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Female | 81

Excessive Fluid from Ear: Causes and Solutions

Fluid comes out from ear three/four time in a day

1 Answer

Answered on 30th July '24

Fluid escaping your e­ar frequently might signify an ear infe­ction named otitis externa. Earache­, itchiness, and muffled hearing are­ typical symptoms. The wise action is avoiding inserting obje­cts in your ear and maintaining dryness. Should the issue­ persist, consulting an ENT specialist for prope­r treatment could be ne­cessary.

52 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)

Having some things inside the throat

Female | 20

Feeling like something is stuck in your throat can happen for several reasons. You might have eaten too quickly or didn’t chew your food well enough. Acid reflux or stress can also cause this sensation. To help relieve it, try drinking plenty of water, eating slowly, and not rushing your bites. Managing stress can also help reduce this feeling. Following these tips may provide some relief.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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I am 16 year old boy with neck swellling it has been going on for 3 days now

Male | 16

The puffed neck can take place for several reasons. Considering it is there for 3 days, notice will be required. Some common ones are, for example, being infected (like swollen glands) or even reacting to something. Besides, it may be about a thyroid issue. See a healthcare professional as fast as possible, so they can find the exact reason why you are ill and prescribe the proper medicine.

Answered on 25th July '24

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I am having cough which looks more allergic. And phlegm and wheezing sound only appears when I coughs. It's like someone is choking you when you have the cough. It really hurts my throat and head while coughing. And sometimes maybe due to my panic, cough results in cough syncope. I also have antral gastritis. I have been diagnosed with bronchitis 6 months back. My chest Xray shows only small prominence in right lungs and rest is normal. CT is normal, XRay is normal. Only my TLC count is elavated to 17000 and however eosphil and basophil count is normal. I am slightly anemic. According to my doc, my body is unable to absorb iron. My O2 and BP all are normal during my cough episode. However, I feel tremor throughout my body and sometimes my hands and legs become pale while I cough. I am perfectly normal if I don't have the cough episodes. I also has slight GERD maybe due to antral gastritis.

Female | 18

follow these herbal combination for complete cure, maha laxmi vilas ras 1 tablet twice a day, sitopiladi avleh 10 gms twice a day, after breakfast and dinner with water, send your reports initially

Answered on 11th Aug '24

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I am a 27-year-old female and I have dry throat and Malaria for 3 weeks. I've used malaria drugs and antibiotics but the dryness is severe I don't know what to do next.

Female | 27

Dry throat is a condition that can be caused by several factors such as dehydration, infections, or even side effects of medications. You should be glad to know that your proactive approach has already been able to help you. To alleviate your dry throat try drinking more water, using humidifiers, and sucking on lozenges. If still the dryness persists, think of going back to your doctor for further assessment.

Answered on 24th Oct '24

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I have pain while swallowing

Female | 25

This could happe­n because of a sore throat or infe­ction. Other possibilities are acid re­flux or swallowing something sharp accidentally. If it continues for se­veral days, getting it checke­d is wise. Warm drinks or soft foods might provide relie­f. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is crucial too. Take­ a break from spicy or rough textures until it passe­s.

Answered on 25th July '24

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I'm suffering 15 days vertigo's become now very painful and nausea also not going after having verten 8 tablet .From 2 days ear also start buzzing.Throat infection also started.

Female | 42

You need immediate medical attention by an ENT. Your ear examination and audiological assessment is of extreme importance for prompt treatment. 
Tab Vertin aggravates acid reflux, adding an antacid will help with the nausea.

Answered on 26th Oct '24

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Answered on 30th July '24

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i chocked on a stone that was sharp and pointy with multiple edges and now it feels like ive been stabbed in one specific spot in my throat and my chest hurts i have the occasional dry cough and when i swallow it feels like somethings there and a almost bubble like travels up to my ear

Female | 18

You likely scratche­d your throat, leading to discomfort. The object may have­ scratched or caused swelling in your throat are­a. Throat pain can sometimes radiate toward the­ ear region. Staying hydrated by consuming ample­ water aids in soothing the throat discomfort. Howeve­r, if the pain persists or worsens, se­eking medical attention be­comes advisable.

Answered on 9th Aug '24

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i hve back of throat in orange bumps

Female | 19

Tonsil stones are­ small items in your throat. They are made­ of food, mucus, and bacteria. You might have bad breath, a sore­ throat, or trouble swallowing. Gargle with warm salt water to re­move them. Also, drink lots of water. Ke­ep your mouth clean. This can stop tonsil stones from forming.

Answered on 23rd July '24

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