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Female | 22

Are Female Masturbation Addictions Normal at 22?

I’m 22 year old female and I’m experiencing an addiction to masturbation

Answered on 17th Dec '24

The exhibits of such behaviors could be from stress, emotional issues, or even boredom. Symptoms might consist of thoughts of: being preoccupied with the action, guilt, or annoyances of other types. One of the recommendations for finding alternative pastimes, it's vital to set limits for yourself, and exercise or hobby participation can be a solution. Also, it is helpful to talk to a mental health professional to get the best services and the proper kind of help that will fit you. No, it is not a must to see a sexologist, but you could reach out to them if you want some more insight; their advice is reliable when you need to improve your coping mechanisms and be well.

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Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (948)

facing premature ejaculation problem as well as problem with erection. I am 36 years old. how to get rid of it. dont have any such other health issues. but from very early age have a addiction to masturbation. what should i do, should i start taking viagra or something else. kindly guide

Male | 36

Certain issues can cause people to finish too quickly and have trouble getting hard. Mental health can play a part in it, such as feeling nervous or being under tension. The problem may also be caused by masturbating too much when you were younger. Instead of taking drugs like Cialis, you should first try to find out what’s really going on through therapy or counseling and then look for ways to deal with your concerns. You must speak openly about this with your doctor so that they can give you the right advice.

Answered on 16th Dec '24

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Hi, I used to Masterbete regularly and one day my penis stop getting hard please help. I don't have any other problems like stress, less sleeping, depression, and I am not taking any medication right now

Male | 20

Excessive masturbation may cause erectile dysfunction. Consult a doctor immediately

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Am i at risk if i smoke with someone who has genital herpes

Male | 27

Herpe­s simplex virus leads to genital he­rpes. However, smoking with some­one infected won't transmit it. Bliste­rs, itching, and genital pain indicate infection. The­ virus spreads through skin contact during sexual activities. 

Answered on 8th Aug '24

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I have tried to have sex before, but couldn't maintain an erection for like 5 minutes, so I ejaculated uncontrollably. And I believe this is induced by my chronic pornography consumption. Which medication should I use so that I can last longer and maintain stronger erection

Male | 21

It is suspected that you have problems with erections and early ejaculation, which may be the consequence of your chronic porn-watching and masturbation. This is a common issue, and many people have been affected by it. By bringing the necessary changes in your lifestyle, you can improve your condition. These changes include reducing porn content consumption and getting engaged in physical exercises and balanced diet. Moreover, regular use of mental relaxation methods such as relaxation with deep breathing or mindfulness can also be beneficial. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Does masturbation to ejaculation or orgasm increases or decreases testosterone levels overall?

Male | 23

When you masturbate and ejaculate your testosterone levels increase temporarily. This is because the orgasm triggers the release of hormones in the body. Yet, don't panic. Your testosterone levels are going back to normal. Masturbation is a quite typical and harmless part of sexual behavior. It does not affect your overall testosterone levels.

Answered on 14th Nov '24

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I was had sex with a woman with a condom which was already used by her few hours ago then do I have any chances of getting hiv

Male | 19

Using a condom that has been used already has a small risk of getting HIV or other infections. The first signs of HIV are fever, tiredness, and body aches. To remain safe, you should always use a new condom and get tested for HIV regularly. 

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Is there any problem if you have sex at the age of 18?

Male | 18

Being sexually active at the age of 18 is a common thing, but it is important to be prepared. Safe sex through protection, like condoms, can not only prevent pregnancy but diseases as well. Anxiety is a common feeling before sex. Sharing your fears with a partner is a good start. 

Answered on 12th Jan '25

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Can masturbation causes hair growth like beard or any other physical changes or does over masterbating for 4 to 5 years can convert the teenage body into fully adult body or it can cause growth of hairs in legs

Male | 19

Masturbation is a common behavior that many people practice, but it does not cause hair growth on the body or turn a teenager's body into an adult. If you're concerned about any changes in your body, it's best to talk to a doctor for guidance.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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