Male | 64
मेरा यूरिक एसिड 7.3 और शुगर पीपी 160 है। क्या मैं यूरिक एसिड को कम करने के लिए सेब साइडर ले सकता हूं, और क्या मैं नाश्ते में स्प्राउट्स ले सकता हूं, क्या स्प्राउट्स यूरिक एसिड के लिए ठीक है। कृपया सलाह दें

जनरल फिजिशियन
Answered on 23rd May '24
अपने चिकित्सक, एक सामान्य चिकित्सक से परामर्श लें। यूरिक एसिड और रक्त शर्करा के स्तर के प्रबंधन पर सलाह के लिए। यूरिक एसिड पर सेब साइडर सिरका के प्रभाव से सावधान रहें, और यदि आपके पास यूरिक एसिड का स्तर बढ़ा हुआ है तो अंकुरित अनाज के मध्यम सेवन पर विचार करें। संतुलित आहार और जीवनशैली में बदलाव पर मार्गदर्शन के लिए अपने डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें। बिना चिकित्सकीय सलाह के महत्वपूर्ण आहार परिवर्तन से बचें।
37 people found this helpful
Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1154)
My baby 6 years old over 1 months in PICU i have her medical reports i want to ask if there’s a solution for her or medical please
Female | 6
Ensure that your 6 year old is availed with medical attention from a pediatrician who has proper PICU experience as the baby has stayed there for a month or more. They can help you study the medical results and inform you about the best plan for addressing your child's current health situation.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am suffering from weight loss and hair loss from 6-7 months. Do I have cancer?
Female | 42
Weight loss and hair loss can happen for many reasons, not just cancer. But if you are concerned about it, you should have the concerned tests taken in the hospital. Other causes may include being stressed, feeding on an unhealthy diet, and thyroid problems. To assist in this area, ensure that you eat a balanced diet, manage your stress levels, and get enough sleep. Make an appointment to see your doctor and find out what is wrong!
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I got into a car crash back in April 2022 when I was 17. I took my eyes off the road. I was fiddling with the car radio, my head was turned towards the right and I crash the passenger side of my car into a telephone pole and all the airbags deployed. I didn’t get any facial or body injuries. I got diagnosed with bilateral tinnitus from an ENT doctor but they didn’t find any damage when they did a physical examination. I did a hearing test and I have a little bit of hearing loss. Based on my hearing test is my tinnitus permanent or temporary?
Male | 19
As an expert in the medical field, I suggest that you should see an audiologist for further examination of your tinnitus. Tinnitus could result from diverse origins for example hearing loss, eardrum inflammation, head or neck injuries, and use of certain drugs. The specialist can give the correct diagnosis and treatment alternatives specific to your case. It is advisable to seeking a healthcare professional immediacy to avoid extendes complications.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I stapled my thumb at work on Friday. (Preschool classroom, the staples had briefly fallen on the floor prior). It was in there pretty well. I pulled it out, it did bleed, I cleaned it out with soapy water and then 50% isopropyl alcohol. I have not gotten a tetanus vaccine booster in the last 10 years. I have a doctor appointment on Monday. If I have been exposed to tetanus, will it be too late for me to get a booster? What are the chances I could have it now?
Female | 34
I urge you to see a doctor immediately. Tetanus toxoid is required to be administered within 5 days of injury like the one you have to prevent the disease. It is hard to say if the person gets tetanus or not without biomedical proof. You need to see a doctor who is a specialist in infectious diseases.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Can I drink alcohol after anti-rabies vaccine? Its been a month since taking a vaccine
Male | 17
After receiving the anti rabies vaccine, it is generally safe to drink alcohol. However it's important to drink in moderation and complete the full vaccination series as recommended by your doctor for optimal protection against rabies.
Answered on 13th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I had a situation that was probably a panic attack but it was similar to a heart attack and I already have hypertension so I'm really worried. I want to figure out whether it was a panic attack or should I go to the ER.
Male | 20
It is important to consult your doctor immediately if you suffer symptoms like heart attack even if you are a hypertension patient. It could be a panic attack, but why take a chance and ignore any heart-related conditions that might be ruled out. Please see a cardiologist for detailed diagnosis and advice.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
On 20 may I donote blood. But now I am feeling headache, suffocation, vomiting. And Tomorrow is my exam also. Please help what shout I do?
Male | 20
Take rest, have enough water and eat a light meal if possible. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek immediate medical attention.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Hello. I want to ask about the risks of taking a free blood glucose test in a health fair. How high is the risk of transmitting a disease from it? Thank you.
Other | 15
The chance of carrying a disease from a free blood sugar test taken at a health fair in most cases is small. However, it is of utmost importance that hygiene and sterilization be observed in the testing process. If you have any concerns about symptoms after a test or, in the future, visit an endocrinologist for guidance and treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Hi doctor I am concerned for my health with my recent weight gain
Female | 25
Weight gain can be due to various factors.. Overeating is ONE reason.. Hormonal changes can be ANOTHER.. Lack of physical activity can also lead to weight gain.. It's important to ASSESS your lifestyle.. Start with small CHANGES, like INCREASING activity and choosing HEALTHIER foods.. Speak with a doctor or dietitian for PERSONALIZED advice..
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Diarrhoea with vomiting and fever with cough
Male | 26
It can be potentially caused by an infection. Stay well hydrated with fluids, get adequate rest, and avoid solid foods initially. If not recovered pls visit your nearest physician.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I am suffering from cough before 10days I used tablet and syrup but no use It's nonstop and I have bady pain what can I do I am feeding mother
Female | 32
I recommend that you should attend to the pulmonologist about your chronic cough because it might suggest some other issue that needs thorough medical care. However, it is important to seek medical advice before taking any medicine when nursing.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I have constipation and sound comes from my intestine
Male | 34
The sounds you hear could be due to gas movement in the intestines.But if you are worried, you can consult with a gastroentrologist
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
An accident occurred last night there elbow bleeding
Female | 45
A mishap occurred with your elbow last night. If bleeding, red blood emerges. Cuts or scrapes. To halt it, apply pressure using a clean cloth. However, if bleeding persists severely, seeking medical aid is wise.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I have flu and a runny nose
Male | 16
If you have flu symptoms with a runny nose, you may need to consult with a general physician. They will be expert enough to instruct you on the best technics of care and medicines to aid in your condition improvement hopefully.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Ive been having the feeling of a really bloated stomach for the last 2-3 days even when not having eaten much.
Male | 19
You might be experiencing this bloating beacuae of a wide variety of triggers including gas, stress and other medical conditions. For finding the rootcause of your bloat it’s crucial to consult gastroenterologist. They can make a proper physical check up, recommend some tests, and give the correct diagnosis and treatment plan.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
12 hyperintensities noted involving bilateral maxillary sinus-suggestive of sinusitis. T2 hyperintensities noted involving left mastoid air cells - suggestive of mastoiditis.
Female | 28
The existence of dilatation shown bilaterally in the maxillary sinuses, and the left mastoid air cells is indicative of sinusitis and mastoiditis. The ENT specialist who can investigate the pathology and provide the best treatment.
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
The doctor prescribed me a medicine (megapin) of 500mg but the megapin I got has a label 250/250 mg does that mean the medicine is total 500mg?
Male | 60
When medicine labels show 250/250 mg, it means there are two ingredients, each with 250 mg. One tablet contains 500 mg (250 + 250 = 500 mg). You're getting the correct dose your doctor prescribed. Follow the instructions for how many tablets to take.
Answered on 6th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel
Meri body mein hemoglobin bahut kam hai
Female | 37
ow hemoglobin level can indicate anemia which causes symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. Talk to your healthcare professional
Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Babita Goel
I have been suffering from one year with multiple problems My problems are 1) loss of appetite 2) bladder cystitis 3) microalbumia 4) Erectile dysfunction 5) weakness and frequent urination without bladder full so I want to go other city for treatment but which department doctor should I visit please guide me My name amit Chatterjee age 23
Male | 23
Not feeling hungry, bladder infection, protein in pee, and trouble keeping it up. Those could all be signs of diabetes. That can also make you feel tired and need to pee a lot. I think you should go see a diabetologist for tests and treatment.
Answered on 12th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel
What happens if someone ages 30, takes 7 dolo 650 at a time?
Female | 30
Answered on 17th June '24

Dr. Aparna More
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