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Female | 13

Why Do I Have Ear Pain and Swelling?

I am 13 year old girl I have pain in my ear and also swelling.

1 Answer

Answered on 18th June '24

You might have some ear pain and swelling. When your ear aches and swells, it could be an ear infection. Ear infections can occur when tiny organisms like bacteria and viruses penetrate the ear. Go to an ENT specialist and they will prescribe you medication to treat the infection and improve your health. 

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Questions & Answers on "Ent Surgery" (297)

If I have ulcers inside my throat, what should I do and which medicine should I take?

Male | 18

You might have throat ulce­rs if swallowing or talking causes pain and it feels like­ there are sore­s. These ulcers can occur due­ to infections, acid reflux, or certain me­dications. Avoiding spicy, acidic foods and drinks is crucial for healing. Gargling with warm salt water can provide re­lief. Staying hydrated and consuming soft, easy-to-swallow foods aids re­covery. However, if the­ discomfort persists, over-the-counte­r pain medication may be nece­ssary.

Answered on 25th Sept '24

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My uvula has elongated into my throat after I woke up from sleep this morning about 2hrs ago. It's making swallowing a bit unconfortable. My breathing is fine for now and it's not painful for now. I've gargled with salty warm water.

Male | 29

Concerns about an elongated uvula are understandable and can be caused by factors such as dehydration, allergies, or inflammation. Considering you are merely feeling a little weirdness while swallowing but breathing is okay, it may not be a life-threatening event. Saltwater gargling is the first step to getting relief. Alongside that, drinking water is just as important. When things get worse, or you face such a problem as shortness of breath, and increased pain, please consult an ENT specialist. 

Answered on 6th Jan '25

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today i was in bus and feel nauseous and dizzy now I am at home and my neck hurts and I have a headache my back hurts too

Female | 29

Motion sickness can strike­ when traveling makes you unste­ady. Feeling dizzy and sick might mean you're­ experiencing it mildly. On buse­s, those sensations disrupt your balance. He­adaches, neck aches, and backache­s might stem from stress or straining. To recove­r, lie down somewhere­ quiet and dark. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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My 6 year old son has complaining about something is stuck in his throat, I just checked a swollen elevation at the end of his tounge . I think it is visible like epiglottis

Male | 6.5

You should immediately contact a pediatrician or an ENT specialist to check out the symptoms of your child. Many conditions can cause swelling or pain in the throat, particularly around the epiglottis. It is essential to seek timely medical attention to prevent any complications and ensure the health of your child.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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How can I get rid from snoring and I have blood allergy with nasal blockage for past 4 years along with tiredness how can I get rid of it soon

Female | 25

Allergies are your body's reaction to a foreign particle, which the immune system recognizes as an invader resulting in nasal congestion and blocking airflow. Consequently, your sleep is disturbed and feeds into fatigue over the day. You can try a humidifier, clean your room, and avoid allergens such as dust. In cases where the techniques mentioned aren't helpful, consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist for other possible alternatives.

Answered on 30th Nov '24

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I'm Rashmi, 27 years old. I'm a tb patient. Recently from past 5-6 days I'm having headache. So went for a CT brain scan. The results were normal. However there is one line written in bold which states "There is minimal polypoidal mucosal thickening in both maxillary sinuses". Could you please let me know what is it and how I need to naturally cure and take care.

Female | 27

It appears that inflammation within your sinuses might be­ responsible for your headache­. When sinuses become­ aggravated or infected, this condition arise­s. You may experience­ facial pressure, nasal congestion, or e­ven coughing. To alleviate symptoms, conside­r utilizing a humidifier, consuming ample water, and applying saline­ nasal spray. However, if relie­f remains elusive, consult your physician re­garding alternative reme­dies. 

Answered on 27th Aug '24

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My son 12 + suffering from tonsils last ten days .... antibiotics also given to him but he is allergic with Amoxicillin, ...He treated from bl Kapoor, with pcm, attarax & avil, cepodem 200mg....He feel pain in ears because of tonsils what medicine should give.... please reply fast

Male | 12

I understand your concern about your son's adenotonsils and ear infection. The tonsils could be causing his ear pain since they are close by in the throat. To help with the pain, you can give him acetaminophen (PCM). Make sure he continues the prescribed medications, drinks plenty of fluids, gets enough rest, and eats soft, cool foods to soothe his throat. If his symptoms don’t improve or worsen, please see the doctor again for further tests.

Answered on 26th Aug '24

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Do ent specialist are available today?

Female | 39


Answered on 13th June '24

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