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Best Liposuction doctors in Turkey

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Last Updated: 3rd October 2024


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Dr. Mustafa Murat Ozturk Liposuction

Dr. Mustafa Murat Ozturk

Aesthetics And Plastic Surgeon

23 years of experience

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Dr. Bulent Cihantimur Liposuction
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Dr. Cagri Sade Liposuction
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Dr. Koray Urgu Liposuction

Dr. Koray Urgu

Cosmetic Surgeon

18 years of experience

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Dr. Murat Pence Liposuction

Dr. Murat Pence

Cosmetic Surgeon

28 years of experience

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Dr. Gurhan Ozcan Liposuction

Dr. Gurhan Ozcan

Cosmetic Surgeon

38 years of experience

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Dr. Jale Ozdemir Liposuction

Dr. Jale Ozdemir

Aesthetics And Plastic Surgeon

17 years of experience

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Dr. Fulya Fındıkçıoğlu Liposuction
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Dr. Omer Sagir Liposuction

Dr. Omer Sagir

Cosmetic Surgeon

22 years of experience

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Dr. Ahmet Kucukcelebi Liposuction

Dr. Ahmet Kucukcelebi

Cosmetic Surgeon

37 years of experience

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Dr. Md Erkan Özgün Liposuction
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Dr. Ahmet Cemil Dalay Liposuction

Dr. Ahmet Cemil Dalay

Hair Transplant

32 years of experience

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Dr. Serkan Dinar Liposuction

Dr. Serkan Dinar

Plastic Surgeon

27 years of experience

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Dr. Halil İbrahim Gökçek Liposuction

Dr. Halil İbrahim Gökçek

Plastic Surgeon

25 years of experience

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Dr. Serif Yavuz Liposuction
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Top 10 Liposuction doctors In Turkey

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Mustafa Murat Ozturk


Dr. Bulent Cihantimur


Dr. Cagri Sade


Dr. Koray Urgu


Dr. Murat Pence


Dr. Gurhan Ozcan


Dr. Jale Ozdemir


Dr. Fulya Fındıkçıoğlu


Dr. Omer Sagir


Dr. Ahmet Kucukcelebi



Liposuction surgery removes fat from your body and smoothens out uneven body parts. It can contour areas such as the chin, neck, cheeks, upper arms, breasts, belly, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.

There can be a variation in liposuction cost depending on the technology used or the area operated. Turkey offers a safe experience at a lower price with no comprise on quality.

Below we have assembled the list of the best plastic surgeons in Turkey with liposuction expertise.

What should have been done before the procedure:

  • Medical tests to ensure your body is fit for liposuction, laser liposuction or 360 lipo.
  • A review of medical history, past medical records, and medication history.
  • Stop/restrict certain medications, such as aspirin, etc. for a week or two before the surgery.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.

After the procedure: 

  • Compression garments or elastic bandages reduce swelling due to laser liposuction surgery.
  • The doctor’s instructions should be followed to avoid infections.
  • Regular follow-ups and medication checkups.
  • After the surgery, it may take several days/weeks for complete recovery.


Questions & Answers on "Liposuction" (245)

Why do I have breasts even when I am a man it's been 2 years and it's not going iam not able to wear t-shirts and I feel ashamed and iam not even that overweight

Male | 18

The condition of breast enlargement in men is called gynecomastia. It can be due to hormonal changes, medications or health conditions. It is advised that a plastic surgeon should be consulted for further evaluation and management. Do not medicate yourself, or take nonprescription medications without consulting a doctor.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have facial hair growth over both chin and upper lip. Its because of hormonal imbalance my DHEA level is 180. So may i know if laser hair removal will help get rid of this facial hair growth.

Female | 29

Laser hair removal can be an effective way to remove unwanted facial hair. But it is important to discuss any hormonal imbalances with your doctor before beginning a treatment plan. Laser hair removal may not be the best option for you if your DHEA level is high as this could lead to an increased risk of side effects. Your doctor may suggest other options such as oral medications, topical creams, or electrolysis.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Greetings sir my daughter is four years old she was some what black with your suggestion I want her for skin whitening treatment which one is permanent for her chemical peel or Laser treatment please suggest me sir

Female | 4

Neither of these treatments is recommended for children under the age of 18. Chemical peels and laser treatments are not permanent skin whitening treatments. These treatments can help to reduce the appearance of dark spots, but they will not permanently lighten the skin.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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