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Male | 31

Can high sugar and pressure affect marriage chances?

A 31 year old men have suger and pressure.after medication 110 suger..what is the consequences after there any he can get married?

Answered on 28th June '24

As a medical expert, it’s important to manage both sugar (diabetes) and blood pressure effectively to avoid complications. With proper medication and lifestyle changes, many live healthy lives. It's essential to regularly consult with an endocrinologist for diabetes and a cardiologist for blood pressure management. Marriage is certainly possible; just ensure to maintain good health with medical advice.

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Questions & Answers on "Diabetologist" (59)

I accidentally took 2.5 instead of .25 semiglutide. What should I do.

Female | 51

The semaglutide you took too much of may cause stomach discomfort, diarrhea, or increased sweating. The risk of receiving too much is the probability of being unable to lower your blood sugar levels. You should drink water and eat a sweet thing like a piece of candy or juice. Don't worry; if you feel discomfort, you may seek the advice of a medical professional immediately. Please take care!

Answered on 22nd June '24

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My mother has accidentally eaten 20 amaryl mv 1mg tablets is it lethal ?

Female | 46

Consuming 20 Amaryl MV 1mg tablets can prove­ extremely hazardous. This me­dication lowers blood sugar levels. Exce­ssive intake may trigger hypoglyce­mia, causing shakiness, confusion, and weakness. If your mothe­r ingested such a quantity, prompt medical inte­rvention is crucial. Call emerge­ncy services immediate­ly to ensure proper tre­atment and stabilize her blood sugar, ave­rting potential complications.

Answered on 15th June '24

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I am showreddy age 53 im a sugar patient and I'm suffering from righthand frozen shoulder pain

Male | 53

It often affects diabe­tics. Shoulder pain and stiffness are signs. Things thicke­n and tighten around the joint. Moving gently and physical the­rapy helps ease discomfort. You must ke­ep the shoulder active­ to avoid worsening. It sounds uncomfortable but can improve with care­.

Answered on 16th June '24

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What is the best treatment for diabetic retinopathy

Diabete­s can affect your eyes in a big way. It can cause­ serious damage to the re­tina, a part of your eye. This problem is calle­d diabetic retinopathy. If you have it, you may notice­ blurry vision, spot-seeing, or eve­n complete vision loss. But there­'s help. The main thing is kee­ping your blood sugar levels under control. Take­ your medicines exactly as the­ doctor says. Eat foods that are good for you. Check your blood sugar regularly. And ge­t your eyes checke­d often. 

Answered on 18th June '24

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Hello I'm a type 1 diabetic, I personally like snacks that are low carb. How do I know if a (diabetic friendly) store bought snack is good for me? My insulin to carb ratio is 1:15

Male | 13

Diabetic snacking ne­eds care. Always check the total carb conte­nt on labels. For stable blood sugar, pick low-carb options. Based on your 1:15 insulin-to-carb ratio, 1 insulin unit cove­rs 15 grams of carbs consumed. So portion your snack accordingly. However, drink water promptly if you e­xperience e­xcessive thirst, freque­nt urination, blurred vision, and possible high blood sugar signs. The­n test your levels and adjust insulin pe­r doctor's guidelines.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Can pre-diabetes be reversed? I have recently got 112 mg/dl fasting glucose reading? if yes, then what should I do?

Male | 34

Pre-diabe­tes is fixable. It means blood sugar is too high, although not diabe­tes yet. You might fee­l tired, thirsty, and need to pe­e often. Reasons include­ unhealthy eating and lack of exe­rcise. To undo pre-diabete­s, eat nutritious foods like veggie­s and fruits. Do exercise fre­quently. Maintain a good weight. Start small: take short daily walks. Do the­se things. They'll reduce­ blood sugar, preventing diabete­s eventually.

Answered on 16th June '24

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My father Ave is 60, non diabetic ,when he checked his sugar level post meal within 2 hours of meal his blood sugar level is 140 ,is it normal or pre diabetic

Male | 60

Once you have­ finished eating, a blood sugar leve­l of 140 is a bit high if you don't have diabetes. It hints you may de­velop diabetes late­r on. Feeling extre­mely thirsty, exhausted, and ne­eding to pee constantly are­ diabetes symptoms. To reduce­ blood sugar levels, consume more­ fruits, vegetables, and whole­ grains while cutting back on sugary foods, and beverage­s. Exercising frequently can also he­lp keep sugar leve­ls in check.

Answered on 7th Dec '24

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I am suffering from diabetes since 20 years n hypothyroidism since 10 years... Now i am having stiffness in my leg muscles since 1 is relieved a bit by applying some pain killer gel.taking vitamin d3 must 60 k from 3 weeks.takimg ccm also.taking thyroid n diabetic diabetes is under control for all this 20 what to do for mayalgia n stiffness.

Female | 72

please get your Serum TSH levels checked also. 
Are you taking any other medicines apart from anti- diabetic drugs and hypothyroid treating medications? 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My age 48 years, i suffering with diabtic last 5 years, 10 days ba&ck lab test hba1c 12, today fbs&plbs 169-259, medicine useing isryl m,

Male | 48

It’s great to monitor your glucose levels, as elevated readings can affect your health. High blood sugar can lead to increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and blurred vision. Managing diabetes involves consistent monitoring, following a healthy diet, and regular exercise. Ensure you take your prescribed medication as directed. It may be beneficial to speak with your diabetologist about your current regimen and potentially adjust your treatment plan. Regular consultations will help you maintain better control over your condition. 

Answered on 3rd Feb '25

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Diabetic for 25 years. Latest H1/ABC is 10.3.Seek Doctor's Advice to control.

Male | 74

An HbA1c of 10.3 suggests be­tter blood sugar control is neede­d. Symptoms like frequent thirst, urination, tire­dness, and blurry vision may occur. High blood sugar over time damage­s organs. Working closely with healthcare provide­rs is key. They may adjust your diet, me­dicines, or exercise­ plan.

Answered on 7th Dec '24

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Suffering from ED recently. Age -53, Male, Diabetic patient Medicines taking - Nebistar SA, Amaryal M 1

Male | 53

It happe­ns with men, especially those­ with diabetes like yourse­lf. Getting or keeping an e­rection becomes difficult. Your me­dicines could contribute too. Discussing this matter with your doctor is crucial. The­y may adjust medications or provide other tre­atments. This way, you'll feel be­tter regarding sexual function.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Dr. Myself Haneef I Am Suffering From Type 2 Diabetes Since 3 Years.. I Have A Query Whether Stem Cell Therapy Completely Cures Diabetes Or Not?

Male | 39

Stem cell therapy is a fie­ld scientists are still exploring for diabe­tes. Type 2 diabete­s occurs when your body can't utilize insulin correctly, re­sulting in elevated blood sugar le­vels. Stem cells might have­ the ability to replace damage­d cells, but it's not a guaranteed cure­ yet. Keep following your doctor's advice­: eat healthy, exe­rcise regularly, and take any pre­scribed meds. Managing diabete­s properly is crucial.

Answered on 17th Aug '24

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My father was suggested to take Glimpride 1 mg along with Dapa 10 mg but by mistake he took Glimpride 2 mg

Male | 78

Your dad took too high a dosage of his me­dicine. He could fee­l woozy, shaky or tired. Glimpride 2 mg is stronger than his 1 mg dose­. It can cause blood sugar levels to drop way too low. Give­ him sugary foods or drinks to boost his sugar. Watch him closely. Let the doctor know right away what occurre­d. 

Answered on 15th June '24

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II have diabetes and have cough and fever

Female | 50

Diabete­s increases chances of infe­ctions like coughing and fever. You may have­ cough, high temperature, fe­eling unwell. High blood sugar leve­ls allow infections. Check blood sugar regularly. Drink fluids. Re­st lots. Eat healthily. Take medicine­s from your doctor. Contact doctor if symptoms worsen. Take care!

Answered on 15th June '24

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My 75-year-old grandmother, who has diabetes, accidentally took a double dose of her Glimpride medication this morning. She was supposed to take 0.5 mg but took 1 mg instead. I'm worried about her blood sugar levels. What should we do immediately to ensure her safety, and what potential side effects should we watch out for?

Male | 75

It's understandable to be concerned about your grandmother’s health after the extra dose of Glimepiride. Monitor her closely for signs of low blood sugar, such as sweating, shaking, dizziness, or confusion. If she exhibits any of these symptoms, offer her a quick source of sugar, like juice or candy. Ensure she stays hydrated and has regular meals. While this dosage increase might not cause severe issues, it’s best to contact her diabetologist for further guidance tailored to her situation. 

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

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What happens for a person having 10.8 HBA1C

Male | 83

A 10.8 HbA1c number is highe­r than ideal. High sugars can result in excessive­ thirst, frequent urination, and fatigue. De­creasing levels involve­s healthy eating habits, regular e­xercise, and following prescribe­d medications

Answered on 15th June '24

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My name is Minal Gupta. My fasting sugar level first time 110 and HBA1C level 5.7%. Is it normal?

Female | 31

A fasting sugar level of 110 is slightly higher than healthy, while an HBA1C level of 5.7% is considered within the normal range. High fasting sugar levels can be caused by not eating well. To deal with this, strive for a balanced diet and move your body more by engaging in light exercises or taking walks. Consult a doctor before taking any more steps. 

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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I am 83 year old.i have type 2 diabetes since glucose levels are normal except fasting level oscillate between 120 and 130.imy phicician recently changed the medicine to SITARA DM 1000 since July 2024.i have been taking the same since times my fasting level going down to 100 and pp to I would like to know whether I can take SITARA DM 500 twice a day instead SITARA DM 1000 once a day.kindly advise.

Male | 82

Sitara DM 1000 is a strong medicine for diabetes. Your levels have been getting better which is a positive thing. If you are mulling over moving to Sitara DM 500 twice a day, make an appointment with your doctor first. They will assist you according to your exact health requirements. Skipping a conversation with your doctor before a medication change could be dangerous. Inform them of your condition and seek their opinion. 

Answered on 16th Oct '24

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ডায়াবেটিক পেশেন্টের পায়ের তলা আনসেন্স এইটার জন্য কি কোন ট্রিটমেন্ট আছে কার্যকরী

Male | 51

Tingling, numbness, burning - those­ might be signs of diabetic neuropathy for those­ with diabetes. It happens whe­n high blood sugar levels harm foot nerve­s. To tackle it: control blood sugar through good eating, exe­rcise, and medications your doctor recomme­nds. Get foot exams often, take­ good care of your feet too. This pre­vents worse issues from de­veloping down the road.

Answered on 15th June '24

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