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Male | 33 years

How can I stop catarrh from interrupting my preaching?

I am a pastor whenever I used like 30 minutes to preach catarrh will enter my throat and i will not be able to continue again until I go out and cough it, and it has been happening with me more than 15 years now, I have used different cough medicine there's no cure, what can I do,I need a drugs or any treatment that can free me from this problem so that I can be freely preaching

1 Answer

Answered on 7th Jan '25

It appears that you have a prolonged sore throat which may be due to hidden factors such as allergies, post-nasal drip, or even acid reflux. Therefore, it is possible to feel discomfort if speaking for a long time. You can reduce the symptoms by keeping your fluid intake high and by using a humidifier in the case of dry environments. Patients should also use Throat lozenges. On the other hand, since this is a recurring issue over many years, I very strongly suggest speaking with a healthcare professional. 

2 people found this helpful

Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)

I am 38 years old women.I am having soar throat initially.So I took Azithromyxin tab 500mg.That only 2 days I took.Now I am having cough and cold,fever also early morning from 2days.I am taking Augmentin 625tab,Sinerast tab,Rantac from 2days.Today I have taken Cefodixime 200mg tab along with these medicines.Whenever I had early morning fever I used to take sinarest tab.I had started periods also.I not feeling well.

Female | 38

You can take acupuncture for your current problem. pl avoid cold n sour foods,  try ayurveda  

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Right ear voice not responding

Male | Utkarsh singh

You might be having some issues with your ear if the sound coming from your right ear is not working as it should. This could be the result of a foreign object blocking the ear canal or a malfunction of the nerves in the ear. To solve this, you should consult an audiologist who is a specialist in hearing disorders. The audiologist will be able to diagnose the problem and also help you improve your hearing.

Answered on 3rd Nov '24

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Hello Dr. Puri, I got an injury on my upper nose between eyes 2 weeks back, while playing badminton doubles. I am facing some hardness and swelling between right eye and nose. Request appointment with you.

Male | 51

The swelling and firmness you are having might be due to the soft tissue damage or inflammation due to the trauma. It is necessary to be cautious about these symptoms, as they might last for some weeks. To promote adequate healing and eliminate any unknown issues, I advise you to make an appointment for an extensive assessment. 

Answered on 9th Dec '24

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I need to balance naval system

Male | 35

Pl try home remedies and acupressure for balancing naval system.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am 16 year old boy with neck swellling it has been going on for 3 days now

Male | 16

The puffed neck can take place for several reasons. Considering it is there for 3 days, notice will be required. Some common ones are, for example, being infected (like swollen glands) or even reacting to something. Besides, it may be about a thyroid issue. See a healthcare professional as fast as possible, so they can find the exact reason why you are ill and prescribe the proper medicine.

Answered on 25th July '24

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I have some undescriable thing on my ear since I was 10 years old

Female | 20

The undescriable THING on your ear could be a cyst.. Cysts can appear at any age, and they are usually benign. However, you should consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor MAY recommend removing the cyst if it grows or becomes painful.. Try not to irritate the cyst by rubbing or scratching it. Keep the area clean and dry.. Don't worry;; the cyst is likely not a serious health concern..

Answered on 23rd May '24

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i have allready opration vocal nodle in 2019 now 2nd time vocal nodle increas in same area.why now my voice is not clear.cancer test is nagetive is it clear in medicine pl advice me

Male | 54

Vocal nodules are injuries akin to calluses on the vocal cords that can be caused by either overusing your voice or speaking improperly. The result can be a hoarse or unclear voice. Fortunately, the result of the cancer test is negative. A voice therapist, avoiding vocal strain, and the rest of the voice can help you improve your voice.

Answered on 9th Sept '24

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Answered on 30th July '24

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I am having throat pain(itchy type) along with ear pain for three weeks. I have taken normal antibiotics but is not working

Male | 37

You likely have a throat infection along with ear pain. The antibiotics you refused might not have helped if it's a viral infection since antibiotics only work on bacterial infections. Throat infections can be caused by viruses like the common cold. Resting your voice, drinking warm liquids, and using throat lozenges can help. If the discomfort continues, seeing a doctor is the best choice.

Answered on 21st Aug '24

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Neck scowling ear pain fever

Female | 24

Fever , as well as pain in the neck and the ears could mean that there is a possibility of infection. It is important to consider visiting an ENT specialist who will examine the symptoms and offer the right treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Male | 35

This often hampers the airway passage because loud breathing comes out only during sleep. Main causes are anatomical differentiations, allergies, or chronic congestion. Use saline nasal sprays or allergy medications, and notice the changes in your condition. If the problem persists, you should be advised to have a check-up with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive assessment and talk about options such as nasal surgeries or other treatments.

Answered on 23rd Dec '24

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