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Female | 23

Why do I have unexplained bruises for 3 years?

I am 23 year old female and I have bruise on my leg and arm without hitting last 3 year continuously.. I didn't eat any medicine.. so what should I do?

Answered on 25th May '24

As for bruising, it occurs if the blood vessels near the skin's surface are injured. This condition might be the result of different reasons, such as a decrease in platelets, vitamin deficits, or even a blood disorder. Insist on having a balanced diet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and iron. If the problem does not wane, it is important to seek help from a doctor for a thorough check-up.

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Questions & Answers on "General Physicians" (1304)

I felt light headness and lost consciousness for few minutes . My BP is always 110/ 60 with pulse rate of 55 with BP medicines and nitrocontin 2.6 . What should I do

Male | 86

kindly get an ECG done. Consult a Physician 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had a sex contact and took Hive test on 25th Jan. Non-reactive (Feb-2) Next test (Feb-28) and LIST test (May-02) Non-reactive - now should I test?

Male | 32

A "non-reactive" result indicates that the test did not detect HIV antibodies or antigens in your blood at the time of testing. And you have consistently received non-reactive results over a span of a few months. However, for definitive advice regarding testing intervals and your specific situation, it's essential to consult a professional who specializes in sexual health or infectious disease

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I hot bitten by a puppy 1 month and 3 weeks old in my lips, it's been 1 day ago. I just get a filly anti rabies vaccine except for the booster, and it's been just a month and I got bitten again.

Female | 21

Young pups rare­ly have rabies. But watch for redne­ss, swelling, or pain where it bit. Cle­an the area with soap and water. Put antibiotic cre­am on the bites. Kee­p them clean. If you get a fe­ver, headache, or tingling ne­ar the bites, see­ a doctor quickly. 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Hi I’ve felt sick and had stomach and back ache

Female | 16

Stomach and back pain, accompanied by sickness can have various causeslike  gastrointestinal issues, kidney problems, or muscle strain. It's important to consult a professional for an accurate diagnosis.. considering any additional symptoms and get appropriate treatment recommendations.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Why do I have severe headache and my eyeballs hurts alot when I got sad or tension?

Female | 31

These are the signs of a tension headache. These are the types of headaches that are due to muscle tension in the back of the neck and the scalp, which can be treated with relaxation methods, over-the-counter pain relievers, and stress management to relieve the pain. If the symptoms are persistent or they worsen, you should meet with the professional neurologist for further evaluation and treatment.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I have a cat and he bit me in April after that for the prevention I got Rabies vaccines 4 does, now tonight she bit me again should I take the vaccination again or not, also my cat isn't vaccinated yet

Female | 27

If your cat hasn’t had a rabies vaccine, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Rabies is a serious disease that can be spread by animal bites. It’s better to be safe and get checked out by a doctor. They will determine if you need additional shots or not. 

Answered on 24th June '24

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Why am I losing so much weight so fast

Female | 35

Rapid weight loss can be as a trigger of a certain medical condition and this has to be attended to immediately. It can be caused by diabetes, Hashimoto's disease, or some other problems. You can have a consultaation with endocrinologist to detect the cause and manage the condition.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Mujhe bhukh nhi lggti kabz Rehti hai weight gain nhi hota mein bahut jayda skinny hu

Male | 25

You may find your appetite­ low. Constipation and gaining weight can prove challenging whe­n very thin. Various causes like stre­ss, poor diet, and health issues contribute­. Improve appetite, gain we­ight: eat smaller, more fre­quent meals. Include more­ protein-rich foods, fruits, and veggies in die­t. Stay hydrated. Regular exe­rcise improves digestion and increase­s appetite. If problems pe­rsist, visit a doctor for e­valuation.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Which tablet I have to take for fever

Male | 18

If you have a fever, the best tablet is acetaminophen. Fever is when your body temperature goes up. It normally takes place during your illness. Acetaminophen is a drug that brings down your temperature and treatment of your illness. The package instructions should be strictly adhered to when the acetaminophen to be served is packaged. It is absolutely imperative that you stick to the dose of acetaminophen recommended on the label.

Answered on 3rd Dec '24

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Hy maam , Iam facing serious issue please contact with mee thanks alot

Female | 24

Life is no crystal staircase, but "stairs" rose out of hardships often from previously denied histories. A wide range of health problems can come up such as headache, weakness, or discomfort which can be due to stress, bad sleep, or deficiency of one kind of nutrient or other. The essential thing is to address them using maintaining a suitable diet regime, consuming enough water, and practicing physical activities regularly. It, however, should not only be the only thing you know about the health condition and its treatment; you should also tell your family doctor frankly what you are going through for your doctor to be able to assess your situation accurately and to offer the best advice.

Answered on 19th Dec '24

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I have taken extra tetanus dose within 5 years of the 16 years tt booster dose. Is there any problem if i take tetanus twice?

Female | 18

Getting an e­xtra tetanus shot within 5 years of your last one isn't se­rious. Extra doses don't harm you, though injection sites may ge­t sore or red, with mild feve­r. Side effects re­solve alone. No nee­d for concern; your body handles it fine. Ne­xt time, be mindful of due date­s to avoid confusion.

Answered on 25th July '24

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I have some symptoms related to acid reflux like stomach burning, vomiting sensation, throat pain..what can I do to cure this??

Female | 20

Acupuncture helps in digestion 
pl take few sessions 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I just have a general health question

Male | 27

Every patient is different, everyone reacts in different ways to situation. If you have any health issue consult physician & clear your doubts .

Answered on 10th July '24

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Feroglobin b12 and daflon 500 gm is used to treat what sickness

Female | 34

Feroglobin B12 is a medication applicable in iron and vitamin B12 deficiency treatment. Daflon 500mg treats venous disorders such as chronic venous insufficiency, hemorrhoid, and varicose veins. You should see a doctor concerning the taking of any medicine and then should meet the relevant specialist depending on the case.

Answered on 23rd May '24

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I am manjula i have thakavali for 15 years i have take scan but they told that nothing migrane but daily i have headache so i take pain cleaner in medical shop without prescription

Female | 38

Migraine can be corrected with acupuncture treatment
take care 

Answered on 23rd May '24

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Answered on 23rd May '24

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I had runny nose , little fever , throat pain , headache and fatigue from 2 days then I took cetrizine and Augmentin 625 one tab each . Next morning I still have headache and nose is not runny anymore , is this right medicine or can u tell me what do I have and what medicine i should take

Female | 23

You might have a mild and harmless influenza if you experience these symptoms. A runny nose and sore throat are probably due to a virus. Augmentin is an antibiotic that fights bacteria but may be unnecessary if the main issue is a viral infection. Cetirizine can relieve allergy symptoms, though it doesn't address the cause. Drinking plenty of water, resting, and using acetaminophen for headaches are great approaches. If symptoms persist, it is best to see a doctor.

Answered on 23rd July '24

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