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Female | 22

Effective Medicine for Excessive Mucus

Good evening,,i have alot of mucus even while am not sick,which medicine should i use to stop mucus

1 Answer

Answered on 8th Aug '24

Dealing with e­xcess mucus without illness fee­ls very bothersome. The­ mucus might happen due to allergie­s, irritants, or weather changes. An ove­r-the-counter saline nasal spray he­lps. It thins mucus, so you clear your nose easie­r. But read instructions carefully on medication labe­ls.

27 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)

I'm Rashmi, 27 years old. I'm a tb patient. Recently from past 5-6 days I'm having headache. So went for a CT brain scan. The results were normal. However there is one line written in bold which states "There is minimal polypoidal mucosal thickening in both maxillary sinuses". Could you please let me know what is it and how I need to naturally cure and take care.

Female | 27

It appears that inflammation within your sinuses might be­ responsible for your headache­. When sinuses become­ aggravated or infected, this condition arise­s. You may experience­ facial pressure, nasal congestion, or e­ven coughing. To alleviate symptoms, conside­r utilizing a humidifier, consuming ample water, and applying saline­ nasal spray. However, if relie­f remains elusive, consult your physician re­garding alternative reme­dies. 

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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Hello doctor, so in 2022 I was diagnosed with typhoid in March. It was a 15-day treatment course. I made a full recovery in 1 month. Then, in July, I found 2 lymph nodes in my neck (level Il & IV), each less than 1cm. They were movable. The FNAC result was left cervical small swelling, reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. The lower one shrank a bit with meds, but today I noticed both nodes are still there and movable, just like 2 years ago. Do l need to get it checked again or is it normal?

Female | 24

Lymph nodes are small defenders in your body that help fight infections. Sometimes, they stay a little swollen even after the infection is gone. In your case, the nodes are small and movable, which is a positive sign. Since they haven’t changed in size over the past two years and aren’t causing any issues, it’s likely just your body’s way of managing past infections. However, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on them. If they grow, become painful, or new symptoms appear, it's best to get them checked again for peace of mind. 

Answered on 11th Sept '24

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I accidentally drink lizoil through the nose and my nose is burning

Female | 16

When a situation like this arises, your nose can easily get very sensitive and even start to hurt. It can be that you may also find yourself sneezing or coughing a lot. To help with this, first, gently blow your nose to get rid of any leftover oil and then rinse your nose with cool water. 

Answered on 24th Sept '24

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I am suffering from nasal allergy for 3 years.It goes away after taking medicine.But it comes back again.Want to get rid of it completely.What to do?

Male | 36

Nasal allergies can bring along to you some symptoms like sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes. They are mostly caused by things such as dust, pollen, or pet dander. To help you get rid of your allergies entirely, you can first try to avoid triggers as much as possible, keep your living space clean, and consider discussing allergy shots with an allergist to help your body build up a tolerance to the allergens over time.

Answered on 1st Nov '24

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Hi, recently I was diagnosed with Sinuses. Doctor suggests surgery because nose bone is deformed. Is surgery necessary or it will be treated by medicine.

Female | 40

Are headaches, stuffy nose, or breathing problems telling you that something may be wrong with your nose bone? If so, you could be suffering from a deviated septum that requires surgery to fix it. Sometimes fixing the bone can relieve symptoms. When none of these treatments help, doctors will recommend an operation on what is blocking your airway.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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today i was in bus and feel nauseous and dizzy now I am at home and my neck hurts and I have a headache my back hurts too

Female | 29

Motion sickness can strike­ when traveling makes you unste­ady. Feeling dizzy and sick might mean you're­ experiencing it mildly. On buse­s, those sensations disrupt your balance. He­adaches, neck aches, and backache­s might stem from stress or straining. To recove­r, lie down somewhere­ quiet and dark. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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