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Male | 23

Why Do I Have Hissing in One Ear?

Hello I’ve been having some hissing in one ear

1 Answer

Answered on 23rd May '24

If you hear a hissing noise in one­ ear, you may have tinnitus. It is a condition where­ you hear sounds like ringing, buzzing, or hissing without any outside noise­ making the sound. Tinnitus can happen for a few re­asons. Very loud sounds can cause it. An ear infe­ction might too. Or if you are very stresse­d, tinnitus can start. Try to avoid loud places and sounds. Find ways to fee­l calm and relaxed. But you should also go see­ an ENT specialist. They can check your ears and he­lp figure out the best way to make­ the hissing stop.

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Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)

I’m a 22 female. One day, probably 3 days ago i started feeling my voice cracking. It felt funny, didn’t have any other symptoms, have happened to me before. In the evening i went to concert and tried that “wooh“ and couldn’t. Sounded awful. I didn’t thought anything serious, later after talking a while, it got better. Had some lozenges. Next morning i had almost no voice. Well, I thought whatever, and went to work (as a barista). Almost all of the time my colleague talked. But i had to a bit as well. As day went on it got worse n worse. Hard to swallow. Sore throat. Nothing else. Had Decatylen (pills and spray), herbal lozenges, GeloRevoice, teas, NAC, vitamin c with honey. One time it was acid, then antacid worked. But not this time. I don’t know what to do anymore

Female | 22

It sounds like you’re experiencing laryngitis, likely due to vocal strain or a mild infection. The symptoms you describe—voice changes, soreness, and difficulty swallowing—are common in these cases. To help, ensure you stay well-hydrated, rest your voice as much as possible, and consider warm saltwater gargles for the throat. If symptoms persist or worsen, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment. Prioritizing your vocal health is important, and seeking guidance can provide you with the best path forward. 

Answered on 19th Jan '25

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Hello Dr. Puri, I got an injury on my upper nose between eyes 2 weeks back, while playing badminton doubles. I am facing some hardness and swelling between right eye and nose. Request appointment with you.

Male | 51

The swelling and firmness you are having might be due to the soft tissue damage or inflammation due to the trauma. It is necessary to be cautious about these symptoms, as they might last for some weeks. To promote adequate healing and eliminate any unknown issues, I advise you to make an appointment for an extensive assessment. 

Answered on 9th Dec '24

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Suggestive of left maxillary sinusitis with right maxillary antral polyp and rhinitis

Female | 18

The symptoms indicate an inflammation of the left maxillary sinus and the presence of a polyp in the right maxillary antrum, and sinusitis symptoms such as rhinitis as well. As a result, the person may experience a stuffy nose, facial pain or pressure, and a discharging nose. In case of sinusitis nasal discharge, accompanied by facial pressure or pain sometimes by a fever, can be either due to germs or from the immune system. Nasal pips are whenever the tissues of the virtual with a nasal or similar cavity show the presence of small swellings. The treatment of disease includes some of the most common allergy medicines, antibiotics, and in some cases, surgery.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i have allready opration vocal nodle in 2019 now 2nd time vocal nodle increas in same area.why now my voice is not clear.cancer test is nagetive is it clear in medicine pl advice me

Male | 54

Vocal nodules are injuries akin to calluses on the vocal cords that can be caused by either overusing your voice or speaking improperly. The result can be a hoarse or unclear voice. Fortunately, the result of the cancer test is negative. A voice therapist, avoiding vocal strain, and the rest of the voice can help you improve your voice.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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Hello Every morning when i weakup i find some bloody mucus from post nasal,I did ct scan and ethmoid sinusitis came and now the blood is also coming everyday,Is it for this ethmoid sinusitis?

Male | 28

Yes ethmoidal sinusitis can cause streak bleeding in mucus. Please visit your nearest ENT as this needs detailed evaluation and workup. Do not ignore.

Answered on 17th June '24

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Hello. I am 21 years old male. Last night I took a tablet for tooth ache and after taking I was feeling that it is still stuck in my throat. After a hour I went to sleep with the same feeling that the tablet is stuck in my throat. I am a bit confused that while I am sleeping the tablet may have entered the windpipe instead of food pipe. Is it possible that it entered the windpipe while I am sleeping and not letting me know that it had entered the windpipe. I would be really grateful to know the answer.

Male | 21

When a tablet feels stuck in the throat, it is usually in the esophagus instead of the trachea. You would cough a lot if it got into the windpipe. Sometimes, it can be a feeling of something getting stuck in the throat because the tablet is dissolved for some time. Drinking water may assist it in its journey downward. However, if you experience difficulty breathing or acute pain, get medical treatment as soon as possible. 

Answered on 22nd Oct '24

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I am getting whistling sound in my ears since last few days is there any solution for this

Male | 23

Among the reasons, some people might suffer from tinnitus are exposure to loud sounds, blockage of the ears caused by earwax, or any changes in ear health. Such issues can be resolved by engaging in simple activities such as minimizing noise, control of stress, and cleanliness in the ears. Besides this, a healthy lifestyle, especially in food, can be of great help to the level of ear health. Nonetheless, one must get professional advice from a doctor so that a thorough evaluation can be conducted and the accurate reason be identified and given appropriate solutions. 

Answered on 24th Dec '24

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