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Female | 40

Am I Anemic at 40? Blood Test Analysis.

I am 40 years old female and here is my blood test report 1. Haematology Report: Haemoglobin (Hb): 9.1 gm/dl (Low) → Indicates anemia (normal range: 12.0 - 15.5 gm/dl). Total WBC Count: 7600 /cmm (Normal) → No signs of infection (normal range: 4000 - 11000 /cmm). Differential Count: All within normal limits. Packed Cell Volume (PCV): 31.3% (Low) → Correlates with anemia (normal range: 40 - 54%). RBC Count: 3.65 million/cmm (Low) → Suggests iron deficiency or chronic disease anemia (normal range: 4.5 - 6.5 mill/cmm). MCV (85.75 fL), MCH (24.9 pg/dl), MCHC (29.1 gm/dl): Slightly low, supporting anemia diagnosis. Platelet Count: 468 × 10³/μl (High) → Could be a reactive response to anemia (normal range: 150 - 450 × 10³/μl). 2. Widal Test (Serology Report): S. Typhi O: 1:80 (Borderline Positive) S. Typhi H: 1:80 (Borderline Positive) S. Paratyphi A & B: No agglutination (Negative)

1 Answer

Answered on 20th Feb '25

Your hemoglobin and red blood cell levels indicate anemia, which can cause fatigue, weakness, and other symptoms. This might result from iron deficiency or chronic conditions. The elevated platelet count could be a reaction to the anemia. The Widal test shows borderline results for typhoid, suggesting further investigation may be necessary. I recommend consulting your physician for a thorough assessment and potential treatments, including dietary changes and supplements, to address the anemia. They will guide you in developing a comprehensive plan for your health.

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Hematology" (233)

Anti hiv value 0.229 is good

Male | 19

It's great to know that your anti-HIV value is 0.229. This shows that you have a certain amount of HIV antibodies that your body has made but not many. It could mean you were infected recently or just exposed without getting sick. Keep an eye on it with frequent testing.

Answered on 10th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have lower abdominal pain for 5days. I have done my full boy test. But there is many problems like hemoglobin low, ESR high, creatinine low,bun low, vitamin d 25 hydroxy low. Now what should I do ?

Female | 14

The pain in your lower abdomen, along with low hemoglobin and high ESR levels, along with decreased creatinine clearance and reduced UV-B irradiation exposure, can be associated with various health conditions. These signs may indicate issues like anemia of chronic disease, inflammation, kidney malfunction, or vitamin D deficiency. It’s important to consult a doctor for a thorough check-up and personalized treatment plan.

Answered on 5th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am 40 years old female and here is my blood test report 1. Haematology Report: Haemoglobin (Hb): 9.1 gm/dl (Low) → Indicates anemia (normal range: 12.0 - 15.5 gm/dl). Total WBC Count: 7600 /cmm (Normal) → No signs of infection (normal range: 4000 - 11000 /cmm). Differential Count: All within normal limits. Packed Cell Volume (PCV): 31.3% (Low) → Correlates with anemia (normal range: 40 - 54%). RBC Count: 3.65 million/cmm (Low) → Suggests iron deficiency or chronic disease anemia (normal range: 4.5 - 6.5 mill/cmm). MCV (85.75 fL), MCH (24.9 pg/dl), MCHC (29.1 gm/dl): Slightly low, supporting anemia diagnosis. Platelet Count: 468 × 10³/μl (High) → Could be a reactive response to anemia (normal range: 150 - 450 × 10³/μl). 2. Widal Test (Serology Report): S. Typhi O: 1:80 (Borderline Positive) S. Typhi H: 1:80 (Borderline Positive) S. Paratyphi A & B: No agglutination (Negative)

Female | 40

Answered on 20th Feb '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My alkaline phosphate level is 248. Please tell me if this is normal or not. If not then give me some suggestion.

Male | 19

Having an alkaline phosphate level of 248 is a little high. It may be that your liver or bones are not ok. If you have symptoms such as tiredness, stomach ache, and yellowness of the skin, make sure you seek medical help immediately. A healthcare professional will be able to help establish what is causing this and also advise on the right treatment for you. 

Answered on 12th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have undertaken routine blood test today, and while all other aspects are fine, my lymphocytes percentage is 46.5. Is it ok

Male | 49

In case a lymphocyte percentage of 46.5 is a bit more than the normal one, which can occur, for example, in the case of taking drugs or infections and stress. To maintain fewer cells, take care of your health, lessen your stress, and allow enough time to sleep and exercise well. You can also have a detailed conversation with your health professional.

Answered on 21st June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Intensive work up for HIV should be done in patients with progressively decreasing CD4 count (<300) and CD4:CD8 ratio.

Male | 13

Someone­'s CD4 count below 300 and off-kilter CD4:CD8 ratio signal immune woe­s, perhaps from HIV. HIV weakens immunity. At first, HIV infe­ction shows no symptoms but later allows easy infections. Early te­sting and treatment promote he­alth.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I have fever and body pain before 4 day and yesterday I got blood test result WBC 2900 And neutrophils 71% I want know which type I have fever and which type medicine should be taken

Male | 24

You probably have bacte­ria making you sick. The blood tests found your white blood ce­lls are low. However, your ne­utrophils, which fight infection, are high. In short, you have an infe­ction. You need antibiotics from the doctor. Re­st up. Drink fluids. Take medicine e­xactly as told. Listen to the doctor's instructions carefully. 

Answered on 24th July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Doctor recommended me dexorange for anaemia how many times I should take it in a day and how

Female | 25

Dexorange treats anemia, a condition caused by a lack of red blood cells, leading to tiredness and weakness. It is often due to low iron levels. Take Dexorange once or twice daily after meals, as directed on the label. Regular use helps your body absorb iron and manage anemia effectively.

Answered on 11th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My mother was a cml(chronic myeloid leukemia) patient from 5-6 years she take imatinib starting 2 year but Due to the situation at home, she had to leave the medicine for 1 year. But Then his health worsened and his blood count became high, after which the doctor administered blood transfusion.and say to continue imatinib . But now some time sometimes there is pain in hands and mujhe kya karna chahiye ???

Female | 36

Undoubtedly, discomfort in the limbs (hands and legs) can be a typical occurrence amongst patients with persistent myeloid leukemia, a fact which must be acknowledged. Such pain, however, might also be there due to the medication or the disease itself. These signs of your disease, you should always tell your doctor about them, as they might need to adjust the treatment or give other means to relieve the pain. Communication is thus successful if your healthcare provider gets access to the symptoms and describes the best way he or she can help.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

What is the treatment for glomus tumor??

Female | 44

A glomus tumor is a small, usually non-dangerous growth that causes discomfort and sensitivity, often in the fingers. These abnormal masses develop from cells growing excessively in the glomus body, a tiny structure that helps regulate body temperature. Treatment typically involves surgically removing the tumor, which should relieve symptoms and prevent them from returning.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I am a 26-year-old female. I have night sweats weight loss over 50 pounds hair thinning all lymph nodes have lumps and currently finding new ones. No pain in them. Double vision, headaches, constipation and diarrhea positive mono nucleus test but negative for mono, bruising and legs, bruising, and ribs, stomach and abdominal pain.

Female | 26

According to the symptoms, there may be an underlying serious illness. You should seek medical attention immediately for a correct diagnosis and treatment plan. They can mean different things such as infections, autoimmune diseases, and cancers. Do'nt wait any longer before visiting a doctor because these signs need urgent care. Your healthcare provider will do more tests to find out what is wrong with you and give you the right medication.

Answered on 28th May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Last year in my CBC lymphocyte was 16%. Is 16% lymphocyte means Hiv infection? At what level of lymphocyte doctor advise to do hiv test? Everything was normal except Lymphocyte.

Male | 41

Lymphocytes are a supportive element of the immune system and hence they can respond differently depending on various circumstances, such as stress, infections, or other health problems. Symptoms of an HIV infection may include a feeling of being tired all the time, losing weight with no obvious cause, or getting the same type of infection more than once, but these may not be the only markers of the virus. The specific lymphocyte percentage wherein automatic testing becomes necessary is non-existent; the requirement for such will vary based on your health condition and risk factors. 

Answered on 6th Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hello doctor j have been on medication of malaria but no change J have headec and fever all the body and macle pain j do what now

Male | 24

If you still have a headache, fever, and muscle aches after taking medicine, you might have malaria. The malaria parasite can sometimes resist certain drugs. You should see a doctor immediately so that they can change your treatment and make you feel better. Don't delay—get checked out as soon as possible. 

Answered on 7th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I want to check my blood test report

Male | 21

Checking your blood test results is important for overall health. Common symptoms that may need attention include fatigue, unusual weight changes, or persistent pain. These can be linked to a range of causes, from nutritional deficiencies to underlying health conditions. To address any concerns, I recommend reviewing the results with a healthcare professional, who can interpret them accurately and suggest appropriate lifestyle changes or treatments.

Answered on 21st Jan '25

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

A person with HIV cut his hand with a sharp object and after about 2 minute I cut my hand with it. Can I get HIV? it's just scratched with little blood?

Female | 34

A sharp obje­ct with blood from someone with HIV has a small chance of transmitting HIV if it cuts you. But a tiny scratch with little­ bleeding decre­ases the likelihood e­ven more. The risk is e­xtremely low! Howeve­r, watch for unusual symptoms like fever, e­xhaustion, or swollen lymph nodes as a precaution. If anything se­ems off, reach out to a doctor without delay. 

Answered on 2nd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

I'm an 18 year old female who thinks she may have Raynaud's? These are my symptoms. ### Raynaud’s Phenomenon: - **Fingers and Hands**: - Frequent color changes in response to cold, stress, or pressure: fingers turning white/yellow, blue/purple, and red during rewarming. - Numbness, pain, and stiffness, especially in cold water or when exposed to cold air. - Fingernails occasionally turn blue, particularly when nervous. - Fingers often go white under light pressure, but color returns after. - Red, painful, and numb fingers, especially when handling cold objects or after cold exposure. - Hands sometimes go pale/white in cold water, with visible blue veins. When they warm up it can feel tingly and intense heat and sometimes burning and uncomfortableness. - Ridges and a light white color underneath fingernails. - A small cut on your hand is taking longer than usual to heal. But cuts in general too. - **Feet and Toes**: - Feet often turn purple or blue when sitting still for long periods, especially without socks. - Numbness and coldness in feet, particularly when standing still or exposed to cold. - Toes sometimes appear weirdly purple/light blue/gray after cold exposure. - Difficulty standing and walking due to numbness and pain in feet, particularly in cold environments. - **General Cold Sensitivity**: - Need to wear multiple layers and use hot water bottles/heat packs to stay warm, especially at night or when sitting still. - Lips sometimes turn blue or darken when cold, especially during Raynaud’s attacks. - Occasional episodes of feeling cold despite being in a warm environment. - **Pain and Discomfort**: - Discomfort in hands and feet during cold exposure, sometimes making it difficult to perform tasks or move. ### Recent Observations: - **Improvement**: - Hands have been warmer than usual recently, with fewer Raynaud’s attacks. - **Persistent Issues**: - A cut on your hand that is slow to heal, potentially due to reduced blood circulation. - Ongoing need to protect hands and feet from cold to prevent Raynaud’s attacks.

Female | 18

It appears like you have Raynaud's Phenomenon. The condition makes your fingers and toes to change color, cause the cold and numb feeling, particularly, when you are exposed to cold or stress. This is due to blood vessels in your extremities overreacting to these triggers, thus, decreasing blood flow. The best way to do this is to wear warm clothes, gloves, and socks, and also avoid the cold that triggers such episodes. 

Answered on 22nd Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

10:48 Investigation Observed Values HAEMATOLOGY Units Blological Ref. Interval Complete Blood Count Haemoglobin 12.2 Total Leucocyte Count (TLC) 14700 gm/dL cells/mm² 12-16.5 Differential % Leucocyte Counts: Granulocytes 71.6 % 40-75 Lymphocytes 23.1 % 20-45 Mid Cell 5.3 % 1-6 Platelet Count 2.07 Lac cells/mm² 150000-400000 LPCR 22.2 % 13.0-43.0 MPV 9.1 fl. 1.47-7.4 PDW 12.1 % 10.0-17.0 PCT 0.19 & 0.15-0.62 Total RBCs MCV (Mean Cell Volume) 4.17 Million cells/uL 4-4.5 72.7 fl. 80-100 MCH (Mean Corpus. Haemoglobin) 29.4 pg 27-32 MCHC (Mean Corpus. Hb Conc.) 40.4 g/dl 32-35 HCT (hematocrit) 30.3 RDWA RDWR 40.4 11 % fL 36-46 37.0-54.0 % 11.5-14.5

Female | 48

According to the blood test results you provided, the total white blood cell (TLC) count is above the norm, which may be indicative of an infection or inflammation in the body. High TLC may come with symptoms like fever, fatigue, and coolness of the body. To deal with this problem, it is necessary to find the primary cause of the increased TLC level by conducting more tests and getting a doctor's opinion for suitable treatment.

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Can it's completely cure by Ayurveda treatment thalassemia ??????

Male | 14

Thalassemia is a proble­m with the genes that make­s red blood cells deve­lop incorrectly. It impacts hemoglobin production, which carries oxyge­n in your blood. With thalassemia, you often fee­l constantly tired and weak, and your skin appears pale­. Though Ayurveda won't cure thalassemia, some­ practices like herbal re­medies and yoga could help you fe­el better ove­rall. Still, your doctor needs to overse­e managing this lifelong disorder prope­rly.

Answered on 15th Oct '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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