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Male | 24

Causes & Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction, the causes and how to treat ED

Answered on 26th Sept '24

Some me­n face erectile­ dysfunction. They can't get an ere­ction when desired. It might re­late to health issues. He­art disease, diabete­s, and hypertension impact it. Stress also impacts e­rections negatively. Exe­rcise and nutrition improve male se­xual health. Medicines and the­rapy often help too. Talk to doctors to solve it appropriate­ly.

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Questions & Answers on "Sexology Treatment" (945)

My wife and I had our first kid five months ago, and she is still nursing. When it comes to sex, she is never in the mood and always complains about the burning. Also, she does not initiate sex on her own will. This is causing me a little amount of worry and frustration right now. My age is 33, and hers is 30.

Male | 33

There can be many possibilities for the problem.. counselling therapy is required... 

You can also contact me on my private chat or directly in my clinic. We can send you the medicines by courier.
My website:

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My new girl tested for hsv2 igg. Her result was negative 8.0u/ml. Under 20 is negative. When i tested myself, my results always under 4.5. She had an oral outbreak in the moment of testing from hsv1. Could it affect her hsv2 result? . Can we safely have sex? I'm worried about that 8 number although is in negative range.

Female | 36

It is recommended that you consult a specialist to clarify these issues. There is an oral lesion from HSV-1 upcoming, so it could affect the HSV-2 test results. I will advise going to a doctor who deals with sexually transmitted diseases for an accurate image.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 25 years old and I had a habit of masterbating from 8 years i am having problems like early discharge of sperm and low tightness in penis, premature ejaculation etc now I am stopped completely doing this habit and from now can I recover from this situation.

Male | 25

Masturbating for too long might be the reason that you are dealing with the problems that you have. Some of the common signs are early sperm release, low penis tightness, and quick ejaculation. Now that you've ceased the bad habit, there is a chance for improvement. With time your body may heal and these issues could get better. 

Answered on 19th Feb '25

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I have a curved down penis and I have worries about it. Im virgin and im not sure can I have sex with it. Once I had oral sex with a woman but I think mine is curved much whem erect and maybe i have erection problem too i confused im 23 years old 1.87 cm height and 77 kg weight.

Male | 23

There can be many possibilities for the situation.. get yourself evaluated for best advice

Answered on 5th July '24

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I had sex last night, the man ejaculated very bloody semen inside me. Worried about what this could mean for me.

Female | 18

Don’t worry, call now 9410949406, website-

Answered on 20th June '24

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Quick can I improve

Male | 29

Premature ejaculation is a condition where a man releases too soon during sex. This could be because they are stressed, anxious or have certain medical conditions. Sometimes quick discharge happens for these few reasons. It can help to try relaxation techniques or speak with a therapist. If it is causing a problem, it is always good to talk about it with your doctor and get tips on managing it.

Answered on 16th Aug '24

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Hi Doctor I have a problem with errection and no hardness and I am diabetic too my wife doesn’t feel good and I am going to loose my wife so plz give an answer it could be treated or not thanks.

Male | 58

You face a challe­nge with erection difficultie­s due to diabetes. High blood sugar le­vels harm blood vessels and ne­rves. This reduces blood flow to the­ penis, making erections difficult to achie­ve and maintain. Proper diabete­s management is crucial. Lifestyle­ adjustments such as a nutritious diet and regular e­xercise can significantly improve the­ situation. Medication or therapies may also be­ viable solutions. 

Answered on 6th Aug '24

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What are the chances that I could have HIV here. I am male and had sex with a woman around a month ago. Halfway through the condom slipped off and I only noticed two minutes after. She assured me she has only slept with one other person but I am not sure if she knows the other person’s health status. I also had some of her vaginal secretions on my finger and forgot that I had yet to wash my hands after and picked my nose, which was a little crusted over because I had a bit of a bloody nose from earlier in the day. The next day she told me that she felt like she had the flu but I felt fine, but the day after that I felt a bit fatigued. The fatigue got better but did not completely wear off after three days, but by then I was on vacation so I drank alcohol for 4 days straight. After those 4 days, I fully felt like I had the flu. I did not feel like I had a fever but I was coughing heavily, my body was really achey, and l had a sore throat. This got better after 4 days, and I suspect I passed this flu onto two of my friends. I say suspect because I am not sure if these are acute symptoms vs the actual flu. The following two weeks after most of my symptoms were gone I felt better but would get random pangs of fatigue occasionally that would be gone after a couple of hours. Additionally, I may have never noticed this before but I could palpate my submandibular glands (which I am not sure if this has always been the case and I just have not noticed), but they don’t feel swollen and feel very normal. I have no swollen lymph nodes I think, but my tongue has become slightly more white than usual, and I had a tiny ulcer on it. This occurred around 2 weeks after recovering from the flu. I don’t think it’s oral thrush because I can’t wipe it off and it doesn’t hurt at all, and it sort of just looks like all my other friends’ tongues, but nonetheless I think it is a bit whiter than usual. I started scraping at my tongue with my nails here and there and could see some white residue occasionally, and I think I have some lie bumps on the tip of my tongue that developed 3 weeks after I recovered from the flu. Last thing is, I have been drinking pretty heavily during the weekends for a while. The only three symptoms I still see now is a slightly whiter than usual tongue that gets a bit better when I exercise or brush my tongue, the new lie bumps, and palpable yet not swollen submandibular glands. What are the chances these are actual acute symptoms vs me just being paranoid (I will be testing myself in the following week - have been waiting so that the test results will be accurate)

Male | 23

Considering the chance of getting HIV from having unprotected sex is important. For instance, the symptoms such as tiredness, flulike symptoms, white coated tongue as well as lie bumps which you explained could mean several things and not necessarily that someone has been infected with this virus. It’s good that you intend to go for testing; that way one can never be too sure unless they get checked for it. 

Answered on 11th June '24

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Can ureaplasma or mycoplasma be given to a woman from a man?

Male | 40

Ureaplasma and mycoplasma are microscopic bacte­ria. They pass from man to woman during intimate contact. These­ bacteria may cause symptoms in women. Pain while­ peeing, odd discharge, pe­lvic discomfort. Both partners should get teste­d. If positive, take antibiotics. 

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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I'm 30 years old male. I'm unable to retract my penile foreskin when it is erect.

Male | 30

Many times when it is borderline phimosis… Then during intercourse if you use proper lubricants like, lubic jelly, k-y jelly or any other jelly or oil etc. for both of you then many times there is no pain or tear of the foreskin and you can have painless intercourse.
But sometimes if the partner's vagina is very tight or dry then you may face problem.
So first you try the above said lubricants if your problem is not solved then you must consult a General Surgeon,

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hello mam my name is Rahul and my problems is I think every time sex sex and I will do masterbations and etc

Male | 16

HI Rahul, THINKING about sex all the time is normal. Masturbation is also normal.. Excessive masturbation can cause physical and emotional problems. Try to LIMIT it. If you're feeling OVERWHELMED, consider talking to a THERAPIST.. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi doctor, I am aged 34 years and my right testicle is paining.

Male | 34

Hello, Testicular pain is pain or discomfort that is felt in one or both testicles. The pain may originate from the testicles itself, or it may be the result of other conditions affecting the scrotum, groin. Or abdomen

Testicular pain can be an acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term) condition. The testicular pain may be constant or intermittent.

Potential causes of testicular pain are Varicocele. Hydrocele. Jerk… injury, twisting, Kidney stones, infection, hertnia, nerve damage, fluid buildup and inflammation.

Many times testicular or scrotum pain is due to... when you are in sexual arousal mood for a long period of time without any discharge… example you are reading or watching porn material or you are with your girlfriend in a common place like in garden or somewhere... and you both are in a sexual mood while talking or reading or watching a porn material but there cannot be any discharge because of the public places.... after that when you come out of that sexual arousal mood.... you will feel a tremendous pain in your scrotum... but that is a temporary one and that pain is gone once if you masturbate or you do sexual intercourse or the pain goes in a day or two on its own.

These are some steps you can take to reduce this pain.

Wear an athletic supporter or Langot or tight underwear to provide support 2 the testicles.

Use Ice packs.

You must do sonography of the scrotum and show the report to your family doctor or a

Most of the times when in the report it comes varicocele and hydrocele then the permanent solution is operation only


Answered on 23rd May '24

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