13 years of experience
Mansarovar, Jaipur
Male | 55
CEA stands for Carcinoembryonic Antigen, a protein produced in the body, and the levels of it in the body may be high because of different causes such as inflammation or infection. Usual symptoms are unusual with a slight increase in CEA levels, but further tests and monitoring are also often necessary. It’s important to visit your healthcare provider to find out the exact reasons for your condition and the best ways to fight it.
Answered on 19th June '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Male | 51
Your blood tests showed weird white cells and T cells. Those cells fight germs. So weird counts may mean your immune system isn't working right. Being tired, sick often, and losing weight for no reason - those could be signs too. Visit a hematologist to get proper treatment.
Answered on 5th Sept '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Male | 18
The platelet count of 149 reveals that the patient is near the normal range, hence no need to panic most of the time. However, reduced platelet levels will make it hard for blood to clot and result in easy, unexplained bruising, nosebleeds, or bleeding gums. Conditions, as being subjected to particular medications, infections, or autoimmune diseases, can be the most presumed causes. To help increase platelet count, it is advisable to take a healthy diet with an abundance of fruits and vegetables as its main constituents. Contact your hematologist for additional information.
Answered on 10th July '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Female | 48
HIV is primarily transferred through some body fluids like blood. If someone with a cut on their hand eats saliva-containing food, the saliva does not carry enough virus to infect you. Being cautious will make sure to see out for symptoms include flu-like illness and talk to your doctor if you are concerned.
Answered on 16th July '24
Dr. Babita Goel
Male | 20
Your blood test results have come back as abnormal. Generally, high levels of lym p-lc, MCV, PDW, mpv, and rdw-cv, in the case of low MHC and platelet count, can indicate various conditions. Your symptoms of anxiety, night fever, leg pain, and weight loss are bothersome. These abnormal results and symptoms may be linked to health issues such as anemia, infections, or inflammatory conditions. A doctor's follow-up is necessary for detailed diagnosis and treatment of the problem.
Answered on 1st Aug '24
Dr. Babita Goel
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