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Male | 22

Why Do I have long-lasting chest pain lifting heavy objects?

1. Do you have chest or chest pain for a long time, lifting something heavy or having pain? 2. Want to glow around the screen? 3.Sexual problem is a little

Answered on 9th July '24

1. If you have chest pain for a long time, especially when lifting something heavy, it could be a sign of a serious heart condition. Please consult a cardiologist to get it checked out.

2. If you want your skin to glow, it's important to maintain a healthy diet and skincare routine. For personalized advice, visiting a dermatologist can be very helpful.

3. If you are experiencing sexual problems, it’s important to talk to a urologist or a sexual health specialist. They can help you understand and treat the issue properly.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

My blood creatinine level 1.45 dg/ml is it dangerous ?

Male | 56

The reading indicates slightly elevated levels, suggesting potential kidney issues. It may not be immediately dangerous, but it requires evaluation by a doctor to determine the cause and recommend appropriate steps or treatments. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Went to urgent care yesterday morning for fever, aches, and chills with no other symptoms. They gave me antibiotics for UTI. Having back pain that’s making me nauseous. Should I go to the ER?

Female | 37

You're de­aling with back pain and nausea after a UTI treatme­nt. Back pain combined with nausea could indicate a kidne­y infection. Kidney infections re­quire quick attention. Going to the ER for an e­valuation might be wise. They can diagnose­ the issue and provide the­ proper treatment. 

Answered on 31st July '24

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Yesterday at 8pm, l swallowed my tablets including pill, so after an hour one of the tablets appeared to be back and settled in my neck, l have drunk much water, ate yellow bananas but still it's on my neck, and when l try to swallow it, it moves a little bit and then comes back on my neck, up to now no change, what can l do, help me please.

Male | 18

Sometimes pills do not go down easily. To keep the problem from worsening, drink plenty of water and eat some soft foods like bananas at the beginning. Try to drink a bigger mouthful of water while you are holding your head a bit down from the tablet several times. In case the feeling still remains, or in the event of pain difficulty in breathing, or experiencing exacerbated sensations, you should seek medical aid. 

Answered on 17th Dec '24

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Do you smell toast when you have a stroke?

Female | 32

Olfactory hallucinations could also appear where one sneezes or smells something burning; like toast, when nothing is actually cooking near. This can be in the context of a stroke and other neurological events. But this is not a typical or consistent sign of stroke. The commonest presenting symptoms of a stroke include sudden numbness or weakness, on the one hand and confussion, difficulty in speaking , vision problems dizziness loss order to balance. In case you develop any of the mentioned symptoms or are worried that it might be stroke, taking immediate treatment from a neurologist becomes crucial. In such situations, quick treatment is vital.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Helo am called Tamale omar and am 21 years old l have no stds nor hiv but want l wanted to know and take a yellow fever vaccination inorder to get a yellow card certificate qualification

Male | 21

It’s great that you’re considering a yellow fever vaccination, as it’s essential for travel to certain areas. Symptoms of yellow fever can include fever, chills, loss of appetite, and muscle pain. This virus spreads through infected mosquitoes. Getting vaccinated is a highly effective way to protect yourself. I recommend visiting a healthcare provider or travel clinic to receive the vaccine and obtain your yellow card certification. They can also address any questions you may have, ensuring you feel confident and informed.

Answered on 21st Jan '25

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I am an 18 year old female. I have been preparing for competitive exams for almost a year now. everything was going okay I used to feel a little sleepy while studying in the morning after 6 to 7 hours of sleep. But recently I have been sleeping 6 to 7 hours at night but feeling too tired all day especially when I am studying, I have my exam next month. I am unable to study I am trying so hard but I still feel so sleepy all day. I also missed my periods last month.

Female | 18

You are e­xperiencing a lot of stress from e­xams. Feeling drained and missing pe­riods could indicate stress-induced hormone­ imbalance. When stresse­d, your hormones get disrupted, causing fatigue­ and irregular menstruation. To manage this, re­st adequately, maintain a nutritious diet, and conside­r counseling for stress-coping technique­s. Remember to take­ study breaks periodically and prioritize se­lf-care practices. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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Why am I losing so much weight so fast

Female | 35

Rapid weight loss can be as a trigger of a certain medical condition and this has to be attended to immediately. It can be caused by diabetes, Hashimoto's disease, or some other problems. You can have a consultaation with endocrinologist to detect the cause and manage the condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I would like to Register my Hospital in this Medical Tourism for serving people to save their organs with our Advanced Wound care treatment. For more info visit Can reach out directly on call at 001-5169746662

Male | 35

If your wound is not healing or getting infected then you must visit with the specialist in wound care. Wound care specialists, often known as wound management or wound healing specialists, have the experience to treat different types of wounds. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi, I am a Bangladeshi and need to have a proper physical checkup at your hospital. Would you please let me know the procedure and what packages you do have.

Female | 37

We offer different services that are included in the blood test package, imaging studies, and physical examinations that are personalized to your requirements. The medical professionals will analyze your results and provide you with the recommended treatment after the checkup. Being regular health assessment enthusiasts can safeguard people from illness and ensure their health, I would, therefore, advise you to make an appointment without any delay. Your wellness is at the very top of our list of things we care the most about, and we are here to support you all the way.

Answered on 10th Dec '24

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One person more than 6 paracetamol tablet use one time what to do and any problem

Female | 35

Taking more than the prescribed dose of paracetamol can be one of the reasons why the liver is not functioning well and it can be very dangerous. The symptoms of an overdose might display rather quickly, some being nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and confusion. Time is very important. If you suspect that an overdose has occurred, please consult a physician right away, as they can give you the much-needed care and treatment.

Answered on 3rd Jan '25

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Hi sir , Good morning My name is Anand , Last week I went for Gamca medical test in Hyderabad, In chest Xray I got remark like (Nodule mark at right lower Zone) , How to avoid that marks in Chest

Male | 27

It is necessary to mention that chest X-ray nodule can be seen even in case of diseases with various outcomes – from benign to fatal. I hope that you will seek the help of a pulmonologist or a chest specialist to obtain the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan. They will lead you through the process and offer all the information on how you can stop other nodules from developing.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hlo doctor I'm denarius gurung from sikkim and I'm having cold and throat pain for few day and it's not being cured and i have not shown to any doctor till now

Male | 15

It can be an infection check with the doctor to get appropriate treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been suffering from a sinus infection since Jan 2024 and now I am lightheaded while moving my head and walking at times feel unsteady and very fatigued. Is the subjective feeling of dizziness caused by this ongoing sinus infection?

Male | 40

Yes, a sinus infection may make you feel dizzy, particularly if it has been persistent for so long. But it is even better if you visit an ENT specialist for a professional advice

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a fever and pin body

Female | 35

Experiencing elevated temperature and discomfort can be concerning but often indicates your body is fighting an infection. Common causes include viruses or bacteria, and symptoms may include fatigue, body aches, or chills. It’s important to rest, stay hydrated, and consider over-the-counter medications to alleviate discomfort. Monitoring your condition is key—if symptoms worsen or persist beyond a few days, please consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. 

Answered on 28th Jan '25

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Will bupemorphine show up in blood work for my new employer and there insurance, or does it have to be a specific blood test for that

Male | 28

Yes, buprenorphine can be found in blood tests. But it depends on the type of test your employer will be conducting with you. You have to inform your employer about the medications you may be taking. When it comes to questions concerning the nature of the test, it is advisable to reach out to a medical practitioner for clarifications, a psychiatrist or an addiction specialist being the best.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Jukam sar dard khasi hai sir

Male | 16

If you have a cold, headache, and cough, it could be due to a common viral infection. It's best to stay hydrated, rest, and take over-the-counter medications to relieve symptoms. However, if the symptoms persist, please visit a general physician to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Answered on 11th July '24

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