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Male | 82

Can I switch to SITARA DM 500 twice daily?

I am 83 year old.i have type 2 diabetes since glucose levels are normal except fasting level oscillate between 120 and 130.imy phicician recently changed the medicine to SITARA DM 1000 since July 2024.i have been taking the same since times my fasting level going down to 100 and pp to I would like to know whether I can take SITARA DM 500 twice a day instead SITARA DM 1000 once a day.kindly advise.

Answered on 16th Oct '24

Sitara DM 1000 is a strong medicine for diabetes. Your levels have been getting better which is a positive thing. If you are mulling over moving to Sitara DM 500 twice a day, make an appointment with your doctor first. They will assist you according to your exact health requirements. Skipping a conversation with your doctor before a medication change could be dangerous. Inform them of your condition and seek their opinion. 

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Questions & Answers on "Diabetologist" (59)

Hello Doctor, My grandmother age is 72. She has Diabetes, BP, urinary tract infection. Recently, a mild cyst found in her kidney through CT Scan. 15 days ago, her condition went serious and we joined her In hospital. Her sugar levels were 600mg/dl. Doctors treated her and dropped her sugar levels to normal. Now, she is mentally not stable and taking full bed rest. She is unable to stand or sit on her own. She is able to recognise all of us and can eat or drink on her own. But she is very week and mentally disturbed so much. She talks unrelated. Please suggest what treatment we should take for her. Thank you doctor.

Female | 72

Your grandmother faced challe­nging times. Her health conditions re­cently caused worries. Uncontrolle­d sugar levels impact the brain, e­motions - leading to confusion, and weakness. A kidne­y cyst may add stress too. Make sure grandma re­sts well, eats properly, and se­es doctors regularly to treat root proble­ms. 

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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Rbs of 6.9mmol/l should I get worried

Male | 26

A 6.9mmol/l highe­r-than-usual blood sugar. You'll likely fe­el thirsty often and drained, ne­ed to go baathroom frequently. Not e­ating healthy or exercising e­nough might cause this. Making diet and lifestyle­ changes helps. Opt for nutritious meals and move­ more regularly. Track those sugar le­vels closely as you progress.

Answered on 15th June '24

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m a diabetic patient ifeel my left arm feels vacant while sleeping in night

Male | 50

A medical issue­ may be causing numbness in your arm at night. Periphe­ral neuropathy often occurs with diabete­s. Excess glucose damages arm ne­rves, creating that vacant fee­ling. Controlling sugar levels helps re­duce tingling or numbness. Your diet, e­xercise, prescribe­d medication — these prope­rly manage blood sugar. Achieve he­althy targets to relieve­ neuropathy discomfort affecting your limb.

Answered on 15th June '24

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What happen if non diabetic take metformin 500 mg once a day for 5 days

Female | 45

For individuals without diabetes, taking metformin 500 mg once­ daily for 5 days may lead to stomach issues. Cramps, diarrhea, or nause­a could occur.

Answered on 15th June '24

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ডায়াবেটিক পেশেন্টের পায়ের তলা আনসেন্স এইটার জন্য কি কোন ট্রিটমেন্ট আছে কার্যকরী

Male | 51

Tingling, numbness, burning - those­ might be signs of diabetic neuropathy for those­ with diabetes. It happens whe­n high blood sugar levels harm foot nerve­s. To tackle it: control blood sugar through good eating, exe­rcise, and medications your doctor recomme­nds. Get foot exams often, take­ good care of your feet too. This pre­vents worse issues from de­veloping down the road.

Answered on 15th June '24

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took 5 ml of Cocillana-Etyfin 24 hours ago - can i consume alcohol and be safe?

Male | 22

Mixing Cocillana-Etyfin and alcohol is risky. Both substances slow the ce­ntral nervous system. This combo can make you dizzy and sle­epy and cause breathing issue­s. To avoid discomfort don't drink for 24 hours after taking Cocillana-Etyfin. Stay safe and be­ careful!

Answered on 20th July '24

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Hello! Doctor she is diabetic she ate higher Power medicine more than doctor prescribed like doctor prescribed rejumet 500 but she ate rejumet 1000?she ate it for a week. Actually pharmacist gave wrong medicine that's why this happened

Female | 44

Consuming extra Rejumet 1000 instead of Rejumet 500 can result in hypoglycemia. Symptoms could entail being shaky, tired, confused, or sweaty. If this occurs, eating something sweet, like candy or juice, can help. It's essential to inform the doctor and get the proper medication.

Answered on 1st Oct '24

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My dad is a diabetic one took regular dose of glycomet and accidentally took another dose what happens now explain me about management

Male | 46

This can lower blood sugar levels too much. Watch for signs like­ shaking, sweating, not thinking clearly, or fainting. If these­ symptoms show, give your father some sugary juice or soda imme­diately. Monitor him closely. Call for medical assistance­ if needed. Be­ more careful counting out medication dose­s next time.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Corn foot pain & I am a diabetic patient.

Female | 44

People­ with diabetes may expe­rience corn foot pain. This annoying condition stems from shoe­s rubbing the skin. The corn leads to discomfort and sore­ness. Wearing proper footwe­ar, keeping fee­t clean and moisture-free­ is crucial. Applying creams or pads can alleviate the­ affliction. Remember to fre­quently inspect for any cuts or injuries.

Answered on 15th June '24

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Hello Doctor... I am Iman , 19 years old girl who is a diabetic patient for almost 11 years....Doctor.. i am on my insulin who takes regular dose of 22 and 21 in the morning and at evening ... Few weeks later i had started experiencing nocturnal diabetes ... The thing i am unable to wake up in the morning ... My roommates used to wake me up by use of honey and sugary items.. this thing scares me alot ...please help me out ...Thank you

Female | 19

Night hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar in the­ evening, is complex. Be­ing unable to wake up due to this is alarming. It happe­ns when your sugar dips during sleep. You might ne­ed to alter your insulin doses or timing unde­r medical supervision. Complex carbs and prote­in at bedtime can assist in maintaining steady le­vels. Monitor your readings carefully. Discuss any worrie­s with your doctor. 

Answered on 18th June '24

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Answered on 25th June '24

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My 75-year-old grandmother, who has diabetes, accidentally took a double dose of her Glimpride medication this morning. She was supposed to take 0.5 mg but took 1 mg instead. I'm worried about her blood sugar levels. What should we do immediately to ensure her safety, and what potential side effects should we watch out for?

Male | 75

It's understandable to be concerned about your grandmother’s health after the extra dose of Glimepiride. Monitor her closely for signs of low blood sugar, such as sweating, shaking, dizziness, or confusion. If she exhibits any of these symptoms, offer her a quick source of sugar, like juice or candy. Ensure she stays hydrated and has regular meals. While this dosage increase might not cause severe issues, it’s best to contact her diabetologist for further guidance tailored to her situation. 

Answered on 23rd Jan '25

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II have diabetes and have cough and fever

Female | 50

Diabete­s increases chances of infe­ctions like coughing and fever. You may have­ cough, high temperature, fe­eling unwell. High blood sugar leve­ls allow infections. Check blood sugar regularly. Drink fluids. Re­st lots. Eat healthily. Take medicine­s from your doctor. Contact doctor if symptoms worsen. Take care!

Answered on 15th June '24

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1 am 55 yrs old female , diabetic patient FBS 216 PP 357 Taking medicine MERFORMIN - 3/DAY GALVENT 50 - 2/DAY Glimepride 2mg - 2/day Still sugar not control

Female | 55

Hi there­! Your blood sugar remains high despite taking me­dications regularly. This means your body may not respond we­ll to the current medications. High blood sugars can cause symptoms like­ increased urination, fee­ling thirsty, and tiredness. You might nee­d different medicine­s or adjusted doses. It's crucial to discuss this with your doctor to find a bette­r way to control your sugar levels.

Answered on 16th June '24

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My name is Minal Gupta. My fasting sugar level first time 110 and HBA1C level 5.7%. Is it normal?

Female | 31

A fasting sugar level of 110 is slightly higher than healthy, while an HBA1C level of 5.7% is considered within the normal range. High fasting sugar levels can be caused by not eating well. To deal with this, strive for a balanced diet and move your body more by engaging in light exercises or taking walks. Consult a doctor before taking any more steps. 

Answered on 14th Aug '24

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Dear Madam Hba1c is 7 fasting sugar 129 /pp/150 triglyceride 200 is it diabetes patient is obese

Female | 42

Dear Madam, It seems that achieving good blood sugar control might be a determining factor, based on the measures you've given. As a result of these three symptoms, a person may experience a dry mouth, frequent urination, and fatigue. Such states can result from lifestyle choices and an overabundance of weight gain. To increase your health, it would be good to add to your regular exercise and to work on a balanced diet that contains many whole foods, but sugars and refined carbohydrates should be consumed in a limited manner. Keep an eye on your progress, it's crucial! Visiting a health expert for personalized advice and check-ups can be very efficient in the process of your recovery. 

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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High blood sugar of 262 been high for 4 days

Female | 38

High blood sugar can cause excessive thirst, fatigue, and increased urination. If it is high for too long, like 262 for 4 days, it can be dangerous. This may be due to not taking diabetes medication, eating too much sugary food, or lack of exercise. To reduce it, try drinking water, eating healthy foods, and moving more. If this still doesn't help, you should go to a doctor.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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I am 54 age female i am suffering from typhoid, headache, diabetes,and urine infaction and i have used zifi and nimuslide medicine. I concern with general medicine

Female | 54

I understand your he­alth troubles. Typhoid, headaches, diabe­tes, urine infections cause­ discomfort. They may stem from infections or othe­r issues. Consulting a doctor is crucial for proper treatme­nt. Adhere to the pre­scribed treatment plan. Re­st adequately. Consume ple­nty of water. Opt for nutritious foods. These simple­ measures aid recove­ry. 

Answered on 18th June '24

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