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Female | 35

Is my invasive ductal carcinoma aggressive and concerning?

1. Tumor Characteristics: Type: The tumor is identified as an invasive ductal carcinoma, NST (No Special Type), located in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. Grade: It’s classified as Grade 3, which is high grade, based on a Nottingham histologic score of 9. Size: The tumor measures 7.0 x 5.0 x 4.6 cm. 2. Additional Findings: DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ): Present with a "comedo type" pattern, which is aggressive, with high nuclear grade and central necrosis. Lymphovascular Invasion: Detected, suggesting cancer cells may be spreading to nearby lymph or blood vessels. Microcalcifications: Absent. 3. Margins: One of the specimen's margins shows invasive carcinoma, meaning the cancer is close to or touching the edge of the removed tissue. Other margins are 1-2 mm away from the invasive carcinoma. Impression: This is a high-grade invasive ductal carcinoma, meaning it is an aggressive form of breast cancer.

Answered on 11th Nov '24

According to the diagnosis you have received from the doctor, you have a high-grade invasive ductal carcinoma in the breast. This type of cancer is really a fast-growing type of cancer. It concors the breast and causes like a lump in the breast or skin changes. The origins of the disease are not always acknowledged, but the factors like the genes and hormone levels might be contributing to the risk. For this, an oncologist may accept a scheme with a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy to remove or eradicate the cancer cells.

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Questions & Answers on "Breast Cancer" (68)

Patient is having pain in left brest also feel something is moving inside

Female | 31

If you are experiencing pain in your left breast and feel something moving inside, it is important to consult a doctor. These symptoms may be due to various reasons, and it is best to visit a breast specialist or a general surgeon for proper diagnosis and treatment. They can guide you with the appropriate care and tests needed.

Answered on 19th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

- Multiple tiny cystic foci are present in all quadrants of both breasts. Rest of glandular parenchyma of breasts is increased in echogenecity and homogeneous in echotexture The normal fat are seen rounded hypoechoic areas throughout the glandular tissue. The skin is normal in thickness and the nipples are normal in appearance No enlarge lymph node is seen Axilla No enlarge lymph node is seen. COMMENTS: Fibrocystic disease in both breasts. Normal both axilla.

মহিলা | Ruma

You may have the usual fibrocystic disease in both breasts. This means saclike structures filled with fluid and more tissue in your breasts. You may feel breast pain, lumpiness, or swelling. It is not cancer and is common among women. For symptomatic relief, it is good to wear a supportive bra, minimize caffeine consumption, and take pain relievers. Always monitor any changes, and do regular breast self-exams.

Answered on 8th Oct '24

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Dr. Ganesh Nagarajan

Breast में दर्द हैं और गांठ भी महसूस हो रहा है

महिला | 26

Kindly get examined by a surgeon who can take biopsy if needed.

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

Dr. Akash Dhuru.

Dr. Akash Dhuru.

Can axillary fibroadenoma be treated with medicine? If not what is the process and cost of surgery? Is there any chance of future malignancy

Female | 24

Treatment is by surgery and the specimen will be sent for Histopathological examination for confirming diagnosis. Previous benign breast pathologies have slightly higher risk than general population, though the standard screening protocol of SBE and CBE should be followed. You can connect to me for further information. --- Dr. Akash Dhuru (Surgical Oncologist)

Answered on 19th June '24

Dr. Akash Dhuru.

Dr. Akash Dhuru.

1. Tumor Characteristics: Type: The tumor is identified as an invasive ductal carcinoma, NST (No Special Type), located in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. Grade: It’s classified as Grade 3, which is high grade, based on a Nottingham histologic score of 9. Size: The tumor measures 7.0 x 5.0 x 4.6 cm. 2. Additional Findings: DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ): Present with a "comedo type" pattern, which is aggressive, with high nuclear grade and central necrosis. Lymphovascular Invasion: Detected, suggesting cancer cells may be spreading to nearby lymph or blood vessels. Microcalcifications: Absent. 3. Margins: One of the specimen's margins shows invasive carcinoma, meaning the cancer is close to or touching the edge of the removed tissue. Other margins are 1-2 mm away from the invasive carcinoma. Impression: This is a high-grade invasive ductal carcinoma, meaning it is an aggressive form of breast cancer.

Female | 35

Answered on 11th Nov '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

I'm 19 and I'm a female I have a tumor in my left breast, I don't know when it appears exactly but it's been two years since I noticed it, earlier I had a kind of acne in my breast but I'm not sure if it is the same one, it was big, brown and hurts when I press it but it disappeared by the time, now the tumor get bigger than before and became so painful even without touching it, I didn't notice any discharges or change in the skin yet, in addition to that I'm not able to go and check it in my current location so can you please help me I can't take it anymore.

Female | 19

The painful breast mass you're experiencing could be due to various conditions, such as fibroadenomas or breast cysts, but it’s important to take note of it. However, if the lump has been present for two years and is now growing and becoming more painful, it's crucial to rule out more serious conditions like breast cancer. Since I can’t examine you in person, I strongly recommend seeking medical attention immediately, especially given these changes. The earlier treatment begins, the better the potential outcome.

Answered on 23rd Oct '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

I suffering breast cancer I want to take best option for me, if I take decision for surgery, what is. estimated cost

Female | 45

Breast cancer may be surgically cured by a mastectomy or a breast conservation surgery. Please consult once to discuss what will be best for you.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Shubham Jain

Dr. Shubham Jain

As per sonography report is sates -. Both breast shows---- E/o Small coarse cakcification noted in left breast upper outer quadrant of size approx.. 2.6 mm...?due to old infective etiology or chronic inflammatory So we did mammogram as per report Findings: Both breasts consist of mixed scatured fitroglandular and fatty tissue. (ACR type II) No obvious focal spiculated mass lesion, retraction of tissues or cluster of microcalcifications is seen in either breast to suggest the presence of malignancy. No axillary lymph nodes are noted. Sonomamography screening: Both breast consist of mixed fibroglandular and fatty tissue. No SOL is noted. No duct ecatia is noted. IMPRESSION: No significant abnormality in both breasts. (BIRADS 1). Suggest-Follow up after 1 year for routine check up. Is there any case of worry

Female | 52

According to the tests, there’s no evidence of any major problem such as cancer in either breast, which is fantastic news. The tiny calcification found in the left breast could have resulted from an old infection or inflammation. Currently, there’s no cause for alarm but it’s essential to have another checkup next year to be safe. In case you observe any unusual changes in your breasts before then, please let your doctor know.

Answered on 20th July '24

Dr. Donald Babu

Dr. Donald Babu

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