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Best Prp Treatment doctors in Alwarpet

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Last Updated: 3rd October 2024


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Dr. Nivethitha S Prp Treatment
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Dr. Meenakshi M Prp Treatment
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Dr. Gayathri Devi Prp Treatment

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Dr. Sowmya Dogiparthi Prp Treatment

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Dr. P. Krishnamurthy Prp Treatment

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Dr. Manimegalai Prp Treatment

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Dr. Murugusundaram Sundaram Prp Treatment

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Dr. Vijay Karthik Prp Treatment
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Dr. Cordelia Babitha Prp Treatment

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Dr. Shwetha Rahul Prp Treatment

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Dr. Deepthi Motiram Prp Treatment

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Top 10 Prp Treatment doctors Near Alwarpet

Doctor RatingExperienceFee
Dr. Nivethitha S


9 ₹ 700
Dr. Meenakshi M


13₹ 700
Dr. Gayathri Devi


29₹ 500
Dr. Sowmya Dogiparthi


15₹ 600
Dr. P. Krishnamurthy


Dr. Manimegalai


41₹ 400
Dr. Murugusundaram Sundaram


31₹ 600
Dr. Vijay Karthik


28₹ 300
Dr. Cordelia Babitha


21₹ 300
Dr. Shwetha Rahul


18₹ 500

Hair loss may be distressing and unpleasant for both men and women. Prp is a therapy that you could find useful. PRP is a non-surgical medical technique that involves injecting concentrated plasma rich in growth factors and nutrients taken from your own blood into areas of the scalp where hair growth is needed. It's a straightforward and quick method for halting hair loss and promoting new hair growth and we have compiled a list of best Prp Treatment doctors in Alwarpet & nearby areas in Chennai, that can assist you.

Frequently Asked Questions


1)What are the average consultation fees of the Prp Treatment doctors in Alwarpet & nearby areas in Chennai?

A consultation with a prp treatment doctor costs between Rs.500 and Rs.1000 ($7 and $14). In addition, it may differ based on the area.


2) How much it cost for Prp treatment?

Each PRP therapy session might cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000. The total cost of therapy might range between 20,000 to 1.5 lakhs. Depending on how many sessions are necessary. It's a costly procedure that requires numerous sessions to complete effectively.


3) Is there any side effects of Prp treatment?

There are risks associated with PRP since it involves injecting a substance into the skin. PRP is autologous, meaning it is made entirely from your own body's components. This lowers the chances of a negative reaction to other medicines, such as cortisone or hyaluronic acid. However, there are risks from the injection itself, including:

  • infection
  • nerve injuries
  • pain at the injection site
  • tissue damage


4) Is Prp treatment effective?

Hair loss has become a big concern for both men and women in recent years, and many are seeking quick solutions and hair restoration techniques. Platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP) is the newest trend in hair loss treatment, with promising outcomes. This treatment not only promotes hair growth but also strengthens hair follicles. The stage of hair loss, on the other hand, determines the treatment, which is assessed after a detailed analysis by a qualified dermatologist and we have the list of the top Dermatologists in Alwarpet & nearby areas in Chennai, who can help you to regrow your hair.

Questions & Answers on "Prp Treatment" (2601)

Hi doctor my is a diabetic patient she has developed a would in her leg we treated with some tablets but still it's not healed properly please suggest

Female | 59

This could come as a result of high blood sugar, poor blood circulation, or infection. Redness, warmth, swelling, and pus are the signs of infection. In some cases, scars must be treated with special dressings or antibiotics. Help her to control her blood sugar levels and make sure she gets her wound care from her doctor.

Answered on 6th Nov '24

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