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Female | 13

सर्जरी के बाद मुझमें नई गांठ क्यों बन जाती है?

27 अगस्त को मेरी सर्जरी हुई थी और अब अचानक मेरे पेट के अंदर और बाहर एक बड़ी गांठ हो गई है और यह बहुत बड़ी है और मैं इसके बारे में चिंतित हूं और इसमें बहुत दर्द होता है और मैं अपने डॉक्टर से ऑक्सीकोडोन लिखवाती हूं। मैं 13 साल का हूं और मैंने अपनी मां से बात की है और उन्हें यकीन नहीं है कि यह क्या है? मुझे इसकी चिंता है.

Dr Babita Goel

जनरल फिजिशियन

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

हर्निया तब होता है जब कोई अंग मांसपेशियों में छेद से बाहर निकलता है, उभार बनाता है और आपको चोट पहुँचाता है। सर्जरी के बाद, यह अक्सर होता है। सलाह है कि बिना देर किए अपने चिकित्सक से परामर्श लें। यदि हर्निया ठीक नहीं हुआ तो आपका डॉक्टर सर्जरी का प्रस्ताव भी दे सकता है। इस अवधि के दौरान भारी सामान न उठाएं या अपने पेट पर दबाव न डालें क्योंकि इससे हर्निया खराब हो सकता है। 

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Questions & Answers on "General Surgeryy" (86)

What are ovaries attached to after hysterectomy?

Female | 45

After a hysterectomy, the ovaries may or may not be removed depending on the type of hysterectomy. If the ovaries are left in place, they remain attached to the pelvic sidewall and are typically connected to blood vessels called the ovarian vessels.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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A nurse wiped the arm with alcohol and then touched the arm to check the nerve with bare hands and then injected the needle to collect blood. She didn't even sanitized her hand as I saw her drawing other patients blood. Could it transmit HIV or hep b?

Male | 23

The risk of HIV or Hepatitis B infection from the scenario you told me about is extremely low. HIV and Hepatitis B are primarily transmitted through the infection of the blood of the infected persons. The symptoms may include being feeble, jaundice, or flu-like symptoms. 

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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What to expect 4 months after hysterectomy?

Male | 45

After a hysterectomy, the recovery period will significantly improve after four months. Most women find less pain, better movement and back to normal life. Hormonal changes may still occur, and emotions about the transformations occurring in reproductive health might not settle. It is important to make regular follow-up appointments with your Doctor for monitoring of overall well being and addressing any concerns that might be developed during the recovery process. 


Answered on 23rd May '24

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Dr. Luna Pant I am 45 years old female for 4 years suffering from Painful Endometriosis and fibroids . I will go for surgery now but before that want to take advice what all parts need to take out? Thank you!

Female | 45

For painful endometriosis and multiple fibroids best option is laparoscopic hysterectomy.  With ablation of endometriotic patches . The parts which need to be taken out is uterus including cervix and sparing the ovaries for better hormonal function . We need detailed reports and history for better evaluation . You can also visit best general surgeon near you for treatment

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Apke yaha ayushman card se elaj hota h

Male | 9

Haanji. Hota hai. Contact- 8639947097

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Reduce Clinic Visits Save your time and money from the hassle of visits.

Male | 44

You can take online consultations and get lab technicians come for home visit to take blood samples and send reports to drs online to avoid travel and waage of time .

Answered on 12th July '24

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I just had surgrey on the 27th of August and now all of sudden I have a big lump inside my stomach and outside of it and it is big and I am concerned about it and it hurts alot and I get oxycodone prescribed from my doctor and I am 13 and I have talked to my mom and she is not sure what it is? I am concerned about it.

Female | 13

A hernia is when an organ comes out of a hole in the muscle, making a bump and hurting you. After the surgery, it frequently occurs. The recommendation is to consult your physician without delay. Your doctor might also propose surgery if the hernia is not corrected. Do not lift heavy stuff or strain your belly as it may worsen the hernia during this period. 

Answered on 3rd Sept '24

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In my grandfather Foley catheter was inserted but in night the catheter was pulled out with balloon inflated little bleeding is occur but there is no pain what should I do

Male | 80

It looks like your grandpa’s Foley catheter might have a problem. The balloon could be causing the bleeding because it’s coming out. There’s no pain, so that’s good. We’ll watch the bleeding for now. Keep the area clean and dry. If the bleeding doesn’t stop or you have other worries, call your health care provider right away for advice.

Answered on 27th May '24

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Hello, I had pancreas surgery a month ago. I just wanted to know if I can go swimming and ride water slides after a month of surgery? The surgery was only 3 small cuts.

Female | 25

After a pancreas surgery, one should be more mindful that the person should not stay longer in the water and especially not undertake swimming and water slides that are heavy on the internal organ part and can be the cause of some complications. Allow your surgical wounds to heal and do not perform water activities for 2 to 3 months. It's quite natural to feel tensed and it's the right approach to not indulge in these things until you are fully healthy again.

Answered on 13th July '24

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I will be undergoing a surgery tomorrow, does it effect anything?

Female | 35

What surgery

Answered on 12th July '24

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Symptoms of ovarian failure after hysterectomy?

Female | 36

The symptoms of ovarian failure following a hysterectomy may include hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. Menstrual patterns may change, and if ovaries were taken out, they will stop menstruating. Mood changes may include mood swings and irritability. Besides, low levels of estrogen may cause changes in libido. Ovarian failure can also impair bone health, which may influence bone density. If these manifestations occur, it is critical to seek the advice of your health care provider for proper assessment and intervention.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I'm 39 yrs male have a small Lipoma in my leg. looking for a doctor surgeon who could remove it.

Male | 39

see a general surgeon
which city?

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How long do ovaries work after hysterectomy?

Female | 35

If the uterus is removed, as in a hysterectomy with preservation of ovaries, they usually work normally until natural menopause. But this may differ from person to person and the surgical approach. You should talk to your gynecologist and with the surgeon that did your surgery for details about you case. They will inform patients about post-surgery ovarian function recovery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 22 year Female and i have lumps in my breast, and it's get increase by number and by size also, I have lumps since I was 16 year old, I went to my doctor but it didn't improve yet, and some of them told me for surgery but i didn't feel comfortable for surgery and mark that remain forever so plz help me and suggest me something better for me

Female | 22

no better option apart from surgery 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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