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Best Liposuction doctors in Pune

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Last Updated: 3rd October 2024


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Dr. Hitesh Laad Liposuction

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Dr. Rahul Dalal Liposuction
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Consult Dr. Rahul Dalal

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Dr. Babasaheb B. Ingale Liposuction

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Dr. Vijay Nagdev Liposuction
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Dr. K Chandvania Liposuction

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Dr. Swapna Athavale Liposuction

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Dr. Pushkar Deshpande Liposuction

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Dr. Amit Mulay Liposuction

Dr. Amit Mulay

Plastic Surgeon

14 years of experience

Next available - Saturday

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Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta Liposuction

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Dr. Krishna Chaudhari Liposuction

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Dr. Vishwanath Jigjinni Liposuction

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Dr. Rajendra Gandhi Liposuction

Next available - Friday

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Dr. Geeta N Parwani Liposuction

Dr. Geeta N Parwani

Adolescent Medicine Physician

27 years of experience

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Dr. Niteen Dhepe Liposuction
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Top 10 Liposuction doctors Near Pune

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Viral Desai


25₹ 800
Dr. Hitesh Laad


25₹ 800
Dr. Rahul Dalal


22₹ 800
Dr. Babasaheb B. Ingale


16₹ 300
Dr. Vijay Nagdev


14₹ 500
Dr. K Chandvania


43₹ 800
Dr. Swapna Athavale


11₹ 500
Dr. Pushkar Deshpande


22₹ 600
Dr. Amit Mulay


14₹ 700
Dr. Ashish Davalbhakta


26₹ 1000

If you're looking for liposuction surgery in Pune, you've come to the right place. Liposuction surgery is a form of cosmetic surgery that removes fat from specific areas of the body using a suction procedure, such as the neck, arms, buttocks, thighs, hips, or belly.Fat reduction from abdomen region is called as Tummy Tuck. Liposuction, often known as body contouring or lipoplasty, is a procedure performed by a plastic surgeon. If you have excess body fat in certain areas but generally maintain a healthy weight, you are a good candidate for liposuction. Although age isn't usually a factor, older patients' skin has less flexibility and so may not get the same outcomes as a younger patient with tighter skin.

Liposuction in Pune

Liposuction, also known as body contouring or body sculpting is a surgical method of removing unwanted body fat. With today’s busy life, people of Pune prefer Liposuction to get rid of their fat. With increasing demand Liposuction in India has also increase as today we have many experienced and efficient doctors available for liposuction treatment in India. However, Liposuction cost in India is very cheap when you compare it with the other countries in the world. You may also look at the cost of Cool sculpting in India, as thus procedure is also gaining a lot of popularity among people who are looking for fat removal surgeries.

Pune is the city in India which is around Mumbai and treatment Liposuction in Pune as well as skin specialist in pune is becoming popular day by day. The number of cosmetic surgeons is also on the rise in the city. Some of the best experienced surgeons of Liposuction in Mumbai are also visiting Pune because of its growing demand. 

Turkey is a country outside of India that provides healthcare at prices similar to India. Even if the treatment and services are reasonably priced, the hospitals there never compromise on service quality. In addition to other things, Turkey has become more well-known for cosmetic operations, and thousands of people still go there each year for affordable cosmetic procedures. So, if you're thinking about getting liposuction in Turkey, go here for Turkish liposuction surgeons. Click Here for additional information on the pricing.

Why choose liposuction?

When diets and exercises fail, liposuction helps you. It diminishes the appearance of fat from the body and gives you a much toned and firm look. Although Liposuction is safe, being an invasive procedure,it comes with its own risks. It is highly recommended that you speak to your surgeon about the procedure thoroughly. Opt for liposuction only after you are convinced. Liposuction is performed under local or general anesthesia, depending upon the area to be treated. The cost of Liposuction in Pune is also reasonable and affordable as compared to Liposuction cost in Mumbai. It may begin from Rs. 20000/- and vary depending upon the areas to be treated.

However, there are a few Do’s and Don’ts that needs to be followed before and after the Liposuction surgery in Pune.


• Always do your research thoroughly. Choose your surgeon and clinic carefully. Ask for reviews of the clinic and the surgeon and if possible speak to some of their patients. This will help reduce any major complications.

• Have realistic expectations about the surgery and not expect results overnight. You must also understand that Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure.

• Liposuction works well on bodies having a healthy weight. Hence it is important that you maintain a healthy weight before undergoing Liposuction. This procedure is mostly used to remove stubborn fat from areas such as thighs, abdomen, neck and arms.

• There are several Liposuction procedures such as tumescent liposuction, Ultrasonic and laser assisted liposuction. Each procedure has got its own advantages and disadvantages. It is advisable that you speak to your surgeon and understand which procedure would work the best for you.

• Your surgeon will provide you with a list of postoperative do’s and don’ts. It is important that you follow it properly. Your surgeon may advise you to go for light walks the day after your surgery to help reduce clotting. You will also be given compression garments to be worn around the treated area to reduce any swelling.


• Don’t have high expectations from the surgery. The results will show only after a few months after the Liposuction surgery.

• Don’t hide any facts about your medical history or family medical history during your consultation with the surgeon. Do not hesitate to ask any questions to your surgeons. Get all your doubts and queries answered and have a clear understanding about what you should expect from Liposuction.

• Don’t include medications such as aspirin, herbal products or Vitamin E supplements as they slow down blood clotting. Over the counter medications can also interfere with the process and cause bleeding during the surgery. Make your surgeon aware about all the medications you are taking before the Liposuction surgery in Pune.

• Don’t expect Liposuction to treat all the areas of the body. Although Liposuction can be performed on all the areas of the body, most of the areas do not respond well to the treatment. Ask your surgeon if you are the right candidate for Liposuction and if Liposuction would produce the desired results.

Questions & Answers on "Liposuction" (245)

Why do I have breasts even when I am a man it's been 2 years and it's not going iam not able to wear t-shirts and I feel ashamed and iam not even that overweight

Male | 18

The condition of breast enlargement in men is called gynecomastia. It can be due to hormonal changes, medications or health conditions. It is advised that a plastic surgeon should be consulted for further evaluation and management. Do not medicate yourself, or take nonprescription medications without consulting a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have facial hair growth over both chin and upper lip. Its because of hormonal imbalance my DHEA level is 180. So may i know if laser hair removal will help get rid of this facial hair growth.

Female | 29

Laser hair removal can be an effective way to remove unwanted facial hair. But it is important to discuss any hormonal imbalances with your doctor before beginning a treatment plan. Laser hair removal may not be the best option for you if your DHEA level is high as this could lead to an increased risk of side effects. Your doctor may suggest other options such as oral medications, topical creams, or electrolysis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Greetings sir my daughter is four years old she was some what black with your suggestion I want her for skin whitening treatment which one is permanent for her chemical peel or Laser treatment please suggest me sir

Female | 4

Neither of these treatments is recommended for children under the age of 18. Chemical peels and laser treatments are not permanent skin whitening treatments. These treatments can help to reduce the appearance of dark spots, but they will not permanently lighten the skin.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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