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Female | 15

Recovery Letter for Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease

can i get a letter of recovery for my hand foot mouth disease

Answered on 26th June '24

Hand, foot, and mouth disease­ affects many youngsters. Still, adults may contract this viral issue too. Symptoms have­ fever, aches whe­n swallowing, and blister formations on hands, feet, and in the­ mouth region. Spreading occurs via close-contact situations. To he­al, rest adequately, consume­ fluids diligently, and utilize pain relie­vers as required. Avoid transmitting furthe­r by washing hands frequently. 

22 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (539)

4 year old baby took vitamin E capsule by mistake without knowledge of her parents. does that cause any problem?

Female | 4

If a toddler of 4 years accidentally swallows a vitamin E capsule, this may be the cause of the following symptoms: tummy pain, diarrhea, and nausea. Vitamin E is beneficial to us in small doses, but too much of it can have side effects. Don't worry too much, but it's best to call a doctor to be safe. They will give you the best advice on what to do next.

Answered on 23rd Sept '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Hello doctor.... I have 3.5 months old baby....he is having watery eye and sometimes cough and from born is sneezing...and now he is passing green colour poop ....some times watery and some times I visited my family doctor he has suggested to give below tonics( fensivit complete and dha plus syrups? ... thought of asking you for further details and also please do provide good formula go my baby I am a working woman.

Male | 3.5

Watery eyes in small babies is common and May be due to immature development of the duct which drains from tear glands in eyes to the nose . 
If there is no stickiness / redness , gentle massage from eye along the nose can be done . Breast fed babies and pass all types / colours of stools. Working mothers best option is to express and store breast milk. Additional feeds by formula available over the counter can be given

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Harapriya B

Dr. Harapriya B

My baby was born on 15 May 2024 but his oxygen level was very low and he did not even cry. Now he is on ventilator support. It has been 5 days. Can you tell us whether the health of the baby will improve and what will happen next? What problems will the baby face? And how many days will it take for the baby to become mature?

Male | New born baby

Low levels of oxygen at birth can cause a variety of problems. Ventilation support will be necessary to help the infant breathe. It’s a difficult time but with good care the baby’s condition should improve. There might be complications such as lung issues or delays in development. The baby will need more time to grow and mature than usual – usually about 40 weeks from when they were due for delivery. 

Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My 2 month baby child she is very crying ?? countinue only night' time How to treatment

Female | 0

Babies cry fre­quently, notably at nighttime. Perhaps your little­ one suffers from colic. While its precise­ root remains unidentified, colic is wide­spread and typically resolves inde­pendently by 4 months. To comfort your infant, consider ge­ntle rocking motions, calming white noise, or a warm pre­-bedtime bath. 

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

My child doesn't speak in sentence

Female | 3

If your child doesn't speak in sentences, it might be a sign of a speech or developmental delay. It's important to consult a pediatrician or a speech-language pathologist. They can assess your child's condition and suggest appropriate therapies to support their language development.

Answered on 1st July '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

In 3rd day fever not reduced for my daughter yesterday night she vomited right after the medicine given so we didn't give her any dose again but at 12.30 her fever didn't reduced so we rushed to hospital and explained doctor so they gave injection paracetamol now at 5 am fever not reduced 100 degrees and inbetween she vomited twice foam like structure not food is it overdosed please help us

Female | 2

When the body fights an infection, fe­ver can occur. Signs that may point to a serious infection are­ vomiting and high fever. The inje­ction given at the hospital may require­ time before its e­ffects are see­n. It's important to keep her hydrate­d and try cooling methods. If the feve­r persists, further doctor evaluation may be­ needed..

Answered on 26th June '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

Yesterday night a little rat bite me on my finger I am Seven months pregnant now what should do, it is harmful to my baby plz tell me

Female | 27

The bite of a rat may make you think your child is at risk simply because you are pregnant. Rats’ bites may sometimes cause infections that can pass onto the baby. If you observe any of the symptoms, such as redness, swelling, pain, or fever at the bite site, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider. 

Answered on 2nd Dec '24

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

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