 9th Sept '24
L'encéphalopathie hépatique, qui est à l'origine de son coma, peut entraîner des changements temporaires dans la personnalité et un ralentissement de la réflexion. C’est parce que le foie ne fonctionne pas correctement et que les toxines s’accumulent dans le cerveau. Cependant, ces effets pourraient être atténués avec le traitement et le temps.
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Questions & Answers on "Neurosurgery Treatment" (43)
Hi, my mother was operated with the diagnosis of brain tumor about 15 years ago, she was very good at first, she did not lose any speech and movement ability, but now, unfortunately, she cannot speak fully and her movement ability has dropped very much. We have taken her to many doctors in Turkey and every doctor says that these are normal because her age is advanced and that it is normal and that it will get worse and worse and that she will lose her ability to move and speak (her age is 59), sometimes she has seizures. What can we do about this, what can we do to have a better standard of living? What kind of treatment method do you apply and how much is your fee respects!!!
Female | 59
Your mom might face long-term effects from her brain tumor surgery, including declines in speech and movement as the tumor affects different brain areas. These issues may worsen with age, and seizures are also common. To improve her quality of life, consult a neurologist or brain tumor specialist. They can recommend treatments like seizure medications, physical therapy, and speech therapy. Regular check-ups will help monitor progress and adjust her treatment plan as needed.
Answered on 26th Sept '24
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मस्तिक के पीछे छोटा सा गाव है जिसका बचपन में ऑपरेशन हुआ था जिसके बाद दौरेआने लगे दवाइयां चलती रहती है मेरी
महिला | 28
Your seizures are related to past brain surgery. It's good that you're taking medication regularly to manage them. However, it's important to visit a neurologist for regular check-ups. They can review your treatment and ensure that you're on the right medication.
Answered on 25th Sept '24
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Hi . We have a 19 year old girl diagnosed with Nf1 and retroperitoneal huge mass Do you have any cures for this Is there any way to get well completely if not please give us any suggestions to live longer or stop the spread Can we do radiotherapy or chemotherapy or surgery to get out some parts or is there any effective drug ?
Female | 19
NF1 may bring about tumor formation in one's body, just like the one that grew in the abdomen. Regrettably, there is no cure for NF1 at the moment. Treatment options may include the surgery of the mass, chemotherapy, or other medication to relieve symptoms and slow down the formation of the tumor. It is necessary to consult with an oncologist regarding all the alternatives to find the most suitable option for the patient.
Answered on 11th Oct '24
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My sister is 43 years old no know co morbids ,suddenly she developed headache and fever for 10 days,we rush to Er and in MRI it was as tumor they resect tumor and did craniotomy now in biopsy they saying grade 4 astrocytoma. What is the prognosis of this as patient is very young and what will be the best options for treatment
Female | 43
Grade 4 astrocytomas are aggressive brain cancers. Prognosis varies but typically includes surgery, radiation therapy (RT), and chemotherapy (CT). She should see her team regularly along with other experts if they feel it necessary. New symptoms such as fever, seizures increased headaches or behavioral changes mean that we need an immediate discussion so we may start correctly with the treatment regime too isolated be too. Medical guidance is important in deciding what will work ultimately.
Answered on 23rd Sept '24
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I had a routine mri scan which has showed a possible 1mm dilated blood Vessell on my brain,is a dilated blood Vessell the same as an aneurysm?
Male | 44
A dilated blood vessel is not necessarily the same as an aneurysm, but it can sometimes indicate one. Follow up with a doctor for evaluation and any necessary treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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hi I am thapelo In 2019 something like brick grew in my head my head just changed and during the years it was fading away now there still something remaining in the head I can't describe
Male | 24
You might be experiencing significant head discomfort, which could be due to a growth or lump. Such symptoms can cause concern. It's crucial to consult a doctor who can thoroughly examine you and provide appropriate treatment. Early detection makes treating conditions like cysts, tumors, or infections easier and more effective.
Answered on 31st Aug '24
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Sir, our patient was told by the Drs on the eve of the feast. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage due to sudden high blood pressure. He was operated on and a drain was inserted. He was intubated for the first 3 days, and reintubated 4 days later. It was informed that our patient reacted to pain but could not wake up because he was unconscious. We watched him react to some reactions, but his doctors say that these reactions are meaningless, for example, when I tickled the bottom of our patient's right foot, I saw that his right toes made small movements and I saw him open his eyes. and I looked from left to right with eye movements and I saw tears flowing from my left eye, I couldn't see this feeling in the left foot. When we wet it with cotton, I saw mouth and lip movements move, I saw movements that were disturbed by thirst, but there was no speech, but the first 10 legs of his body were very swollen and cold. In the last week, keep the body on fire, from the feet to the head, the body temperature is very high. Our patient was operated on the 14th day. Drainage has changed Dear teacher, we need you about the general condition of our patient, can you get back to us, can we share our patient's information?
Erkek | 75
I would suggest to consult with the patient's doctors and nurses directly involved in their care for accurate information and updates regarding their condition and share your concerns directly with them.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Kya brain tb ka operation karna jaruri hai
Male | 12
SurGERY is not always neceSSARY for BRAIN TB treatMENT.. It depends on the severity, location, and response to medication.. DOCTORS may recommend surGERY to drain fluid buildup, remove a damaged portion, or relieve pressure.. However, medication is the first line of defense and often effective.. SURGERY carries risks and should be done only when required.. Always follow the doctor's adVICE and take medication as preSCRIBED..
Answered on 23rd May '24
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my grandmother went into a coma caused by hepatic encephalopathy. she was completely fine until her hands started trembling and she started vomiting one morning. there were no symptoms before that. she does have liver cirrhosis. she was taken to a hospital approximately 12 hours after this happened and placed into an ICU with a ventilator. she regained consciousness in about 24 hours, after the ammonia had been flushed out from the brain and the chest. she was in critical condition, but has been recovering well. now off the ventilator she does have noticeable personality changes yet good memory. this to me is extremely scary. she also seems less aware of the environment and takes longer to answer. could these affects be temporary or permanent?
Female | 70
Hepatic encephalopathy, which is the cause of her coma, can result in some temporary changes in personality and slow thinking. This is because the liver is not functioning properly and the toxins are building up in the brain. However, these effects might be lessened with treatment and time.
Answered on 9th Sept '24
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Sir, My father has recently loss his memory and we meet with local d.r in Pakistan and they advise to take MRI contrast, In result of MRI found brain tumor but some one told for surgery and some get suggestion for avoid, Please guide us for better treatment. Ameer Jan Pakistan
Male | 65
Forgetfulness is one of the symptoms of a severe health problem. The MRI revealed a tumor on the brain in this case. Brain tumor warning signs may include memory difficulties, headaches, and vision changes. A positive result is possible through surgery to remove the tumor and thereby eliminate the symptoms. Consult a neurologist about the risks and benefits of making the right decision for your father's health.
Answered on 13th Sept '24
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I have an arteriovenous malformation with an arteriovenous fistula in the right foot, below the first metatarsal, which treatment is indicated?
Male | 15
Treatment for arteriovenous malformation with an arteriovenous fistula in the right foot below the first metatarsal depends on the size and location of the malformation, the severity of symptoms, and your overall health. Treatment options may include surgery, embolization, or a combination of both. Consult with a vascular surgeon to determine the best course of treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am a 46yr old female, experienced hoarseness for more than a year after covid, I did a ct scan which reveals Avidly enhancing extra axial mass just posterior to the pineal gland. Pineal region meningioma vrs pineocytoma.
Female | 46
The CT scan showing a mass near your pineal gland could be a meningioma or a pineocytoma, two tumors that can have similar effects. Both of them may result in headaches and vision problems. A neurosurgeon can help run through the methods, and the main treatment can consist of surgery or other alternatives, as the specific type of tumor requires.
Answered on 1st Oct '24
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Is it normal to remain unresponsive for days after seizure?
Female | 43
post-seizure drowsiness is common and being unresponsive for days is unusual and needs medical attention immediately.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Meri mummy patient hai unki brain tumor Ki sergary hui hai unko abhi urine me control bhi nahi hai or urine bhi bahot bar aata hai Doctor ne unko flodart tablet diya tha but usse kuch effect nahi huva to aap bhi kuch tablet bata sakte hai kya plz abhi mummy gav me rahte hai or unko chalne me bhi thoda problem hai to vo kahi ja nahi pate
Female | 60
It is always best to consult with her doctor to see what's the best course of action is for her. However, medications such as oxybutynin, tolterodine, and solifenacin may be effective in treating urinary incontinence. Additionally, physical therapy and pelvic floor exercises may help improve her walking and bladder control.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Insomnia, depressed for 5-6 months then got cured but again recurrence and suicidal thoughts.
Female | 24
Talk to your doctor of your symptoms and they can recommend appropriate treatment options like therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Practice good sleep, avoid caffeine and electronics before bedtime and establish a regular sleep routine, this can help improve insomnia symptoms.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My mother multiple scoleris un balance body mind demage spine damage treatment is continue but no a good response please tell me treatment kya ha is ka ?
Female | 40
Multiple sclerosis affects everyone differently. I suggest you to get a second opinion from a neurologist who specializes in MS. They can provide a treatment plan tailored to your mother's specific needs. It's important to continue any ongoing treatment while seeking additional medical advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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I am 48 years old and suffering from carpal tunnel from past 6 years. Earlier problem was not so much but now I am feeling numbness in my right hand while writing or doing any particular work. Should I go for surgery? Is there any physiotherapy after surgery and after how long I can do writing work as I am a teacher
Female | 48
You should go for surgery if your symptoms are very severe and make it difficult for you to do your everyday activities. Yes, after surgery, physiotherapy is done for better flexibility and strength. When can you resume writing and other work depends on the type of surgery you had and other things. It is important to listen to your doctor and start writing only after consulting him.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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My daughter is 4 year old. From last one month she is been suffering from absent epilepsy. Can it be curable?
Female | 4
Yes, Absent epilepsy is curable. Anti-epileptic drugs are helpful. EEG tests can be used to diagnose absence epilepsy. In most children, seizures can be controlled through medication. Early treatment is essential. Medicate as directed by the doctor.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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Name leksha TH Till 1 and half year normal baby and no issue till 1 year 8 months. TT injection has given 1 year 8 months baby and slowly got down all activities and Growing . MRI scaning show Cerable Atrophy - please help us for treatmemt
Female | 3
Its a condition in which the brain tissue shrinks or decreases in size. Its due to genetics, infections, head injuries, etc. Physical and occupational therapy can be recommended to help your baby develop new skills and improve their quality of life. Consult a neurologist to get the best treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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AVM surgeons in Philadelphia say it is impossible to get to the middle of the brain and say this child would die with or without surgery
Male | 15
It is true that some AVMs located deep within the brain may be challenging to access surgically, there are advanced techniques and technologies available that can enable surgical intervention or other treatment options. It is crucial for the child's parents or guardians to seek multiple medical opinions from highly experienced AVM specialists at the best neurology hospitals who have expertise in treating complex cases.
Answered on 23rd May '24
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