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Female | 30

Do I Have Twin Possibility with Beta HCG 2258?

My beta HCG level is 2258 after 14 days of embryo transfer do i have a chance of twins

Answered on 22nd Mar '25

A beta HCG level of 2258 is indeed promising, suggesting the possibility of a healthy pregnancy. While elevated levels can sometimes indicate a multiple gestation, they are not definitive on their own. Common symptoms to watch for include nausea, fatigue, and breast tenderness. It’s essential to follow up with your gynecologist for a thorough assessment and possibly an ultrasound, which can provide clearer insights into your situation. 

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Questions & Answers on "Ivf (In Vitro Fertilization)" (81)

Why am I unable to get pregnant

Female | 22

There may be several reasons to explain why you can't conceive. It is crucial that you go and get examined by a fertility doctor or a gynecologist and get your infertility cause to be diagnosed. Whether you opt for IUI or IVF, they will offer you counseling and explain the available methods to enhance your chances of conceiving.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I checked out my semen test for fertility Sperm count 120million/ml Motality 70% Sluggish 10% Abnormal 20% Is this normal or not? Having trouble in erection

Male | 26

Your sperm count remains commendable but, unfortunately, you have some things to look at. Despite the fact a 70% mobility rate is an acceptable level, if you experience problems with your penis, you will need to do something about it on time. Some of the notions on erection difficulties can be associated with stress, lifestyle elements, or the existing health condition. Implementing healthy lifestyle behavior, acquiring less stress, and performing regular physical exercise will contribute to the improvement of the efficiency of the penis. It is advisable to go for a consultation if the problems persist.

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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Good day, I have a history of tubercolosis i think 8yrs ago now im 25 and i have a live in patner for a 1year but my sperm is low or sometimes its no coming out, is the way i can be a make a baby and become a father!?

Male | 25

To address your issue, it's vital to consult a fertility specialist or doctor. They can assess your specific situation, suggest potential treatments, and advise lifestyle changes to improve fertility. Don't hesitate to seek professional guidance and consider fertility treatments if needed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I wanna know my baby sex

Female | 36

It is illegal to go for sex determination in india. Wait till birth

Answered on 5th Aug '24

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I did pregnancy test it is negetive

Female | 22

The usual symptoms, such as missed periods or fatigue, can also come up due to other reasons not related to pregnancy, such as stress, changes in weight, or sickness. Keeping safe is a self-responsibility. Make sure you keep track of the menstrual cycle and do another test if the symptoms keep on enduring or if your menstruation gets delayed. In case of uncertainty, the best way out is to consult your local healthcare facility for personalized advice and follow-up. 

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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Dear Sir, I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to seek further advice or guidance regarding a matter that has been concerning my wife and me deeply. Since our marriage in April 2024, we have encountered challenges in conceiving a child. Following consultations with a gynecologist, my wife underwent various tests, all of which returned normal results. However, based on the recommendation of the gynecologist, I underwent a semen analysis test. The results indicated a total sperm count of 45 million, falling below the normal range of 60 to 150 million. Additionally, the motility percentage was recorded at 0%, significantly lower than the normal range of greater than 25%. In search of a solution, I sought advice from two different medical professionals, both of whom prescribed distinct medications and treatments. The first doctor recommended a daily intake of one tablet each of YTIG and CQ10 (100gm). Conversely, the second doctor advised me to consume 10 drops of two different oils, Agnus castus and Damiana, with water twice a day. For your reference, I am a 34-year-old male, measuring 5 feet 11 inches in height and weighing 94 kilograms. Despite diligently adhering to the prescribed treatments, my wife has not yet conceived. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate any further advice or guidance you may offer on this matter. Thank you sincerely for your attention and assistance. Warm regards, Habib Bughio

Male | 34

According to the given information, it's advised for you to instance get the help of a fertility specialist. Since that time, they will be capable of performing a full examination and help you to develop for your particular case.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have been trying to conceive for the past 2 and half years. My AMH level was very low- 0.4ng/mL. I had one failed IVF from one of the hospital in kerala. Then I consulted another doctor from another hospital and I was suggested to do Autologous Stem Cell Ovarian Treatment (ASCOT). My last menstrual period was April 16 2024. And my ASCOT treatment was done on April 23, 2024. From May 1, 2024 to May 3, 2024 I had a slight bleeding. After which I have not yet got my periods and my pregnancy test is also negative. On June 10, 2024 I did a Beta HCG test and AMH test. Beta HCG test result is negative and my AMH has decreased to 0.39ng/mL Is it okay that my AMH has decreased after the stem cell treatment or should it be increased? I have got an appointment on June 22, 2024 and the next treatment doctor would be suggesting is IVF. I would like to know the percentage of positive outcome after this IVF.

Female | 29

A small decrease like yours after ASCOT is usually okay because AMH levels fluctuate slightly. The success rate of the upcoming IVF can range from 20% to 40%, depending on factors such as age and health. Symptoms of low AMH involve difficulty conceiving. For fertility issues, IVF is a good option. 

Answered on 12th June '24

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Sorry for asking this but how Can I mame a false positive pregnancy in prega news

Female | 20

Some of the symptoms may be missed periods, breast tenderness, or nausea, which can be misleading. In case you suspect that you have got a false positive, wait for a few more days and take a retest; this way, you can find out everything for sure. The most important thing is to stay cool, and the best thing is visiting a professional doctor to give you the right instructions and support. A health consultant can be the first to put it right and thus relieve you of the problem. You must care for yourself, so don't hesitate to book an appointment with a doctor.

Answered on 13th Dec '24

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