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Female | 34

Should I consider plastic surgery for burnt palm pain?

Hi ,My name is Reena G right plam got burn during ganpati aarti from camphor I went to the dr he cut the whole burn part of my plam it took months to heal and sometime my hand hurts do you suggest any plastic surgery on the plam I'm getting married this year I need help and what will be the cost of the surgery please reply

Dr. Ashish Khare

Hair Transplant Surgeon

Answered on 8th Dec '24

I advise you to visit a certified plastic surgeon. Upon proper diagnosis and after seeing the extent of the injury, shape and size of your scar and other things, the surgeon will decide which treatment is appropriate for you and whether plastic surgery is an option for you or not. Talking about the cost, the cost varies depending on the complexity of the procedure and the type of anesthesia. 

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Questions & Answers on "Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery" (245)

I want my tummy tuck. How much it cost and is it one time procedure? My age is 37 and have loose tummy. Have had 2 kids by c-sec, and last was in 2014

Female | 37

  1. If you don't plan on losing weight further and if you don't have any plans regarding pregnancy, then in that case you are an ideal candidate for this surgery.
  2. Tummy tuck surgery isn't a weight loss procedure, it will only help in cutting out excess fat from your tummy, and so your body should be fit overall even if your tummy has excess fats which isn't responding well to your exercises.
  3. If you healed from your c-section surgery then tummy tuck shouldn't pose any problem, tummy tuck is safe after 6 to 12 months post c-section.
  4. Tummy tuck price should broadly range between 1,50,000 INR and 3,50,000 INR, but same depends on the area covered, as well as city and infrastructure of the clinic.

You can refer this page to get in touch with practitioners - Plastic Surgeons in India, or you can approach me as well.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have gynecomastia problem

Male | 23

For gynecomastia seek advice from an endocrinologist or a plastic surgeon specialists to determine the cause and get appropriate treatments.. . which may include addressing underlying issues, lifestyle changes, medication, or surgery. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How much cost for hair transplant

Male | 32

This answer is added by the technical team of ClinicSpots for testing purposes. Please dont take it into consideration.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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When can i sleep on my back after bbl?

Female | 43

After a BBL, you should not sleep face down on your back for several weeks in order to avoid pressure on the newly transplanted fat. Surgeons usually advise to sleep on your side or use a donut pillow, which minimizes the pressure against buttocks during early recovery. Follow your surgeon’s specific post-operative instructions and individual recovery progress. It is important to follow your surgeon’s advice in order for you to get the desired result with minimal risks of complications.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a receding hairline and am looking to get a hair transplant in Turkey next year. I a would like to know the aftercare that I will need to do in order for the hair transplant to be successful.

Male | 28

Why Turkey?? You can easily find a good hair transplant surgeon in India with good qualifications at affordable rates.

Answered on 25th Aug '24

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I just started taking prevention pills (mordette pills) and I want to start taking slimz cut (weight loss pills) would it be okay

Female | 18

Whenever you are mixing two different types of pills, you should be cautious. Mordette should be taken for protection and Slimz Cut for shedding off some extra pounds. It can be dangerous to use them together. There might be side effects due to the unknown interactions when pills are mixed without knowledge. It is recommended that you talk to a healthcare provider before taking any new drug.

Answered on 31st May '24

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Can i have face plastic surgery at 17years

Male | 17

The decision to undergo plastic surgery, including facial procedures, is typically based on a combination of factors, including physical maturity, psychological readiness, and medical necessity. Many plastic surgeons require patients to be at least 18 years old or have parental consent for cosmetic procedures. . It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon who can assess your particular case, discuss your concerns and goals, and provide appropriate guidance based on your unique circumstances. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi. I am 46 years old mother of 2 children aged 13 and 4yrs. In September 2021 I got liposuction and tummy tuck done. After 6 weeks of wearing the prescribed compression garments and daily massages post surgery, I started noticing big, hard eruptions on my stomach area. Some are red and some are very painful. The doctor punctured one of the eruptions to see if any fluid came out but it did not. He then ask me to use Tbac and put me on anti inflammatory medicine+ flexon. Then one day from the eruption i noticed a pus like fluid. Went to the doctor again. A pus culture was done. No bacteria found. Doctor said looks like it is a suture issue with my body not being able to get rid of the dissolvable stitches. He gave me tricort injections on the hard lumps. Now almost 3 weeks later, some are better but new large and painful ones have also formed. Please advise your thoughts on this and what you feel could be wrong. I am very worried.

Female | 46

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How to home care after mastectomy?

Female | 45

skin infections can be because of various reasons. it is advisable to consult a dermatologist 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i am 34 years old female and i want o increase my Hight via surgery is this possible?

Female | 34

Choosing to undergo surgery for the sole purpose of growing taller is indeed an option; however, it is important to note that patients who undergo this type of surgery are typically at high risk for complications and, thus, should be extra careful to make their decision. Generally, the height one reaches is significantly attributed to genetic and childhood growth factors. If you are considering this option, it is important to have a virtual appointment with a trusted and experienced healthcare professional who will inquire of you about your possible options and risks. Besides, the practice of strengthening your core muscles will result in better performance and improved quality of life. 

Answered on 27th Dec '24

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Greetings sir my daughter is four years old she was some what black with your suggestion I want her for skin whitening treatment which one is permanent for her chemical peel or Laser treatment please suggest me sir

Female | 4

Neither of these treatments is recommended for children under the age of 18. Chemical peels and laser treatments are not permanent skin whitening treatments. These treatments can help to reduce the appearance of dark spots, but they will not permanently lighten the skin.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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InVaginal surgery which is good humenoplasty or vaginal tightening

Female | 24

Both hymenoplasty and vaginal tightening are surgical procedures, but they serve different purposes and are chosen for different reasons. The choice between hymenoplasty and vaginal tightening depends on your specific goals and concerns. Have a thorough consultation with a your gynecologist or consult plastic surgeon in your area, who can assess your individual needs and provide guidance on the most appropriate procedure for you.

Answered on 3rd July '24

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Gynacomastia surgery cost how much in chennai and chennai hospital address?

Male | 29

It is almost free of cost, even surgery and all necessary investigations in Chennai govt hospital. Process is also very simple, registration, check up, investigations and finally they do surgery.

Answered on 17th July '24

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