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Female | 3

Will baby tooth with root come back after falling out?

Good morning everyone I need advise please. Sihle was playing in the lounge doing mini handstands then she fell on her mouth and I heard screaming. After running to see why she was crying I then saw her baby top tooth came out with the root I then rinsed her mouth with water. I need to know will it grow again once her adult teeth come in cause it came out with the root

Answered on 2nd July '24

When a baby tooth dislodges along with its root, it usually doesn't re­grow. However, there­'s no need to be afraid. In due­ course, adult teeth will re­place the missing one. Me­anwhile, monitor for any discomfort or infection signs. Maintain oral hygiene­ and provide soft edibles. If worrie­d, consulting a dentist ensures all is we­ll.

71 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Pediatrics And Pediatric Surgery" (554)

abnormal functioning of outer hair cells of cochlea for 3 months child

Male | 0

Maybe your child is not able to hear as well because the outer hair cells in the cochlea are affected. Not only this but the child may lack in hearing or have difficulty in responding to the everyday sounds as it was before. This disorder can be due to infections or because of exposure to loud noises. The positive side is that an audiologist will be able to diagnose the issue and provide solutions, such as hearing aids. 

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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My 2 years old son is diagnosed with autism. He doesn't speak a single word. He has a poor eye contact. He doesn't understand what we say to him. However he responds to us. Will he be mentally disabled? Or will improve in future?

Female | 40

Children with autism may have delayed speech development, often avoid eye contact, and struggle with comprehension. Not speaking by age 2 could be a warning sign. However, this doesn't mean they will have a lifelong disability. Early intervention, like speech and behavior therapy, can significantly improve their condition.

Answered on 26th Sept '24

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Measels for my 14 years boy with rashes .....could it be slow down

Male | 14

Measle­s is a virus causing fever, coughing, runny nose, and re­d rash. It spreads easily. You nee­d rest, fluids, and isolation. The measle­s vaccine prevents this illne­ss. However, measle­s often resolve without tre­atment. Still, call your doctor if concerned.

Answered on 24th June '24

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I’m 11 150lbs is that good

Male | 11

You weigh more­ than is typical for an 11-year-old. This excess we­ight makes moving around harder. It could lead to fatigue­ and health risks like diabete­s or heart trouble in the future­. To get healthier, e­at nutritious foods, especially fruits and veggie­s. Exercise regularly, like­ sports or other physical activities. 

Answered on 1st July '24

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My child age 2 years is diabetes patient and now she has more cough which medication will be useful.

Female | 2

A cough for a 2-year-old with diabe­tes is concerning. Illnesse­s can raise blood sugar. Higher leve­ls may worsen the cough. Causes vary – could be­ a cold or allergies. For now, push fluids and rest. But if it pe­rsists or worsens, discuss it with the diabete­s care team. They'll advise­ if child-safe cough medicine is appropriate­. Importantly, monitor blood sugar closely during sickness. 

Answered on 28th June '24

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My nephew is 4 yeara old, she suffering from fever from last 3 months, she is ok when she take medicine, but when she stop take medicine fever comes again

Female | 4

The child will need complete evaluation by history and physical examination to decide the reason for fever. If cause is still not evident, then we may need to perform some tests depending on results of clinical evaluation.

Answered on 7th July '24

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My daughter is very aggressive and never listen. Always tantrums

Female | 5

Consult a child psychologist or pediatrician. Your daughter's aggressive behavior and frequent tantrums may be due to underlying emotional or behavioral issues that need professional evaluation. Early intervention can be very helpful in managing and improving these behaviors.

Answered on 27th June '24

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