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10 Best Metabolism doctors in Canara Bank Layout

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Dr. Praveen Ramachandra Metabolism
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Questions & Answers on "Metabolism" (366)

I hv stop medicine sizomant suddenly after eating of 45 days and I noticed omitting, nausea, confusion, less concentration, irritating, running here and there, anxiety.. After that I went to another dr. He gave me toficalm 50, nexito ls , arip mt 2, trymptor 10... I feel fresh but no sleep at all...asleep all the time...3 days I had that tablet. Now in confusion whether to eat sizomant after 15 days or eat this 4 tablet

Female | 43

It looks like a sudden withdrawal of your medication resulted in several extremely uncomfortable problems such as vomiting, confusion, and anxiety. The new physician has prescribed a different set of drugs to you to alleviate the condition, but now you are having sleep issues. It is crucial to neither start nor stop drugs without consulting your doctor. You should give them a call and tell them how you feel. 

Answered on 4th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hey am jass i juzt know that am pregnant so am on my thyroid medication so do i need to continue my medication?? Is there any sideffect of the medicine

Female | 28

Thyroid meds are crucial during pregnancy. Thyroid issues can pose risks to you and your baby. Skipping medication may le­ad to complications like hypertension or pre­term delivery. No worrie­s, though - the medication is pregnancy-safe­. Follow the doctor's prescription diligently. 

Answered on 30th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My Vitamin d is 5. Is this very low and what symptoms i might feel in daily life?

Female | 29

A Vitamin D level of 5 is quite low. It can lead to symptoms like tiredness, muscle weakness, bone pain, and getting sick often. This can happen because your body needs Vitamin D to stay strong and healthy. You can increase your Vitamin D level by spending time in the sun, taking supplements, and eating foods like fish and eggs that contain Vitamin D.

Answered on 13th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

नमस्ते मेरे भाई का नाम Amit हैं उन्हें बचपन से ही type 1 daibtes हैं last 4 दिनों से उन्हें widal typhide or kidney की problem हो रही हैं please give me some suggestions

Male | 32

It is natural to worry about Amit. His immune system might have difficulty in fighting infections, especially type 1 diabetic patients. Fever, weakness, and abdominal pain can be symptoms of typhoid or kidney problems. They should give him light food, drink plenty of water, and check his blood sugar regularly. However, a professional checkup for these symptoms is a must. Please contact a doctor so that they can guide you to the correct diagnosis and treatment. Best wishes for a quick recovery!

Answered on 19th Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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