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Female | 24

Feeling unwell? What could be wrong with me?

Hello I am not feeling well

Answered on 10th Dec '24

 Things like fatigue, pain, or nausea are the usual symptoms that can come from a variety of things, including viral infections, stress, or lack of sleep. It's important to tune in to our bodies; the main things you should do are drinking enough water, eating healthy foods, and getting enough sleep. If you find that symptoms don't dissipate, it is a must to visit a professional who will do a very detailed checkup and will give you a personalized treatment plan. Be aware of your health because your well-being is the priority, and a professional can only suggest the best solution to recovery.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

Meri body mein hemoglobin bahut kam hai

Female | 37

ow hemoglobin level can indicate anemia which causes symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath. Talk to your healthcare professional

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have Fungal Infection, sore throat and fatigue

Female | 27

You may have fungal infection in your throat , that can cause your sore throat and fatigue. Consult with ENT who will be able to identify the cause the problem and give the right treatment. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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leg ulcers , swelling with holes in leg, nausea vomiting chills

Female | 18

Leg ulcers with swelling and holes in the leg along with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and chills may suggest a serious underlying condition. Immediate medical attention from a vascular surgeon, who is an expert in this field, is advised. Postponing the treatment may cause more problems and aggravate the condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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last night after having a margarita & hitting my weed pen a few times, i began feeling extremely nauseous. i went to the bathroom where the nausea worsened & my anxiety began to get bad. i started pacing back & forth & taking deep breaths to calm down. as the nausea got worse i started getting really lightheaded & felt like i had to lay down. i layed down in the bathroom & my friends said i was super pale & extremely sweaty. what happened?

Female | 20

It's possible that the ALCOHOL and weed caused nausea and dizziness.. When consumed in large amounts, both substances can cause low blood pressure, which can lead to feeling lightheaded and sweaty.. Anxiety can also cause similar symptoms.. The best course of action is to avoid excessive alcohol and any such products use and seek medical attention if symptoms persist...

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My dad has a problem which When he got fever, while ejecting injections my dad's body is critical condition Dad's body is not responding for injections Why? Is there any cute...?

Male | 40

Sometimes, when the body is very ill, it may not respond well to treatments like the injections. This can happen if the immune system is weak. So it's important to tell a doctor who can help find the cause and suggest the best way to make your dad feel better as soon as possible.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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For how long shoud i take multivitamins

Female | 43

Multivitamins can be used for some time like a fort that can meet the body's deficient nutrients. A physician or dietician appointment cannot be ignored to accurately calculate the multivitamin dosage and intake duration guided by the particular health condition. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Pait gas ka masla hy or paon kurlain boht ziada par rahi hn itni ziada hn k soya ni jaraha coutnue walk kr kr legs m pain astrd hogai hy

Female | 38

These symptoms can be a sign of an undiagnosed medical condition that might require prompt medical attention. Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist or an orthopedist, depending on your symptoms.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My mother is an asthama patient, she got mild fever and body pain so I have given her ibrufen 200 mg ,if there is any contradiction then what to do. Can I give her Montamac tablet and her Formanide pump

Female | 56

Fever and body pain can be caused by different things, and giving ibuprofen is usually a sensible thing to do. On the other, ibuprofen is not the best choice for asthma patients because it can sometimes make things worse. You can also try giving Montamac tablets for the fever and body pain as an alternative to ibuprofen. The use of her Formanide pump, which medical professionals have prescribed for her asthma, must be strictly observed. The same is true if the symptoms worsen, it is necessary to see a doctor.

Answered on 20th Aug '24

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he has a high fever from many days

Male | 6

Such fever last for more than 3 days may be a symptom of a serious disease. You are advised to see a doctor right away.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi doctor please tell me paracetamol 5bal lena se kuch hota to nhi hai

Male | 30

Paracetamol is a safe medication provided it is utilized properly. Excessive dosages might lead to liver toxicity and serious complications. The telltale signs of paracetamol overuse may include tummy pain, feeling bad and even vomiting. Following the packet information is most important and not taking more than the recommended medicine. If there has been overuse of paracetamol, urgent medical help is needed.

Answered on 25th June '24

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I have infection how can I treat it

Female | 18

Infections happe­n if harmful germs invade your body. Look for redne­ss, swelling, pain, or discharge - those are­ symptoms. Please share more details regarding your infection and what symptoms you are facing. Only then can the right kind of medication be prescribed.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My CRP is 8.94 mg/L & ESR is 7 Anything concerning?

Male | 35

It is possible that you have inflammation based on your CRP and ESR levels. But it is necessary to conduct additional testing and analysis in order to establish the reason.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My name is lalmani Paswan and I'm 23 year old i have need doctor consultation

Male | 23

The symptoms of fever, cough, tiredness or difficulty in breathing might be due to common cold or flu. You should rest, drink lots of fluids and take over-the-counter medicines like paracetamol for fever. Seek medical help if the signs get worse or do not improve after a few days. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Do I need to go to the ER if I can't find my earring in my ear?

Female | 16

No, you do not have to go to the ER only because your earring can't find in there. Most probably, the earring fell off by itself. But you need to visit an ENT physician if and when there is pain, swelling, or discharge.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I felt dizziness and suddenly my fingertips and lips turned red. I was feared by looking at my fingertips,my palm turned cold and was shivering so i doubted whether I'm dying. My bp level reached 130

Female | 18

Dizziness, red lips & fingertips, cold palm, shivering & fear BP:130. It's important to stay calm. These symptoms may indicate low oxygen. You may have hyperventilated or experienced anxiety. Sit down, breathe slowly, and sip water. If symptoms persist, seek medical help. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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